Technology and Development

Por que sua empresa precisa de uma plataforma de RH

Why your company needs an HR platform

A good human resources management platform can help your medium to large company run more smoothly.

Why your company needs an HR platform

A good human resources management platform can help your medium to large company run more smoothly.

O que é um produto mínimo viável?

What is a minimum viable product?

Discover the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach: launch faster, get feedback, and refine. Understand why MVPs are essential for startups to validate concepts and captivate first...

What is a minimum viable product?

Discover the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach: launch faster, get feedback, and refine. Understand why MVPs are essential for startups to validate concepts and captivate first...

O que é gerenciamento de identidade de máquina?

What is Machine Identity Management?

Anyone trying to strengthen their cybersecurity efforts should definitely take a look at this robust approach.

What is Machine Identity Management?

Anyone trying to strengthen their cybersecurity efforts should definitely take a look at this robust approach.

A importância do design centrado no ser humano no desenvolvimento de software

The importance of human-centered design in soft...

Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a lovely-sounding buzzword, but what does it really mean and how should it impact your software development activities?


The importance of human-centered design in soft...

Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a lovely-sounding buzzword, but what does it really mean and how should it impact your software development activities?

Trabalhando remotamente: a importância do trabalho assíncrono

Working remotely: the importance of asynchronou...

Software developer Julio Ojeda talks about the importance of asynchronous work and shares personal recommendations for successfully adopting asynchronous work dynamics.

Working remotely: the importance of asynchronou...

Software developer Julio Ojeda talks about the importance of asynchronous work and shares personal recommendations for successfully adopting asynchronous work dynamics.

Sua empresa precisa de uma auditoria tecnológica?

Does your company need a technology audit?

Is a technology audit right for your business? Dive into its importance, from identifying outdated systems, optimizing processes, to protecting against security threats...

Does your company need a technology audit?

Is a technology audit right for your business? Dive into its importance, from identifying outdated systems, optimizing processes, to protecting against security threats...