O que é o Microsoft Power BI?

What is Microsoft Power BI?

Visualizing Success: An In-Depth Look at Microsoft Power BI and Its Role in Contemporary Data Analytics.

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Companies consume data like people consume water, air and food. In other words, it is a necessity, at least in the hyper-competitive world of modern business. Without data, companies would struggle to keep up with the competition. This is because they can use data to create promotions, predict trends, improve customer relationships and better enable their supply chains, among other things.

Unfortunately, this is far from easy. The problem with data is that it is nothing more than a huge collection of information. In its raw form, it is no more beneficial to your team than a randomly collected box of words. So you not only need the tools and platforms to collect the data, but you also need the right software and systems to present it in a way that your employees can use it effectively.

Serviços de desenvolvimento do Microsoft Power BI    Empresa de Desenvolvimento PowerBI 2

You'll need servers to store the data, report builders to gather it, services to make it available, and applications to visualize it. That's a lot of software. Of course, you could opt for a solution that brings it all together for you, like Microsoft did with Power BI .

Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that come together to transform your data sources into visually immersive, interactive insights displayed in desktop or mobile apps. Power BI is made up of the following parts:

  • Power BI Desktop (a Windows desktop application for presenting data visualizations).
  • Power BI Service (a SaaS service for delivering data).
  • Power BI Mobile (apps for Android, iOS, and Windows devices to display data visualizations).
  • Power BI Report Builder (to create paginated and shareable reports).
  • Power BI report server (a local report server for publishing Power BI reports that were created in Power BI Desktop).
  • Power BI deployment pipeline tool (makes it possible to test content before it is released to users).

Power BI uses roles to empower different employees with different tools. For example, you may have an employee who only needs to view reports and dashboards through the Power BI service. Another employee might use Power BI Desktop or Power BI Report Builder to create rich, interactive reports and then publish them to the Power BI service. Finally, you may have other employees who only use the Power BI phone app to monitor multiple sales quotes and drill down into the details of sales leads.

All of the pieces of Power BI come together to create a flexible ecosystem that is fully capable of delivering incredible visualizations of your data that your employees can use to significantly improve their diverse chains, pipelines, and processes.

Why you should use Power BI

If the idea of ​​powerful data visualizations isn't enough to convince you that this tool should be part of your company's future, here are a few reasons why you should consider it.

  • Quick insights: If you're not using the right tool for the job, it can take a considerable amount of time to create meaningful insights into your company's sales, trends, leads, and metrics. And because Power BI setup time isn't as long as the competition, your team will be able to work with this tool quickly.
  • Simplified delivery of visualizations: Your team may currently be using outdated systems and services that require generating and sharing multiple reports. Imagine having a platform that enables your team to more efficiently deliver visualizations to multiple team members or departments. This will not only save time but also save money.
  • Real-time data visualizations: Power BI not only makes it easy to share visualizations, but your team can also use real-time dashboards to quickly view and manipulate those visualizations. This makes it not only possible, but easy for your employees to quickly identify opportunities they might not have otherwise taken advantage of.
  • Personalized Power BI app navigation: With Power BI apps, your users can customize the experience to perfectly fit their workflow. This makes it more efficient for your employees to work with the visualizations. Instead of having to dig through menus, users can customize the tool to make it quicker to find the content they need.
  • Built-in access controls: Not every employee should have access to all data. That's why Power BI includes built-in access controls so you can determine which users have access to data relevant to their work or the task at hand.
  • Cortana Integration: When your users are working with Windows, they will take advantage of Cortana (Windows' digital assistant) integration. Through it, your employees can use verbal commands to answer questions about Power BI instead of having to type everything.
  • Built-in AI: Power BI includes a built-in AI system that uses image recognition and text analysis to create machine learning models. The Power BI AI system also integrates with the Azure Machine Learning platform.

Microsoft Business Intelligence Services

Our experts provide in-depth Power BI consulting services to help you make the most of this powerful package. Using their knowledge and experience, our BI engineers can help you create custom dashboards that will provide a detailed, enterprise-wide view of your organization. Additionally, we can help you generate interactive reports and rich data visualizations, as well as seamlessly integrate Power BI into your digital environment.

Microsoft Business Intelligence Solutions

Our business intelligence engineers can update and simplify your existing BI solutions or build one from scratch using Power BI capabilities as a foundation. Most importantly, we can do this in alignment with your business objectives and following an effective business intelligence strategy.

Whether you use in-house systems or rely on cloud-based platforms, we can provide the Microsoft business intelligence solutions you need, tailored to your needs.

Business Intelligence Projects

A business intelligence project refers to the process of planning, designing, developing and implementing business intelligence solutions in a given company. The main focus of these projects is to integrate BI tools into a company's operations to help all team members solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Given this objective, BI projects require close collaboration between multiple stakeholders, including those responsible for the company's business objectives, operations, technological implementations and data processes. While this is always beneficial in technology projects, this collaboration is essential for business intelligence projects to be successful.


Microsoft's Power BI should be considered essential for any company looking to better leverage data into useful, interactive data visualizations. With these visualizations, your team is better prepared to gain insights into where your business is and where it needs to go. Help make marketing, sales, customer service, and management much easier with the help of a tool perfectly suited for modern business.

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