Rolamentos de esferas, é hora de trocá-los no seu carro

Ball bearings, it's time to change them in your car

worn car bearings

As you know, wheel ball bearings are components particularly subject to wear and tear and as soon as their effectiveness deteriorates they must be replaced, so as not to jeopardize the safety of the entire vehicle. But when is it time to replace them? And when will they still be able to remain inside the circle?

How to tell if a bearing is worn

Without prejudice to the fact that the analysis of the need to replace a ball bearing can only be carried out with reference to the specific case, we can certainly remember that bearings are not exactly the element that facilitates the control and maintenance of your wheel.

However, we can also remember that the above does not equate to a difficulty in handling the element, as an attentive ear will notice the “anomalous” noises coming from the wheels when traveling at 80-100 km/h: this is the main sign that should prompt you to change the bearings.

When you have these suspicions, it is advisable to look for a good and trustworthy mechanic to reach an “official” diagnosis. To understand if the bearings are worn, the mechanic will lift the wheel and turn it quickly with one hand: if you hear a rolling noise and vibrations that extend to the fender, this is confirmation that the bearing should probably be replaced. , as it is damaged.

How to Replace Ball Bearings

When you can understand that ball bearings need to be replaced, in Bearings and Components you will certainly find all the best replacement elements: a quick search in our catalog will be enough to identify the model suitable for your needs.

To replace the bearings, you must proceed with special care: if you are not an expert, simply take the car to a workshop, where specialized personnel, with the help of a press, will be able to easily remove the component and insert the block back into the spindle bearings.

Finally, keep in mind that the replacement of these elements will never occur within the same mileage and that longevity will depend on a series of factors that are not always easy to manage: therefore, if in some cases ball bearings can remain for even 150 thousand kilometers, in other cases they are likely to run out of effectiveness much sooner. In general, ball bearings present in the wheels of cars that travel more frequently in rainy or salty areas can often have a shorter average life than bearings that “live” in areas not characterized by these characteristics.

In any case, to find out more, we naturally invite you to contact our team of consultants using the contact details at the bottom of the page: we will be happy to provide you with any information on identifying suitable bearings for your your vehicle, and any clarification about its characteristics.

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