Contech: promising solutions for the construction industry

Modern information technologies and advanced software are changing every field of business and the construction sector is no exception. Just as the term “fintech” is used in the financial sector, “contech” is used to describe technology for the construction industry. Contech can make the construction process more efficient, with less waste and safer for everyone involved.

  • According to Construction Dive, annual investment in technology companies increased from $352 million in 2016 to $6 billion in 2018.
  • Ernst & Young predicts that some technology solutions will become industries valued at more than $100 billion annually by 2025.

The construction sector is being disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak in 2020. However, contech offers solutions to keep critical projects moving during the emergency and to reactivate suspended projects after the outbreak. Like any business transformation, contech will take time to be adopted in the construction industry. However, technologies that contribute to social distancing will be in high demand during the COVID-19 outbreak and its aftermath.

Design and manage your construction project more efficiently with the latest engineering technology.

This article will provide an overview of some key technologies with promising applications in the construction industry.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

augmented reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are sometimes confused, but there are important differences between them. VR refers to 100% virtual environments that can be “visited” with a helmet, creating a simulation of reality. On the other hand, AR combines reality and VR: data and virtual components are overlaid on the field of view when visiting a construction site or existing building.

In the construction industry, the main value of VR and AR is in providing information more effectively. Instead of meeting to discuss plans and specifications, owners and construction professionals can view a virtual model of the project. By visiting the site, they can see how pending work fits into completed work. Tradespeople and maintenance personnel can also use AR to view mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations more clearly.

Usable technology

wearable technology

Construction work can be risky, even when strict safety guidelines are implemented. However, wearable technology can help reduce accidents while ensuring a quick response should they happen. Project site personnel can receive wearable devices that detect environmental hazards while sending automatic alerts in the event of an accident.

Fall detection is a promising application of wearable technology. Construction workers can wear a sensor that detects sudden changes in vertical position. This sensor will not activate when descending a staircase as the movement is slow, but it will detect a fall because the movement is fast.

With the coronavirus outbreak, infection is added to the list of project risks. Wearable technology can also be used to enforce social distancing on critical projects that must continue during the outbreak. If everyone in the room wears sensors that detect proximity, social distancing will be easier to track. The device can also provide automatic notifications to users when they are working too close to each other.

BIM and digital twins


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the evolution of conventional 2D plans and specifications. The building and its components are modeled in 3D, adding detailed information such as physical properties and cost. BIM can also include time-based information such as delivery and installation schedules, operational data such as energy consumption, and maintenance data such as component wear.

BIM is associated with 3D construction models, but this is only a small part of BIM. There are now complex models that use up to 7 dimensions, according to EY:

  • Three spatial dimensions – length, width and height (3D)
  • Scheduling and construction times (4D)
  • Cost Estimation and Tracking (5D)
  • Sustainability information (6D)
  • Operations and maintenance information (7D)

With modern design and simulation software, it is possible to create a digital twin of a building. A digital twin is much more complex than a 3D model – it is an identical replica of the building in a virtual environment, which is constantly updated with real-time data. The digital twin includes technical and financial information while enabling simulations and predictions.

Digital twins can be used to optimize a building's design and manage the construction process more efficiently. Once the building is complete, a digital twin can be used by the maintenance department to track the condition of equipment and components. When planning building renovations or equipment upgrades, a digital twin can be used to simulate many options before spending capital on one of them.

Data Collection: Drones, Laser Scanning and Sensor Networks

drone survey

Contech brings promising innovations to the construction sector, but many of them require large amounts of information. For this reason, data collection solutions are an important part of contech – some examples are drones, laser scanning and sensor networks.

Laser scanning is very useful in collecting information about an existing installation. This is not a problem in new construction, as the information is created by architects and engineers during the design phase. However, when modeling an existing building, engineers must first gather all kinds of information – dimensions, material properties, component specifications, etc.

  • This process can take weeks in a large facility, but laser scanning makes it much faster.
  • Instead of manually measuring the dimensions of every building component, engineers can simply configure the scanner to scan the facility by area.
  • The geometric model of the facility is produced semi-automatically and engineers can focus on adding specifications and properties that cannot be digitized.

Drones have promising applications in areas such as surveying, project supervision and security management. They can even transport small tools and materials to construction sites. Drones can observe construction work from vantage points inaccessible to humans, and supervisors fly a drone instead of walking into dangerous areas.

During health emergencies like the COVID-19 outbreak, drones can also be used for social distancing. Personal interaction at project sites is reduced when drones are used for observation and supervision.

Sensor networks can be used in existing buildings to collect real-time data about equipment and components. For example, if building operations and maintenance are managed with a digital twin, a network of sensors can keep the twin up to date. Sensors can also detect problems in construction areas that are difficult to access for visual inspections.

Construction robots

construction robot

When the concept of construction automation is mentioned, we may think of robot workers. However, a smarter approach is to add artificial intelligence and automatic controls to existing tools and equipment.

Automation can perform simple tasks that produce repetitive strain injuries (RSI) in construction workers. It can also be used for tasks that involve risks such as high temperature or voltage, such as arc welding. Instead of replacing human workers, automation can be used to increase your productivity while improving safety.

3D printing

3D printing

According to Ernst & Young, 3D printing will experience the greatest growth among contech solutions in the coming years. By 2025, 3D printing is expected to grow by more than 240%, becoming a $500 million industry.

The value of 3D printing comes from creating building elements and system components locally, rather than relying on material supply chains and scheduled deliveries. This is especially useful if urgent work needs to be completed and an important component is missing – it can simply be 3D printed instead of relying on suppliers.

The use of 3D printing may be limited if a component uses rare materials or a complex manufacturing process. However, when this is not the case, 3D printing is a quick and effective solution for producing components locally.


Contech can make the construction process much more efficient while creating safer working conditions. There are many emerging technologies in the construction sector and some could become multi-billion dollar industries in less than a decade. Architects, engineers and contractors who adopt these technologies early will gain a major competitive advantage.

In the short term, contech solutions can help construction companies during the coronavirus outbreak. Technologies that improve collaboration while reducing in-person interaction can be used to keep urgent projects moving forward and to revive suspended projects when possible.

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