Substitua o rolamento de esferas da máquina de lavar

Replace washing machine ball bearing

replace washing machine bearing

Ball bearings inside washing machines are of fundamental importance as they allow perfectly spherical rotations without danger of translation and therefore it is essential that they are not damaged.

If the drum and therefore the entire washing machine start to make noise, then this is a very clear sign: it is advisable to intervene to replace the ball bearings.

We understand that the bearings are starting to break when we turn the basket by hand, giving it a strong blow, clearly without load, we hear a metallic noise. Normally the basket should operate without any noise or at most light breathing.

When bearings break, the cause can be attributed to the fact that water has entered one or the other or both, usually this happens from the internal part, where the oil seal has broken allowing it to pass through. Consequently, it begins to rust and it is evident that all the metal balls inside the bearing no longer allow rotation until they block it or break, rotating poorly and deflecting the basket from the axis.

There are precisely two bearings inside the washing machine, one located on the inside of the tub and the other on the outside, and through them passes the cross pin fixed to the drum. There are two bearings to give the basket stability and stability . The pin that passes through them comes out of the tank and the pulley is attached to its end, which is then connected to the engine via the belt and allows the basket to rotate.

Remembering that HERE you will find all types of universal bearings for washing machines, we recommend this excellent video tutorial that explains how to disassemble the washing machine and replace the internal ball bearings:

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