Digitação estática versus dinâmica: uma comparação detalhada

Static vs Dynamic Typing: A Detailed Comparison

Get a detailed comparison between static and dynamic typing. Understand their advantages, differences and decide which approach best suits your coding style.

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When it comes to software development services, a key aspect that developers encounter is programming languages ​​and their nuances related to typing. Typing refers to how data and variables are categorized based on their data types, such as integers, strings, or booleans. This categorization is crucial because it determines how a programming language treats and manipulates data. There are two categories of typing: static typing and dynamic typing. In this article, we will explore these two approaches in detail, discussing their characteristics along with advantages and disadvantages, while also providing examples of programming languages ​​that use them.

Understanding Typing in Programming Languages

Before we delve into the comparison, it is essential to understand the concept of typing in programming. Typing involves specifying the data type of a variable or allowing the programming language to automatically deduce it. It plays a role in ensuring data integrity and code reliability.

Static typing

Static typing is a typing system where variables are bound to a data type during compilation. Once a variable is assigned a data type, it remains unchanged during program execution. This binding promotes type safety and detects errors at an early stage.

Main features of static typing

One of the advantages of typing is ensuring type safety, which reduces the chances of runtime errors caused by incompatibilities in data types.

Another benefit is error detection. Because the compiler knows data types during the development process, it can detect errors before runtime, resulting in reliable software.

Static typing also offers performance benefits. The compiler can effectively optimize code across languages, with typing potentially leading to faster execution.

Examples of statically typed languages

Several programming languages ​​adopt typing as an approach to dealing with data types. Here are some notable examples.

  • C++ : A language commonly used for systems programming and game development where data types must be explicitly defined.
  • Java : A commonly used language known for its “Write Once Run Anywhere” feature, which enforces strong typing through a reliable type system.
  • Rust : An increasingly popular language that ensures security and memory concurrency without sacrificing performance through static typing.

Dynamic Typing

On the other hand, dynamic typing allows variables to be bound to data types at runtime rather than during compilation. This flexibility allows for concise code and ease of use. It compromises type safety as a trade-off.

Main features of dynamic typing

One of the advantages of typing is flexibility. In dynamically typed languages, variables have the ability to change their data type during runtime. This allows adaptability to situations.

Another benefit is the ease of use that dynamic typing offers. Unlike statically typed languages, developers in dynamically typed languages ​​do not need to explicitly specify data types while coding. This simplifies the coding process. Makes it more intuitive.

New runtime variable type checking is another feature offered by dynamic typing. During runtime, the type of a variable is checked, which means that any errors related to type mismatches can only be discovered at that point. While this can lead to problems, it also offers flexibility in handling real-time data types.

Examples of dynamically typed languages

There are numerous programming languages ​​that adopt dynamic typing due to its flexibility and simplicity. Some examples used include.

  • Python : A versatile language known for its readability and ease of use, while also relying on dynamic typing to provide concise code.
  • JavaScript : A scripting language used for web development that uses dynamic typing to offer greater flexibility in data processing.
  • Ruby : Known for its simplicity and elegant syntax. Ruby uses dynamic typing to make coding more intuitive and expressive.

Static versus dynamic typing

Aspect Static typing Dynamic Typing
Determination time Determined at compile time. Determined at run time.
Error detection Errors detected during compilation. Errors may appear during program execution.
Performance Typically faster due to compile-time optimizations. Possible overhead of runtime type checks.
Coding Verbosity Requires explicit type declarations. Concise; types are not explicitly specified.
Flexibility Variables bound to a type. Variable types can change during execution.
Enter Security High type safety through early error detection. Some types of security have been traded for flexibility.

Strongly Typed Languages

In addition to the distinction between static and dynamic typing, there is another crucial aspect to consider known as strong typing. Strongly typed languages ​​enforce stricter rules about type safety while reducing the risk of unexpected behavior caused by implicit type conversions.

Main characteristics of strongly typed languages

  • Strongly typed languages ​​are stricter when it comes to type conversions, as they ensure that operations are only performed on compatible data types.
  • By detecting type-related errors early, strongly typed languages ​​minimize runtime errors and make debugging easier.
  • Strongly typed languages ​​may require more explicit type annotations, which can make the code a bit more verbose.

Examples of strongly typed languages

Several programming languages ​​combine strong typing with static or dynamic typing. Some prominent examples include.

  • C++ : As mentioned earlier, C++ is statically typed and strongly typed, providing a high degree of type safety.
  • Java : The Java type system enforces strong typing to avoid potential pitfalls related to type coercion.
  • Python : Despite being dynamically typed, Python is also considered a strongly typed language as it ensures data integrity through strict type checking.

Strongly Typed Languages ​​vs. Static and Dynamic Typing

Now that we understand the concepts of static and dynamic typing, along with strong typing, let's compare them in more detail.

  • Strongly typed languages ​​stand out for providing robust type safety while detecting errors early and offering better error prevention at runtime. Static typing also contributes to early error detection, while dynamic typing can find type-related issues at runtime.
  • Statically typed languages ​​tend to have better performance due to compile-time optimizations. Dynamic typing may introduce some runtime overhead due to type checks.
  • Dynamic typing wins in terms of ease of use and conciseness, as developers don't need to specify types explicitly. However, strongly typed languages ​​can strike a balance between type safety and flexibility.

Comparing static and dynamic typing

Let's delve into the main differences between static and dynamic typing.

Error detection

In statically typed languages, the compiler detects type-related errors before the program runs, resulting in more reliable code. On the other hand, dynamically typed languages ​​detect type problems at run time, which can lead to errors or unexpected type behavior during execution.


Statically typed languages ​​generally outperform their dynamically typed language counterparts due to optimizations made by the compiler. Dynamic typing may result in slightly slower execution due to the need for runtime type checks.

Easy to use

Dynamic typing offers simplicity and ease of use as developers can write more concise code without explicitly declaring data types. Static typing may require additional type annotations, which makes the code a bit more verbose.


Dynamic typing shines in terms of flexibility, allowing variables to change their data type during runtime. This can be beneficial in scenarios where the data type is not known in advance.

Enter Security

Static typing ensures a higher level of type safety by catching type-related errors at compile time. Dynamic typing sacrifices some type safety in favor of flexibility and ease of use.

Real-world scenarios and use cases

The decision between dynamic typing depends on the requirements and characteristics of each project. Here are some real-world scenarios where one approach might be preferred over the other.

Static typing

In large-scale projects, static typing is often preferred as it allows for error detection and ensures type safety. It is beneficial in safety systems such as aerospace or medical applications, where errors can have serious consequences.

Dynamic Typing

For prototyping and development, dynamic typing is a choice as it allows developers to iterate quickly without the need for explicit type annotations. It is also preferred in situations where data types may change during runtime.


As a developer, it is crucial to understand the difference between dynamic and static typing. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses that make them suitable for various scenarios. Strongly typed languages ​​increase the level of security in coding by adding a layer of type safety.

Therefore, as you embark on your programming journey, take a moment to consider the implications of static typing versus dynamic typing. Make an informed choice based on the demands of your project.

Common questions

What is the difference between static and dynamic typing?

The main difference is in when the variables' data types are determined. In a statically typed language, data types are defined during compile time and cannot be changed during run time. This behavior occurs because of static type checking. On the other hand, dynamic typing allows variables to change their data type during runtime.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of static typing?

Static typing provides early error detection with greater type safety and better performance. However, it may require type annotations which can make the code a bit more verbose.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic typing?

Dynamic typing offers ease of use with flexibility and less verbose code. However, this may cause errors during runtime due to the lack of type checking.

What is a strongly typed language?

A strongly typed language imposes type safety regulations that minimize the chance of unanticipated behavior caused by implicit type conversions.

Which should I use, static or dynamic typing?

The decision depends on your project requirements, along with the desired level of type safety and the experience of your development team. Consider factors such as type error detection along with performance and versatility to make an informed choice.

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