O que é um microprocessador

What is a microprocessor

80855 Microprocessor

A microprocessor can be a clock-controlled semiconductor device that consists of factory-built electronic logic circuits using very large scale integration (VLSI) or large scale integration (LSI) techniques.
The chip (microprocessor) is capable of performing various computer functions and providing options for changing the order of program implementation.
In mainframe computers, these computational operations are performed by a central processor. The 8085 processor is similar in design to a central processor.
The processor is somewhat similar to the central processor, but it contains all the logical electronic components and the control unit on one chip.
  • Microprocessor Instruction Set
For clarity, the microprocessor is divided into three subdivisions. These are:
1. Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALU)
2. Register the matrix and
3. Control unit.

Arithmetic logic unit

Often these are microprocessors where various computing functions are applied to data. The ALU unit performs arithmetic actions such as addition and subtraction as well as logical operations such as AND, OR, and exclusive OR.

Register matrix

This area of ​​the microprocessor is made up of several registers, known in the literature as B, C, D, E, H and L. These registers are mainly used to store information temporarily during the execution of a program and are available to the user through of instructions.

Control Unit

The control unit provides the necessary timing instructions and control signals for all processes in the digital computer. It controls the flow of information between the processor, memory, and peripheral devices.


Memory stores binary information, such as commands and data, and makes it available to the microprocessor when needed. To execute the programs, the processor reads instructions and data from the memory and performs the arithmetic operations in its ALU department. The results are transmitted to the output department for display or stored in memory for later use. Read-only memory and read/write memory, commonly called random access memory (RAM).
1. Fixed memory is used to store programs that do not need to be changed. The computer program of a single board computer is usually stored in permanent memory. This program interprets data entered using a keyboard and passes the corresponding binary digits to the processor. Programs stored in permanent memory can only be read and cannot be changed.
2. R/W memory is also called user memory and is used to store programs and user information. In single-board microcomputers, the computer program monitors the hexadecimal keys and stores these instructions and information in R/W memory. Data stored in this memory can be easily digitized and modified.

I/O (input/output)

It communicates with the surface world. AE/O includes two types of devices, namely input and output devices. These I/O devices are called peripheral devices.

System bus

It could be a communication path between the microprocessor and the peripheral device. It's just a bunch of wires used to store bits.
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