Technology and Development

Verificação vs validação: as diferenças, ferramentas e benefícios

Verification vs validation: the differences, to...

Delve deeper into the distinctions between verification and validation in software testing processes.

Verification vs validation: the differences, to...

Delve deeper into the distinctions between verification and validation in software testing processes.

A nova série de desafios de talentos: como evitar que trabalhadores remotos tenham baixo desempenho

The New Talent Challenge Series: How to Prevent...

An inadequate implementation of remote work can negatively impact your productivity. Here are three ways to prevent this from happening.

The New Talent Challenge Series: How to Prevent...

An inadequate implementation of remote work can negatively impact your productivity. Here are three ways to prevent this from happening.

Teste de penetração e verificação de vulnerabilidades: essenciais para sua estratégia de crime cibernético

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning:...

Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning are critical measures to keep your systems safe from the prying eyes of hackers.

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning:...

Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning are critical measures to keep your systems safe from the prying eyes of hackers.

Teste de sanidade: mantendo a lógica do software intacta

Sanity Testing: Keeping Software Logic Intact

Explore the role of integrity testing in verifying the rationality and logic of newly deployed software changes.

Sanity Testing: Keeping Software Logic Intact

Explore the role of integrity testing in verifying the rationality and logic of newly deployed software changes.

Traga os robôs!  Como o RPA pode lidar com tarefas mundanas

Bring on the robots! How RPA can handle mundane...

Robotic process automation (RPA) can help automate increasingly complex tasks. This can free up your employees' time for higher-value activities, if you understand...

Bring on the robots! How RPA can handle mundane...

Robotic process automation (RPA) can help automate increasingly complex tasks. This can free up your employees' time for higher-value activities, if you understand...

Integrando DevOps: Transformando o Paradigma de Teste

Integrating DevOps: Transforming the Testing Pa...

Discover how DevOps accelerates and elevates the testing process in modern software deployment.

Integrating DevOps: Transforming the Testing Pa...

Discover how DevOps accelerates and elevates the testing process in modern software deployment.