How to request assistance of R$5,100 for families affected by floods in RS

How to request assistance of R$5,100 for families affected by floods in RS

Aid for families in RS: How to request the PIX of R$ 5,100.00

Homeless and homeless families from 369 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul can, from Monday, May 27, 2024, confirm the information of those responsible registered by the Rio Grande do Sul city halls on the Auxílio Reconstrução website. This financial assistance aims to help these families recover assets lost during the recent floods.

What is Reconstruction Aid?

Reconstruction Aid is a federal government measure that aims to provide financial support of R$5,100.00, paid in a single installment. This amount is used to purchase furniture, appliances and utensils lost as a result of the floods that hit the state. Payment will be made by Caixa Econômica Federal, without the need to open a new bank account.

Important points:

  • Single value: Each family receives only a portion of R$5,100.00.
  • Specific destination: The aid is for the purchase of essential goods lost in the floods.

How will payment be made?

After confirming the data, the contribution will be available within 48 hours. Caixa Econômica Federal will be responsible for the payment, and those who do not have a bank account will have a special account opened for this purpose.

“Payment will be made by Caixa, without the need to open an account. For those who do not have an account, a special one will be opened for payment,” said minister Paulo Pimenta in an interview.

Who is entitled to Reconstruction Aid?

The aid is intended for families residing in urban and rural areas affected by floods and who were identified by local city halls. It is important to highlight that the benefit does not apply to business owners who suffered damage, but rather to families who suffered loss of personal property and/or who needed to leave their homes temporarily or permanently.

Important points:

  • Eligibility criteria: Families affected by floods in areas recognized by the National Civil Defense.
  • Business Exclusion: Owners of damaged businesses are not eligible for this aid.

How to confirm the data and request assistance?

To request assistance, the family responsible must access the Auxílio Reconstrução website and click on the “I am a Citizen” tab. Then, you must enter the account registered on the federal government portal, using your registered login and password. If there is an error in the registration, it is necessary to contact the city hall to correct the data, such as CPF, address or name.

Important points:

  • Data correction: Any error in the registration must be corrected quickly at the city hall.
  • Confirmation process: The data will be verified with other federal government databases before payment is released.

Payment via Caixa Tem

Access to the benefit will be via the Caixa Tem app, available for Android and iOS smartphones. There is no need to go to a bank branch to receive payment. To check whether the payment has already been released, the person responsible for the family must periodically access the Reconstruction Aid link.

Important points:

  • Ease of access: Use of the Caixa Tem app to receive payment.
  • Periodic check: Monitor the payment status on the Reconstruction Aid website.

Rules and penalties

Each family can only receive one Reconstruction Aid. Receiving more than one aid is considered a crime of ideological falsehood, according to article 299 of the Penal Code, subject to criminal and civil sanctions, in addition to the need to reimburse the amount unduly received to the Union.

Important points:

  • Crime of ideological falsehood: Receiving more than one aid is considered a crime.
  • Sanctions: Penalties and need for compensation in cases of fraud.

Accumulation with other benefits

Beneficiaries of the federal Bolsa Família program and those receiving Unemployment Insurance can also receive Reconstruction Aid, as there is no restriction on accumulating this benefit with other federal or state aid, in this context. step by step help

Important points:

  • Allowed accumulation: Reconstruction Aid can be received together with Bolsa Família and Unemployment Insurance.


Reconstruction Aid represents important financial support for families in Rio Grande do Sul who were affected by the floods. With a value of R$5,100.00, this aid aims to help with the recovery of essential goods and provide relief during this difficult period.

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