Preferências tecnológicas de uma força de trabalho multigeracional

Technology Preferences of a Multigenerational Workforce

To make decisions that will benefit the business and everyone who works in it, leaders must balance diverse technology needs with the overall needs of the company.

Imagem em destaque

Don't assume. Create personas. Give people options. Offer training. Create a plan and monitor progress. Expand compassion. You can offer understanding, ask people for their opinions, and give them options, but in the end, some people just won't like some of the decisions you make. At this point, all you can do is offer compassion and let them know that you will keep their challenges in mind when it comes time to make future decisions.

Technology can unite generations

While there may be differences in technological preferences between generations, technology can also unite them as it can be used to help everyone achieve mutual goals. Additionally, all of the generations we discussed share many attitudes toward technology.

For example, they are all concerned about staying on top of technological trends and using the tools they have to the best of their ability, having options and being able to work from anywhere and connect effectively with others. Because of these similarities, leaders must be careful not to rely on generational stereotypes, such as Millennials' addiction to social media or Baby Boomers' ineptitude with technology in general.

On the contrary, differences in each generation's attitudes towards technology should be used as a learning opportunity. Understanding these preferences can help create the best technology environment for all employees.

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