
Reino Unido planeja estender medidas de salvaguarda a 15 categorias de aço

UK plans to extend safeguard measures to 15 ste...

The current measures expire in June 2024 and are recommended to be extended for a further two years. The UK's Commercial Remedies Authority (TRA) has proposed extending the safeguard measures...

UK plans to extend safeguard measures to 15 ste...

The current measures expire in June 2024 and are recommended to be extended for a further two years. The UK's Commercial Remedies Authority (TRA) has proposed extending the safeguard measures...

Sukha Balka coloca dois novos blocos em operação na mina Yuvileyna

Sukha Balka puts two new blocks into operation ...

The total reserves of the new blocks amount to 332 thousand tons of ore. In February 2024, the Sukha Balka mine, part of the DCH Group, will commission two new...

Sukha Balka puts two new blocks into operation ...

The total reserves of the new blocks amount to 332 thousand tons of ore. In February 2024, the Sukha Balka mine, part of the DCH Group, will commission two new...

Nucor investirá US$ 860 milhões em nova fábrica de vergalhão

Nucor will invest US$860 million in new rebar f...

The company's board of directors approved the allocation of resources for construction The board of directors of the North American steel company Nucor approved US$860 million for the construction of...

Nucor will invest US$860 million in new rebar f...

The company's board of directors approved the allocation of resources for construction The board of directors of the North American steel company Nucor approved US$860 million for the construction of...

Ucrânia planeja nova rota de exportação do Danúbio em meio ao bloqueio da fronteira polonesa

Ukraine plans new Danube export route amid Poli...

The new additional route aims to increase Ukrainian exports to the level that existed at the beginning of the war. Ukraine plans to create an additional export route along the...

Ukraine plans new Danube export route amid Poli...

The new additional route aims to increase Ukrainian exports to the level that existed at the beginning of the war. Ukraine plans to create an additional export route along the...

Ferrexpo planeja eletrificar transporte de mineração

Ferrexpo plans to electrify mining transport

The first stage of the project has already been completed and the results of the Australian consultancy's research have been received. Ferrexpo, an iron ore company with assets in Ukraine...

Ferrexpo plans to electrify mining transport

The first stage of the project has already been completed and the results of the Australian consultancy's research have been received. Ferrexpo, an iron ore company with assets in Ukraine...

A UE necessita de 406 mil milhões de euros adicionais anualmente para atingir o seu objetivo climático

The EU needs an additional €406 billion annuall...

Overcoming the green investment gap will require a comprehensive approach Although European green investments have gained momentum in recent years, 406 billion are needed annually...

The EU needs an additional €406 billion annuall...

Overcoming the green investment gap will require a comprehensive approach Although European green investments have gained momentum in recent years, 406 billion are needed annually...