Government has the worst surplus since April 2020, the smallest since the pandemic

Government has the worst surplus since April 2020, the smallest since the pandemic

Government surplus in April 2024: Detailed analysis and economic outlook for Brazil

The Brazilian government's primary surplus in April 2024 was R$11.08 billion, the lowest recorded for the month since the start of the pandemic in 2020. This drop in the surplus raises questions about the country's economic situation and the measures needed to ensure fiscal stability. Let's analyze in more detail the data released by the National Treasury and its implications.

The April 2024 Surplus

The government's primary surplus in April 2024 was R$11.08 billion, representing a real drop of 31.7% compared to the same month in 2023. This result reflects the impact of the pandemic and the measures adopted to combat it. in the Brazilian economy.

  • The drop in the surplus indicates fiscal challenges for the government, which needs to balance public accounts amid an uncertain economic scenario.
  • The reduction in the surplus could lead to an increase in public debt and affect investor confidence in the Brazilian economy.

Sector Analysis: National Treasury, Central Bank and Social Security

The National Treasury had a surplus of R$41.47 billion in April, a real increase of 9.6% compared to the same month in 2023. The Central Bank had a primary deficit of R$123 million, and Social Security recorded a negative balance of R$30.27 billion, a growth of 40.6%.

  • The National Treasury surplus indicates good management of public accounts, but the Central Bank and Social Security deficit shows the need for structural reforms.
  • Social Security continues to be one of the country's main fiscal challenges, and measures to ensure its sustainability are urgent.

Government Revenue and Expenditure

Total government revenue rose 7.8% in April, reaching R$228 billion. Revenue-sharing transfers to entities also increased, totaling R$36.73 billion. Expenses increased by 12.4% in April, reaching R$180.20 billion.

  • The increase in revenue is positive, but it is important to analyze whether this growth is sustainable or whether it is related to temporary measures.
  • Expense growth raises concerns about the efficiency of public spending and the need for fiscal control.

The analysis of government revenue and expenditure presents a superficial and not in-depth view of the country's fiscal situation. By highlighting only the increase in revenue as positive and raising generic concerns about the growth in expenses, the critique fails to offer significant insights or concrete proposals to improve fiscal management. Furthermore, the lack of comparative data and more detailed analysis limits readers' understanding of the real challenges faced by the government in the pursuit of economic stability.


The government surplus in April 2024 reflects the economic challenges facing Brazil. The drop in the surplus, combined with the increase in expenses, indicates the need for measures to ensure fiscal stability and promote economic growth. It is essential that the government adopts responsible fiscal policies and promotes structural reforms to guarantee a sustainable future for the Brazilian economy.

What do you think of the measures necessary to guarantee Brazil’s fiscal stability? Leave your comment below and participate in the discussion about the future of the Brazilian economy.

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