Silo Construction 101: 5 Things to Know

As the applications of silos expand, so does the need to customize them to meet the specific intended use. If you want to build a silo, the important thing is to make sure your contractor has enough track record to back up his word because you don't want anything to go wrong.

You can search for silo builders near you and check their profiles. Although it will take some time, it is not very difficult to do. Established services like Borton Silo Construction may be a good place to start.

Before you actually start your silo construction project, here are some things you need to know about silo construction before building one of your own.

1. What are the general construction rules?

A silo is a steel box with sloped interior walls that are covered with insulating material to keep stored materials as cool as possible during hot days. But it is important to avoid the entry of humid air into the silos so that they have adequate ventilation openings for the entry and exit of gases.

They have an open bottom where the grains or other materials collected by gravity enter, which allows filling without involving a lot of manual work in this task. The opening is adjustable in height, it is normally placed at knee height, but can be adjusted depending on your physical capabilities. You can also raise it to waist height if that suits you better.

There are different types of silos used to store quantities of cereals or free-flowing or non-free-flowing materials. A free-flow silo is used to store grain that flows freely through the bottom opening by filling it with harvested grain.

For solid bulk materials such as wood chips, bark mulch, fabrics, etc. You will want to build a silo with a discharge auger inside or simply use a swing chute system for this type of material so you can fill the silos more easily and safely.

Some tips include:

  • Separate pneumatic system for clean grain -There must be an air chamber or pneumatic system that can separate the grain receiving channel where you fill the silo with fresh grain from the channel where you store it for later use. This will allow you to separate the clean, unmixed, but already stored grain from the newly received grain, so that only the clean grain is stored in the silo again. You don't want any external dirt or other foreign substances getting into your silos, as they can harm the quality of the grain if it becomes damp and moldy, which is very common during the rainy seasons.
  • An airtight roof to prevent mold deterioration – The best way to prevent moisture from entering, dampening or spoiling stored grain, is by applying an airtight roof. With each new batch of grain that arrives, you must use an approved fire-resistant dry powder that can be sprinkled over the grain as a safety precaution.
  • The best way to connect internal silo supports – You can connect internal silo supports in several ways depending on how strong or heavy your construction is, because when building heavy, sturdy, rigid and strong grain silos with steel beams, you should use a combination of different types of connections that are screwing/clipping or welding to strengthen each joint connection. By doing so, you will create a robust yet flexible mounting system that allows for easy maneuverability during construction work. You should always keep in mind that every time you insert another beam through the center of the bracket, you will need more than one connection point at each end for mounting purposes.

There are more tips on how to build the ideal grain silo, dig as deep as you need depending on the intended application of the silo.

2. Beyond the basic build, what are some of the best customization tips?

One way to customize the silo you've built is to place 2-foot-wide sheets of metal along both sides of the structure's lower base, where it rests motionless on the ground. This will help reinforce its stability and give it a more robust appearance. Another thing you can do to avoid wasting space is to hang a ladder on one side of the roof so that people can get up and down easily without having to take many steps to get where they want to go.

Technically, you can customize your silo to your personal specifications, all you need is to discuss these specifications with your contractor or engineer responsible for your project.

3. When should you consider repairing your silo?

Repairing a silo is quite expensive, so if there is no apparent surface damage, you may want to think about applying a coat of exterior paint to your silos. This will prevent the appearance of rust stains and damage to the steel reinforcement, which could cause defects in the structure. If you have any obvious defects on the exterior or interior of your silo, it is best to contact professionals immediately to apply reliefs for these defects.

4. What are the common mistakes when building a grain silo?

Most mistakes that can happen during the construction process stem from a lack of knowledge about what is required for safe and proper storage conditions, which leads to storage risks such as humid indoor air, flooding, etc. water the grain silos properly, just contact some professionals who will guide you through the proper construction process.

5. Where should I build my grain silo?

It all depends on your preferences and capabilities, as well as the climatic conditions that may influence the construction site (risk of flooding, frost, etc.). If possible, you should try to find a nice, calm location with adequate drainage and easy access by road transport. Also, be aware of industrial noise pollution because no one wants industrial noise infiltrating their environment!

In general, however, most countries have specific regulations regarding proximity to the road, houses, etc. a grain silo should be built, it's best to check them all out before you decide to build your facility or even buy some used silos!


These are some. things you should know about silos and their construction. If you want to build a grain store, it's good to be well informed before making any final decisions. Take the time to educate yourself about all aspects of any investment like this, including any new innovations associated with it, and ask for help if necessary! Remember, prevention is better than cure! Do your research before deciding which type or brand of wet or dry grain storage bins will best suit your needs!

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