Otimização da geração de energia: Conexão paralela de geradores shunt CC

Optimization of power generation: Parallel connection of DC shunt generators

Parallel connection of DC shunt generators

Parallel operation of DC shunt generators is a fascinating and essential aspect of electrical power systems. It allows multiple generators to work seamlessly together, ensuring a reliable and stable power supply that meets the growing demands of modern society. This article discusses the theory and principles of parallel operation of DC shunt generators. We examine the key considerations, benefits and challenges associated with this interconnected arrangement and highlight how it improves the reliability and efficiency of the energy system while ensuring optimal use of resources.

Importance and challenges

The concept of parallel operation involves connecting multiple DC shunt generators that work together as a unified power generation system. This arrangement allows generators to share the load and distribute power more efficiently, improving performance and increasing reliability. By leveraging the benefits of parallel operation, power grid engineers and operators can achieve greater power capacity, better voltage regulation and greater overall efficiency.

Continuing with the previous post, generators are always connected in parallel and their positive and negative terminals are connected to the positive and negative sides of the buses respectively. These busbars are thick, dense copper bars that serve as positive and negative terminals for the entire power plant. If the polarity of the input generator is not the same due to the polarity of the line, a serious short circuit may occur as soon as S 1 is closed.

Conexão paralela de geradores shunt DC
Furthermore, connecting a generator in parallel with opposite polarity will inevitably cause a short circuit, resulting in damaged brushes, damaged commutator and power outage. Generators that are off the bus due to a major fault current should be checked for reverse polarity before paralleling.

The generator armature coil

The figure above shows a No. 1 shunt generator connected across the busbars and supplying part of the load to the parallel connection of No. 2 generator. The following procedure is used.

Parallel connection of generators and voltage adjustment

The armature coil of generator #2 is accelerated to its rated value by the main motor, so switch S2 is closed and the circuit is closed by connecting a voltmeter V to the open switch S. until the voltmeter V indicates zero. So it means that the terminal voltage is the same as that of generator #1 or the bus voltage. Later switch S 1 is closed and then the input machine is connected in parallel to the system. However, under these conditions, generator #2 does not support any load due to its induced electromotive force.
Parallel connection of DC shunt generators
This is equal to the bus voltage and no current flows between the two points of the same potential. The generator must “float” on the bus. If generator #2 supplies current, its induced electromotive force (E) must be greater than the bus voltage V. In this case, the current is supplied by I = (E – V)/Ra, where Ra is the resistance of the circuit of the armor. The induced electromotive force of the input generator is doubled by increasing its field until it takes on its proper share of the charge. At the same time, generator sector #1 must be weakened to maintain constant bus voltage V.

Load distribution for parallel generators

Load sharing is essential when connecting generators in parallel to ensure even distribution of electrical load. This is usually achieved through droop control or automatic voltage regulation (AVR). Sag control adjusts the generator's excitation to change its terminal voltage as the load fluctuates. Generator voltage decreases slightly as load increases, allowing other generators to absorb more power. This load distribution prevents a single generator from becoming overloaded.

Load distribution is achieved mainly through appropriate voltage and frequency control. To ensure load distribution, generators are adjusted to have the same terminal voltage. This is usually achieved by adjusting the field excitation of each generator. The generators are synchronized and ready to share the load by adjusting the terminal voltage.

Parallel connection of DC shunt generators

However, load balancing is not always a simple process. Various factors, such as differences in generator characteristics, operating conditions, and load fluctuations, can affect the accuracy of load distribution. Inaccurate load distribution can lead to generator load imbalance, which in turn leads to reduced efficiency, increased wear and tear, and potential system instability.

Voltage regulation

Maintaining a stable voltage is crucial in parallel operation. Voltage regulation can be achieved using automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), which monitor the generator output voltage and adjust the excitation system accordingly. AVRs help stabilize system voltage by responding to load changes and maintaining desired voltage levels.

Parallel connection of DC shunt generators

Voltage regulation becomes particularly important in parallel operation when several generators are connected to power a common load. Each generator must contribute its part and maintain constant voltage levels to achieve load distribution and avoid imbalances. Coordinating voltage regulation between generators helps the system operate smoothly and efficiently.


Adequate protection mechanisms are essential for the safe and reliable operation of parallel DC generators. Every generator must have circuit breakers, overcurrent protection and other protective devices. Additionally, protective relays and interlocking systems can be used to detect faults, isolate faulty generators, and ensure the integrity of parallel operation.

Maintenance and troubleshooting

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure parallel operation of DC shunt generators runs smoothly. This includes regular inspections, cleaning and testing of generators, as well as monitoring and adjusting AVR settings. To resolve any problems that may occur during parallel operation, troubleshooting techniques such as error detection, isolation, and recovery must be employed.

Parallel connection of DC shunt generators

Maintenance for parallel DC shunt generators

Maintenance ensures reliable and efficient operation of parallel DC shunt generators. Regular inspections and maintenance routines are crucial to prolonging their useful life and avoiding unexpected failures.


Regular visual inspections of generators, connections and associated equipment are essential to detect signs of wear, corrosion or loose connections. This helps prevent potential failures and ensures generators are in good working order.


To ensure optimal cooling and prevent overheating, it is important to keep generators free of dust, debris and dirt. To ensure efficient operation, regular cleaning of generator surfaces and cooling systems is necessary.


Proper lubrication of bearings and moving parts reduces friction and extends the life of the generator. Lubrication schedules must be followed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Excitation system maintenance

The excitation system, including automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), must be checked and calibrated regularly to ensure accurate voltage control and regulation. Faulty AVRs can lead to voltage instability and affect parallel operation of generators.

Checking the electrical system

Regular testing of electrical connections, insulation resistance and grounding ensures the integrity of the electrical system. Loose or damaged connections must be addressed immediately to prevent electrical failures and minimize downtime.

Troubleshooting in parallel operation

General troubleshooting steps include:

Identify the problem

A thorough analysis of the symptoms and observation of any abnormal behavior in voltage, current, or other parameters will help identify the problem.

Systematic analysis

Systematic troubleshooting techniques, such as dividing the system into smaller sections or isolating specific components, can help identify the faulty area or part that is causing the problem.

Inspection and testing

Detailed inspections, voltage and current measurements, and use of diagnostic tools can help determine the root cause of the problem. This may include checking connections, carrying out insulation tests, or using specialized testing equipment.

Replacement or repair of components

Once the defective component or area is identified, appropriate repairs or replacements can be made to restore normal generator operation.

Verification and testing

After troubleshooting and repairs, it is important to carry out tests and verify that the generators are working correctly in parallel operation. This will ensure the issue has been resolved and the generators are operating within desired parameters.


Parallel operation of DC shunt generators is crucial for reliable and efficient power supply. It provides greater system reliability, greater power availability and better generator load balancing. However, it requires careful consideration of voltage and frequency synchronization and appropriate control mechanisms. Mastering parallel operation techniques is essential for electrical engineers and system operators to ensure the efficient operation of power systems in the future.

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