
4 expert tips for reducing costs on MEP systems...

Introduction Mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) systems are the backbone of any building’s infrastructure. MEP's effective design not only ensures occupant comfort and safety...

4 expert tips for reducing costs on MEP systems...

Introduction Mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) systems are the backbone of any building’s infrastructure. MEP's effective design not only ensures occupant comfort and safety...

Por que a precisão é importante na estimativa de custos de construção

Why Accuracy Matters in Construction Cost Estim...

Construction projects are very different from products manufactured on assembly lines: each building is unique, and this applies even to groups of buildings that appear similar externally...

Why Accuracy Matters in Construction Cost Estim...

Construction projects are very different from products manufactured on assembly lines: each building is unique, and this applies even to groups of buildings that appear similar externally...

Building system design: how layout optimization...

Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems represent a large fraction of building development costs. However, smart design decisions can make these installations more...

Building system design: how layout optimization...

Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems represent a large fraction of building development costs. However, smart design decisions can make these installations more...

Erros comuns para evitar o desperdício de capital dos proprietários de edifícios

Common mistakes to avoid wasting building owner...

The cost of developing and managing a building is high, especially in places like New York City. However, there are many ways homeowners can avoid spending a lot...

Common mistakes to avoid wasting building owner...

The cost of developing and managing a building is high, especially in places like New York City. However, there are many ways homeowners can avoid spending a lot...

How can an MEP engineering consultant help your...

MEP stands for mechanical, electrical and hydraulic engineering, and it is the professionals in these technical disciplines who design the systems that make building interiors suitable for living beings...

How can an MEP engineering consultant help your...

MEP stands for mechanical, electrical and hydraulic engineering, and it is the professionals in these technical disciplines who design the systems that make building interiors suitable for living beings...

Excesso de engenharia: quais são os efeitos negativos?

Over-engineering: what are the negative effects?

The idea that more is better does not always apply to engineering. For example, maximizing energy savings is always beneficial because it reduces the building's operating costs; on the other...

Over-engineering: what are the negative effects?

The idea that more is better does not always apply to engineering. For example, maximizing energy savings is always beneficial because it reduces the building's operating costs; on the other...