O que são equipes de entrega Nearshore?

What are Nearshore Delivery Teams?

Boost your project with Nearshore delivery teams! Experience seamless collaboration, cultural alignment, and ideal time zones.

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Nearshore delivery teams help companies develop custom software without hiring permanent software development staff. This type of outsourcing involves working with an autonomous, end-to-end delivery team located in a neighboring country. For example, many companies in the United States outsource software development to Latin America.

These delivery teams are able to create custom software from scratch without the help of in-house employees or the need for regular supervision.

Nearshore software outsourcing allows companies to hire experienced software developers on an as-needed basis and maintain team flexibility over the long term. Additionally, these delivery teams help companies build software faster and protect their customers' sensitive data.
In summary, a nearshore delivery team will:

  • Choose top talent from your selection of high-quality software engineers.
  • Complete development projects faster.
  • Strengthen data privacy.
  • Help companies maintain a lean internal team.

Many business leaders agree that Latin America nearshore development services are superior to legacy outsourcing companies located in distant regions like East Asia.

This is because programmers living in Latin America are fluent in English, well-educated, and able to work during similar business hours as their American counterparts, facilitating seamless collaboration between clients and their delivery team.

The best nearshore software development companies will help their clients build high-quality custom software that is bug-free, looks great, and keeps their clients' information secure. Just as important, they will complete all of this with minimal supervision and without requiring their client to commit to a permanent in-house development team.

O que são equipes de entrega Nearshore?  1

Access a wider pool of talent

The toughest challenge technology executives face is finding the right talent. The unemployment rate for software developers in the United States is just 1.9%. As a result, companies are struggling to find experienced engineers in a reasonable amount of time.

Nearshore development services help companies avoid the competitive American technology market. This is because these companies are located in Mexico and Central and South America – a region where there are many talented programmers. Furthermore, the best outsourcing partners work exclusively with the top 1% of talent, which ensures that customers' expectations are exceeded.

Developers assigned to delivery teams have the same skill sets and education levels as their American counterparts, and modern communication allows them to work seamlessly with US-based customers.


Shorten the duration of the Development Cycle

Nearshore delivery teams help companies start software development projects faster and complete them in less time.

Traditional hiring practices involve hiring individual candidates and training them to company standards before development begins. On the other hand, delivery teams are independent development groups capable of starting a project at the right time.

Additionally, these teams help reduce the length of the development lifecycle through their collective expertise. They work together seamlessly and are able to overcome common challenges using previous projects as a reference.

Finally, delivery teams are multidisciplinary in nature. They consist of programmers, user design experts, and software security experts. By including all the specialties required for software development in a single collaborative team, companies avoid the wait times associated with finding an expert mid-project.

Strengthen software security

The number of data breaches is increasing. Research shows that cyber attacks continue to increase in frequency and sophistication – with the number of annual attacks growing by more than 600% since 2005. The continued growth of cloud computing and the Internet of Things means more data is being stored online and are vulnerable to attack.

Nearshore development services help strengthen software security and reduce the likelihood of a successful data breach through the multidisciplinary development teams mentioned above. The security experts found in these groups ensure that important priorities, such as data privacy, are integrated into all phases of the project.

These security experts will improve software security by running a variety of tests designed to identify vulnerabilities. In particular, they will perform penetration testing, static code analysis, and load testing to proactively identify future threats.

Finally, security-focused development team members will train internal IT staff on how to maintain data privacy after software deployment. They will focus on how to solicit user feedback, create issue reports, and find solutions for future issues.

desenvolvimento de software de segurança cibernética

Ensure long-term flexibility

One of the biggest benefits associated with nearshore software outsourcing is the ability to maintain a lean in-house development team.

Large-scale software development projects are incredibly complex and time-consuming processes that require a wide range of experts to be successful. This includes testers, security experts, and user experience and interface design experts.

In the past, companies hired these experts as full-time employees. This allowed them to complete development projects internally, but strained management when business needs changed.

Given that most development projects are relatively short-term initiatives, it often makes sense to hire a freelance delivery team to complete programming and other specialized tasks. This ensures that companies are not burdened with large salaries in the long term and allows managers to quickly pivot and reorganize staff for a different project.


In summary, a nearshore delivery team can:

  • Help companies access a broader pool of talent Companies can use outsourcing partners to hire candidates outside of their home country and the competitive American technology market.
  • Accelerate development Nearshore development services keep multiple delivery teams on standby, ready to start a project at the right time. They will also complete development faster as they have experience working together and do not need to consult outside experts.
  • Improve Software Security The growing number of data breaches means that software security must be a priority for all technology executives. Staff augmentation partners must have an established approach to data privacy and work with experienced security experts.
  • Allow companies to maintain long-term team flexibility Autonomous delivery teams can develop custom software without in-house assistance, avoiding the need to hire permanent staff at expensive salaries.

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