Como a realidade aumentada pode melhorar o gerenciamento de instalações

How Augmented Reality Can Improve Facilities Management

A building's performance is strongly determined by the design and construction process. However, high performance can only be sustained with effective facility management. Equipment and components wear out over time, while sensors and controls can become misconfigured. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems last longer with proper use and regular maintenance.

When detailed technical information is available, buildings can be managed more easily. For example, maintenance is simpler when the exact location of components is known. Modifications and additions also become easier when the current state of building systems is well documented.

Augmented reality (AR) can be a powerful tool for facilities management. Using the helmet, important information can be overlaid on the field of view during an inspection. This simplifies maintenance tasks and modifications to the building system, while making work safer.

Use the latest engineering technologies in your construction project.

Simplifying work with augmented reality

One promising application of AR is adding visual cues to mechanical equipment, electrical installations, and other systems. MEP engineers work with many physical processes that do not produce visible signals, such as heat transfer and electrical current.

  • With human vision alone, there is no way to observe the temperatures of the components and the current carried by the conductors. However, the AR helmet can display these values.
  • AR can also identify the components involved in a specific maintenance task, reducing the chance of human error. This is especially useful when working in cluttered spaces such as mechanical and electrical rooms.
  • Another advantage of AR is not having to carry technical documents, as the helmet can display the necessary information. This also frees both hands for the corresponding task and technicians can concentrate better.
  • AR can display components that are hidden behind equipment or ceilings, and also components that are embedded in walls and floors.


An AR system must have access to up-to-date information to be useful, otherwise it can cause confusion. Building Information Modeling (BIM) can be used to create a real-time model of the building, also called a digital twin. Strategically placed sensors can track building conditions, and the model can also be updated with data collected during inspections and maintenance.

BIM is also useful in maintenance planning as the task can be reviewed in a computer model before visiting the actual site. Technical personnel arrive with clear instructions and also a powerful tool to identify the components involved.

Improving security with augmented reality

Augmented reality doesn't just simplify work. As the AR helmet improves information collected by human senses, it also improves awareness of surrounding hazards. For example, workers are less likely to touch a high-voltage component when a clear warning is shown on a heads-up display (HUD). The same applies to hot surfaces, which can also be marked with visual signs.

AR can be used to indicate hazards of all types, such as high-speed machinery and areas where there is a risk of falling from a height. Maintenance departments become very familiar with facilities, but hazards are easily overlooked when a task requires concentration.

Facilities managers can benefit greatly from new technologies such as augmented reality. Maintenance tasks and system modifications can be completed more efficiently while helping to protect workers. In a nutshell, AR can help you complete the task at hand while also warning you about dangers around you.

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