Allianz launches dashboard monitoring Net Zero transition progress and requirements

Allianz lança painel de monitoramento do progresso e requisitos da transição Net Zero

Leading insurance and investment group Allianz has announced the launch of SAMEpath, a new tool that aims to enable users to track transition pathways to net-zero emissions, including charting the emissions reductions and investments required to achieve the targets of the Climate Change Agreement. Paris and chart economic developments and transition risks. for sectors and economies in different climate scenarios.

Ludovic Subran, chief economist at Allianz, said:

“After the Paris Agreement, it was thought that the world needed a simple tool, similar to Google Maps, to guide us in reducing greenhouse gases (GHG). Unfortunately, there are an almost unmanageable number of models and scenarios today. SAMEpath simplifies this into a tool that can tell users where we are, how we can achieve Net Zero from here, and do so based on the situation.”

According to Allianz, the new SAMEpath (Sector Assessment of Multiple Emissions Pathways) panel outlines how the green transition can be achieved within an increasingly shorter timeframe, informing stakeholders about factors including economic developments and potential transition risks to sectors and economies under different climate scenarios, including reaching the 1.5°C target while remaining below 2°C, and excess warming incorporated into current policies.

Key features of the new platform include custom data searches to display and download data about a requested variable, region or scenario, and a geographic map that allows users to compare different countries for a given variable, scenario and year combination. The SAMEpath dashboard also includes a Risk Assessment functionality that allows the identification of climate transition risks in different scenarios for various sectors and the economy as a whole, including forecasting the impact of each scenario on a country's final sectoral demand, as well as an Abatement Cost Curves Subsection, exploring the relationship between emissions reductions and the associated carbon price needed to achieve those reductions overall or in a particular sector.

Subran added:

“Allianz's goal is to 'secure your future'. We take this seriously and support our stakeholders as best we can in their efforts to achieve their Net Zero goals. SAMEpath is part of this commitment as it can form the basis for investment and underwriting decisions around the world.”

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