
China Baowu planeja investir cerca de US$ 1 bilhão no desenvolvimento de Simandou

China Baowu plans to invest around US$1 billion...

The company raised $1.4 billion by issuing three-year bonds. 70% of the capital is invested in an iron ore project in Guinea The largest steel company in the world, China...

China Baowu plans to invest around US$1 billion...

The company raised $1.4 billion by issuing three-year bonds. 70% of the capital is invested in an iron ore project in Guinea The largest steel company in the world, China...

Megabancos japoneses fornecerão à Nippon Steel US$ 16 bilhões para adquirir a US Steel

Japanese Megabanks to Provide Nippon Steel with...

The Japanese steelmaker may issue bonds and new shares to raise funds after the acquisition is completed Japan's three largest banks – Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Financi...

Japanese Megabanks to Provide Nippon Steel with...

The Japanese steelmaker may issue bonds and new shares to raise funds after the acquisition is completed Japan's three largest banks – Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Financi...

A coleta de sucata na Ucrânia aumentará apenas 15%: visão geral para 2024

Scrap collection in Ukraine will increase by on...

In the conditions of post-war economic recovery, the role of scrap in the steel industry will inevitably increase Last year, the performance of the scrap industry improved slightly,...

Scrap collection in Ukraine will increase by on...

In the conditions of post-war economic recovery, the role of scrap in the steel industry will inevitably increase Last year, the performance of the scrap industry improved slightly,...

Cogne Acciai Speciali adquire o controle acionário de um fornecedor de sucata

Cogne Acciai Speciali acquires controlling stak...

The deal is expected to close in the coming months. Italian stainless steel producer Cogne Acciai Speciali, a subsidiary of Taiwan's Walsin Lihwa, has agreed to acquire 65% of a...

Cogne Acciai Speciali acquires controlling stak...

The deal is expected to close in the coming months. Italian stainless steel producer Cogne Acciai Speciali, a subsidiary of Taiwan's Walsin Lihwa, has agreed to acquire 65% of a...

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih em 2023 pagou 4,1 bilhões de UAH em impostos

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih in 2023 paid 4.1 billi...

243 million UAH went to the state budget and 2.2 billion UAH – to local budgets PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih paid UAH 4.1 billion in taxes and fees to the...

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih in 2023 paid 4.1 billi...

243 million UAH went to the state budget and 2.2 billion UAH – to local budgets PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih paid UAH 4.1 billion in taxes and fees to the...

Usina siderúrgica Acciaierie d'Italia está sob ameaça de paralisação

Acciaierie d'Italia steel plant is under threat...

According to unions, the company is closing another blast furnace at the Taranto factory Italian authorities and unions are worried about the future of the Acciaierie d'Italia steel plant in...

Acciaierie d'Italia steel plant is under threat...

According to unions, the company is closing another blast furnace at the Taranto factory Italian authorities and unions are worried about the future of the Acciaierie d'Italia steel plant in...