Rolamentos de esferas para automóveis: o que são e para que servem

Ball bearings for automobiles: what they are and what they are for

car ball bearings

Ball bearings are useful components for reducing friction between some mechanical parts of the vehicle. Present within the car's suspension are generally located on the wheel hub and the brake drum/disc, with the aim of making vehicle movement easier and safer.

But why is it important to make sure that your car wheel bearings are in good health? And how do you know they need a replacement?

How car ball bearings work

As we know, the main function of the car's wheel bearings is to reduce the mechanical friction of the constant velocity joint, which rotates inside the stub axle, ensuring the correct transmission of the rotary movement to the wheels from the semi-axles even during the phases steering.

Normally, ball bearings inserted inside the spindles are made up of several rows of balls placed in parallel and are coated with special grease. This is why it is very important to always choose quality car bearings and wheel hub replacement kits, with the right size and features.

How to understand that car bearings need to be changed

substituir rolamento do carro But when is it necessary to replace bearings ? Without prejudice to the fact that a punctual response can only be given by your most trusted mechanic, a very useful method to be able to notice the deterioration of wheel ball bearings is the perception of a slight hum that is felt when making a turn or while the vehicle gains speed. If you have the opportunity, it can also be useful to lift a wheel and turn it quickly by hand: if you hear a noise while rolling, with simultaneous vibration in the mudguard, it is very likely that the bearing is damaged.

In any case, in more modern vehicles it is necessary to carry out a check of the suspension system and intervene in the eventual replacement of the ball bearings, this is indicated by the warning lights on the dashboard in relation to the ABS function – of which the bearings themselves represent an element. fundamental – considering its good support for the use of the CV joint and, therefore, for the correct transmission of movement to the wheels.

What to do if your car bearings make noise

If you notice that your car's bearings are making an unusual noise, what we suggest is taking your car to a good mechanic and having them replaced. The operation of replacing old car bearings and introducing new ones is an intervention that is carried out in a short space of time using special disassembly and assembly systems, and can therefore be planned without any particular inconveniences.

Concluding this brief in-depth analysis, please note that it is not possible to perform any preventive maintenance on bearings, nor is it possible to accurately estimate how often ball bearings will be replaced. In fact, its structure has a very variable resistance and is influenced by a long series of factors, not always attributable to the driver's responsibility: let us think, for example, of the greater frequency of replacement that is usually felt in coastal areas, with salt which, mixed with the grease that covers the bearings, reduces the useful life of this important component.

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