Soldagem de aço martensítico: técnicas que você precisa conhecer

Martensitic steel welding: techniques you need ...

The microstructure of Martensitic Steel (MS) is predominantly martensitic. It has high tensile strength, with maximum strength reaching 1600 MPa. To increase its plasticity, steel must...

Martensitic steel welding: techniques you need ...

The microstructure of Martensitic Steel (MS) is predominantly martensitic. It has high tensile strength, with maximum strength reaching 1600 MPa. To increase its plasticity, steel must...

12 técnicas de soldagem: dicas de especialistas para iniciantes

12 Welding Techniques: Expert Tips for Beginners

Although there are no technical secrets in the welding process, there are several welding technologies, methods and processes that can facilitate the welding process. These processes are called...

12 Welding Techniques: Expert Tips for Beginners

Although there are no technical secrets in the welding process, there are several welding technologies, methods and processes that can facilitate the welding process. These processes are called...

Você pode soldar ferro fundido?

Can you weld cast iron?

Can you weld cast iron? Your Complete Guide Welding Welding cast iron is quite a challenge, but if you strictly follow the recommended guidelines, you can repair cast iron parts...

Can you weld cast iron?

Can you weld cast iron? Your Complete Guide Welding Welding cast iron is quite a challenge, but if you strictly follow the recommended guidelines, you can repair cast iron parts...

Explorando Fluxos de Soldagem: Tipos, Composição, Funções, Princípio de Funcionamento

Exploring Welding Fluxes: Types, Composition, F...

What is welding flux? Welding flux is a granular welding material that, when melted during welding, forms slag and gas. This substance plays a crucial role in protecting...

Exploring Welding Fluxes: Types, Composition, F...

What is welding flux? Welding flux is a granular welding material that, when melted during welding, forms slag and gas. This substance plays a crucial role in protecting...

O guia definitivo para soldagem 6GR

The Ultimate Guide to 6GR Welding

Definition of 6GR Pipeline Welding 6GR pipe welding involves fixing the pipe with a snag ring at a 45° inclination angle. The axis of the tube forms an angle of...

The Ultimate Guide to 6GR Welding

Definition of 6GR Pipeline Welding 6GR pipe welding involves fixing the pipe with a snag ring at a 45° inclination angle. The axis of the tube forms an angle of...

Aprenda a soldar cobre e aço inoxidável

Learn how to weld copper and stainless steel

1. Overview Welding copper and stainless steel is a common process, but it can also present some challenges. One of the main difficulties in welding these two materials is the...

Learn how to weld copper and stainless steel

1. Overview Welding copper and stainless steel is a common process, but it can also present some challenges. One of the main difficulties in welding these two materials is the...