Alemanha considera estratégia de gestão de carbono

Germany considers carbon management strategy

The relevant legislative changes were proposed by the Ministry of Economy and Climate

The German Ministry of Economy and Climate has proposed legislative changes that will allow the implementation of carbon capture and storage or utilization (CCS/CCU) technologies, as well as its transport. This is reported by Argos. Media.

The draft on the key points of the future strategy was presented by the Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Robert Habeck. He emphasized that state support for CCS/CCU will focus on sectors where it is impossible or difficult to avoid emissions.

The German government will also ratify an amendment to the London Protocol that allows CO 2 exports, the minister said.

Since the issue of underground carbon storage on land is very unpopular among the country's states, it will only be permitted in Germany's exclusive economic zone in the North Sea, excluding protected areas. This will allow the country to catch up with its European neighbors, such as Norway.

The country will also allow the use of CCS for gas-fired power plants, although without government support.

The carbon storage bill will provide a legal framework for future CO2 pipeline infrastructure. It is expected to be financed by the private sector, but within the state regulatory framework.

The draft will be sent to other ministries, followed by hearings for federal states and associations.

Germany plans to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality in 2045.

As Habeck explained to Fio de Energia Limpa , CCS will only be a necessary complement to the country's climate policy, which continues to focus mainly on preventing emissions. It includes the continued deployment of renewable energy sources, the phasing out of fossil fuels, the expansion of the hydrogen economy, and improvements in energy efficiency wherever possible.

In February 2024, the European Commission approved a €4 billion German state aid program aimed at supporting the country's industry in decarbonizing production. Projects to be supported under the program range from the construction of electrically powered glass melting tanks to the replacement of traditional steel production processes with hydrogen-powered direct reduction units.

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