Verificação vs validação: as diferenças, ferramentas e benefícios

Verification vs validation: the differences, tools and benefits

Delve deeper into the distinctions between verification and validation in software testing processes.

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Software testing refers to the systematic process of evaluating a software application to ensure that it meets specified requirements and functions correctly.

The process involves running the software under controlled conditions and observing its behavior to identify possible defects or discrepancies. The goal is to ensure (and even improve) reliability, performance and user satisfaction, while reducing risks and costs.

Software testing techniques include verification and validation. Both are essential components of the testing process, contributing to the overall quality and success of the software.

What is verification testing?

In the context of software testing, verification testing ensures that the software meets its requirements and follows predetermined standards.

The check asks, was this software designed and developed in accordance with the specified requirements?

The verification component of the software testing process involves examining the software to identify any inconsistencies or deviations from requirements. This process typically follows the entire development lifestyle to ensure that each phase of development is aligned with the initial software plans. This way, the final product meets the customer's needs and expectations.

What is validation testing?

Validation tests evaluate whether the software meets these needs and expectations. The main objective is to confirm that the product works as it should. Validation testing evaluates software from the end user's perspective to ensure it aligns with users' expectations and delivers desired results.

Validation asks, does this software fulfill its intended purpose and meet user needs effectively?

The validation component of the software testing process involves validating the functionality, performance, and user satisfaction with the software.

Verification and Validation Background

Verification and validation testing in software development has evolved over time. These testing approaches indicate an increasing emphasis on quality assurance.

Developers have been verifying and validating their work since the advent of software engineering, structured programming methodologies, and quality management principles. However, early software developers mainly focused on clean code. They place little or no emphasis on formal software testing – especially throughout the development lifecycle.

As technology advances, so do testing methodologies. With more complex and dynamic software, the need for systematic testing approaches has arisen to ensure reliability, functionality and performance.

Verification became a prominent process when structured walkthroughs and code inspections began to become the norm.

Validation, which confirms that software meets user requirements, has also become more critical as software systems have become more user-centric.

Today, both verification and validation play essential roles in the software development lifecycle. Verification activities begin at the beginning of the SDLC and occur throughout each development phase. Validation activities also occur at the beginning of the SDLC, but after the components are already developed and designed. This ensures that each component (and ultimately the final product) does what was intended.

Together, verification and validation testing approaches provide comprehensive quality assurance throughout the software development process. They reduce errors and improve reliability and usability.

Difference Between Verification and Validation Testing

Although verification and validation tests are sometimes used interchangeably, there are important differences between them.

Verification testing focuses on ensuring that the software is developed and designed correctly, while validation testing focuses on ensuring that the software does its job.

Think about building a room, for example. The room should be 30 feet long by 30 feet wide to provide enough space to accommodate all the furniture, and it should be 15 feet tall so it is tall enough for people to stand inside.

The verification process would confirm that the room is being built to these specifications. Builders would ensure they purchased the right materials to construct the room, such as beams that were long enough. They would keep verifying that the room is in fact 30′ long by 30′ wide and 15′ high. When they finish building the entire room, they also validate that it can fit all the furniture and people can stay inside.

Verification and validation are similar in software development. Verification involves activities such as code reviews, inspections, and static analyzes to ensure that each phase of development is aligned with predefined standards and specifications. Validation uses testing and user feedback to analyze factors such as functionality and usability to confirm that the software meets the requirements of your customers and end users.

Basic Distinctions

Verification ensures that the software is built correctly, while validation ensures that the right software is built.

Let's break down the distinctions.

  • Nature of the Process :
    Verification is a static process. It involves reviewing and analyzing documentation and design without actually executing any code. On the other hand, validation is a dynamic process. It involves executing the software system to ensure functionality, usability and suitability.
  • Process Basis :
    Verification relies on checking project documentation and specifications to confirm adherence to requirements without actually running the software. Validation involves running the system to validate its behavior against user expectations by running the software.
  • Purpose :
    Verification aims to ensure alignment between specified requirements and deployment. Validation aims to evaluate the system functions according to pre-determined use cases and confirm whether they meet expectations.
  • Time in SDLC :
    Verification occurs before implementation in the development cycle. Testers can ensure that all documentation and design aspects are in order before coding begins. However, validation occurs after coding so you can test the functionality and performance of the product.
  • Error handling :
    Verification is important to detect errors in the early stages of software development. Minimizes the need to redo work and ensures consistency across the SDLC. Validation, in turn, identifies post-development gaps. It focuses on functionality, ensuring that the final product meets user expectations.

Tools and techniques

Verification and validation testing approaches require multiple tools and techniques.

  • For verification :
    • Checklist : To identify necessary steps and requirements and ensure they are met
    • Walkthrough : To collaboratively review, discuss, and analyze software design or documentation
    • Peer reviews : To review team members' work and identify errors or inconsistencies
    • Static analysis tools : To analyze code or documentation without executing it, detecting potential code issues or violations of coding standards
  • For validation :
    • Test Cases : To verify software functionality and performance in formal scenarios
    • Prototypes : To collect feedback, validate requirements, and iterate with previous versions of the software
    • Dynamic analysis tools : to analyze software during runtime to identify potential issues such as memory leaks or performance bottlenecks
    • Actual system execution : To validate the behavior and performance of the software in the intended environment and use cases


The result of a verification test is typically expressed as a results report that reflects the software's readiness for the next phase of development . This report must indicate compliance with development requirements and design specifications.

In contrast, the validation process produces a working software system that confirms its readiness for production deployment .

Feedback and iterations

Verification may lead to revisions to design or specification documents based on problems or discrepancies. Validation may require actual code changes or additional development to resolve user feedback or performance bottlenecks.

Importance of clear understanding

Distinguishing between verification and validation is crucial for a software testing strategy to be realized. Confusing these terms can lead to misunderstandings and missed requirements – and, ultimately, low-quality software.

Proper implementation of verification and validation processes ensures software quality and user satisfaction.

Real world scenarios

Verification and validation testing are commonly used in software development across industries and technologies.

Verification Test

For an example of verification testing in software development, consider the user interface (UI) of a mobile application. The verification process would involve ensuring that the app's interface elements make sense according to the design specifications.

This process may include comparing your app's UI components to your app's UI wireframes and mockups. Testers can verify that color schemes are correct, ensure the layout is consistent, and confirm that the overall UI follows the outlined branding guidelines.

Team members can conduct thorough reviews and walkthroughs with developers and designers, leveraging a checklist to confirm compliance. They can also leverage static analysis tools to check the code for deviations from the UI design specifications before proceeding to the next phase of application development.

Validation Test

For an example of validation testing in software development, consider the checkout process of an e-commerce platform.

Validation testers would run several test cases that simulate real-world user interactions (they would pretend they were actually checking out on the e-commerce store). They can test adding items to their cart, applying discount codes, entering their credit card details, adding shipping information, and completing their purchase.

They can also use dynamic analysis tools to monitor system performance, analyzing factors such as load times and transaction processing efficiency against performance benchmarks. These steps help ensure smooth and secure payment processing for users.

Advantages of differentiating the two

Differentiating between verification and validation in software testing is critical to successful software development and deployment. Knowing the difference allows for clear communication and collaboration between team members.

By understanding and applying these concepts correctly, organizations minimize the margin for error, avoid redundant efforts and optimize resource allocation, resulting in cost reduction benefits. They also ensure that every aspect of the testing process receives adequate attention.

A clear delineation between verification and validation processes allows different aspects of testing to be addressed. The biggest benefit of testing the right way is getting software that meets or exceeds customer and user expectations.


Understanding the distinctions between verification and validation testing is critical to producing reliable, easy-to-use software.

Verification ensures that the software is built correctly, and validation ensures that it works correctly. By understanding these processes, organizations can allocate resources effectively and test thoroughly — before and after coding.

Together, these processes ensure comprehensive testing throughout the entire software development lifecycle, so you end up with reliable software.

Common questions

What is the main focus of verification testing in software testing?

The main focus of verification testing in software testing is to ensure that the software is aligned with all requirements. From initial planning to implementation, the product must comply with predefined standards. Code reviews, inspections, and static analyzes ensure that software is built correctly. This minimizes deviations and ensures consistency throughout the development process.

How does validation benefit end users?

Validation benefits end users by ensuring the final product meets their expectations. Through validation testing, you ensure that the software works as intended. The process also checks whether the software is easy to use. If there are any performance bottlenecks or room for improvement, developers can resolve them before moving to the next phase of development or deploying the final software.

Are verification and validation necessary for successful software development?

Yes, both verification and validation are necessary for successful software development. They are essential components of a comprehensive testing process. Verification is essential to ensure software is built correctly, and validation is necessary to ensure the right product is built to meet users' expectations.

What are some types of software testing?

There are many types of software testing: functional testing, non-functional testing, unit testing, system testing, user acceptance testing, load testing, and integration testing, to name a few.

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