ESG News

SBTi afirma que o número de empresas que estabelecem metas climáticas validadas dobrou no ano passado

SBTi claims that the number of companies settin...

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), one of the leading organizations focused on aligning corporate environmental sustainability actions with the global objectives of limiting environmental change,...

SBTi claims that the number of companies settin...

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), one of the leading organizations focused on aligning corporate environmental sustainability actions with the global objectives of limiting environmental change,...

UE traça estratégia para aumentar massivamente a captura de carbono para atingir os objetivos climáticos

EU outlines strategy to massively increase carb...

The European Commission has announced the launch of its strategy to significantly increase industrial carbon capture, storage and utilization capacity across the EU over the next few years.

EU outlines strategy to massively increase carb...

The European Commission has announced the launch of its strategy to significantly increase industrial carbon capture, storage and utilization capacity across the EU over the next few years.

Comissão Europeia propõe nova meta para reduzir as emissões da UE em 90% até 2040

European Commission proposes new target to redu...

The European Commission today revealed its anticipated recommendation to set a target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040, compared to 1...

European Commission proposes new target to redu...

The European Commission today revealed its anticipated recommendation to set a target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040, compared to 1...

MSCI lança solução de relatórios de dados de sustentabilidade para mercados privados

MSCI Launches Sustainability Data Reporting Sol...

Investment and research data provider MSCI today announced the launch of MSCI Private Company Data Connect, a new platform aimed at collecting and communicating sustainability data and...

MSCI Launches Sustainability Data Reporting Sol...

Investment and research data provider MSCI today announced the launch of MSCI Private Company Data Connect, a new platform aimed at collecting and communicating sustainability data and...

Lamborghini visa redução de 40% nas emissões em toda a cadeia de valor até 2030

Lamborghini aims to reduce emissions by 40% acr...

Italian luxury sports car manufacturer Automobili Lamborghini has announced a new climate commitment, targeting a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions “per car” across its entire chain.

Lamborghini aims to reduce emissions by 40% acr...

Italian luxury sports car manufacturer Automobili Lamborghini has announced a new climate commitment, targeting a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions “per car” across its entire chain.

Legisladores da UE concordam em regulamentar provedores de classificações ESG

EU Lawmakers Agree to Regulate ESG Ratings Prov...

European Parliament and Council lawmakers announced today that they have reached a provisional agreement on a proposal to regulate providers of ESG ratings and introduce rule...

EU Lawmakers Agree to Regulate ESG Ratings Prov...

European Parliament and Council lawmakers announced today that they have reached a provisional agreement on a proposal to regulate providers of ESG ratings and introduce rule...