Alemanha aumentou a produção de aço em 4,9% a/a em janeiro

Germany increased steel production by 4.9% y/y in January

Pig iron production in the month increased by 4.7% per year, and rolled steel production – by 6.2% per year

German steelmakers increased steel production by 4.9% in January 2024 compared to January 2023, to 3.07 million tonnes. This was reported by the German steel association WV Stahl.

“High energy prices and low demand continue to weigh on crude steel production in Germany. Despite a slight increase in steel production, we cannot talk about a change in trend. 2023 was the weakest year in terms of production since the financial crisis, and the numbers are still very low”, comments Martin Theuringer, CEO of the Steel Economic Association.

In January, steel production in converters increased by 3.4% per year – to 2.21 million tons, and in electric arc furnaces (EAFs) by 9% per year – to 863 thousand tons. Pig iron production increased by 4.7% per year – to 2.05 million tons. German rolled steel production totaled 2.72 million tonnes, an increase of 6.2% compared to January 2023.

As Compraço previously reported, Germany is among the ten largest steel producers in the world, according to World Steel. In 2023, the country decreased steel production by 3.9% compared to 2022, to 35.4 million tons, ranking 8th in the global ranking of producing countries.

Steel production in converters decreased by 0.9% per year – to 25.63 million tons, and in electric arc furnaces, by 10.8% per year – to 9.81 million tons. Pig iron production decreased by 0.9% per year – to 23.63 million tons. Rolled steel production totaled 30.64 million tons, a drop of 3.6% per year.

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