Centravis aumentou a produção de tubos de aço inoxidável em 12% a/a em 2023

Centravis increases stainless steel pipe production by 12% y/y in 2023

Average production utilization last year was 60-70% of the pre-war level

Centravis, one of the largest European suppliers of stainless steel pipes, increased production of tubular products by 12% year on year – to 12.2 thousand tons in 2023. The company's average capacity utilization last year was 60- 70% of the pre-war level.

Yuriy Atanasov CEO of Centravis spoke about this during an online meeting with journalists.

In 2023, the company increased its shipments by 7% compared to the previous year – to 12.3 thousand tons.

“Almost all products were shipped for export. In total, the company exported seamless stainless steel pipes to 38 countries in 2023. The biggest demand came from the EU and EU countries, with the US market in second place, followed by the Asian and Middle Eastern markets. Most of all, they were sent to Germany, Italy, USA. Centravis also fulfilled orders from companies from Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Oman, UAE and others,” noted Yuriy Atanasov.

The company's main production facilities are located in Nikopol, which is shelled almost daily by Russian troops. Also in early 2023, Centravis opened a production facility in Uzhgorod, specializing in the production of tool tubes for the automotive industry. Initial investments in this production amounted to 2 million euros. Two rolling mills have already been installed at the plant. In 2024, the expansion and construction of a second stage is planned. In total, in 2023 the company invested more than 4 million euros in the modernization and development of production facilities.

In 2022, Centravis reduced production of seamless stainless steel tubes by 43.8% – to 10.9 thousand tons. The company's export shipments during this period decreased in physical terms by 33% year-on-year – to 11.6 thousand tons, in financial terms – by 9% year-on-year, to 125.8 million euros.

As previously reported by Compraço, in January-September 2023, companies from the Ukrtruboprom association increased pipe production by 5.1% compared to the same period in 2022 – up to 376.1 thousand tons.

Furthermore, in 2023, Ukrainian pipe companies reduced exports by 11.8% compared to 2022 – up to 356.3 thousand tons. Revenue from pipe exports for the year decreased by 15% year on year – to US$587.1 million.

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