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What is clearance in ball bearings?

play with ball bearings

In our previous article we mentioned how ball bearings are useful components to reduce friction between some mechanical parts: their presence becomes of great importance to guarantee a safer and more coherent movement of the system, and their correct action is therefore , a guarantee of efficiency and effectiveness for the movement of the vehicle or device in which they are inserted.

Let's now take a small step in discussing the main topics related to the world of bearings, asking ourselves what bearing clearance means and why it is important to gain due confidence in this concept that, on a recurring basis, is possible to find in our most recent readings. or less technical.

Internal clearance of ball bearings

To provide a precise definition of the above, let's start by remembering that internal clearance of a bearing means the displacement of one ring relative to another in the radial or axial direction (we will speak of radial internal clearance or axial internal clearance respectively).

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Having clarified what was said in the introduction, it is also important – to try to understand how the internal play of bearings can work – to highlight how it is customary to distinguish two different forms of “play”: the initial internal form is the internal one in operation . As you can imagine, the first will refer to the clearance in the bearing before assembly, while the second form will refer to bearings in operation, which have already reached a stable temperature.

Internal clearance values ​​in operation

As a rule, the initial internal clearance in the bearings is greater than the internal clearance in operation: the reasons can be several, but mainly due to interfering fits in the shaft or housing, together with the effect of thermal expansion of the bearing rings on the one one hand, and the coupling components on the other.

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At this point it is also useful to highlight how the operating internal clearance in a bearing can be determined by several elements with which, unless you have sufficient practical familiarity, you are unlikely to have adequate awareness. For example, it is possible that the operating clearance in a bearing can be significantly influenced by the preload class, the actual couplings of the bearing in the tapered seat, the consequences of some form errors, or even the dimensional variations that are associated to them. caused by operating temperature (perhaps attributable to device startup or seasonal factors).

To find out more, we naturally recommend that you contact your trusted technician and share with him all aspects relating to the correct use of the internal clearance of ball bearings. We also remind you that within Bearings and Components you will find a wide catalog of bearings from the best brands and the usual courtesy of a team ready to respond to any request for information, with pre- and post-sales technical assistance with guaranteed reliability and satisfaction.

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