What is SCADA?


O que é SCADA?

SCADA systems, derived from the English acronym Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, are systems that allow monitoring and data acquisition. As for technological process monitoring systems, they are implemented as IT applications superior to the control hardware layer of PLC controllers or I/O modules. The basic task of such systems is to exchange data with controllers, based on which the process status and various functionalities are presented to the end user in the form of a visualization. These features allow you to control the process and individual system components, alert about irregularities or undesirable situations, and generate production reports. Taking the data collection element into account, they archive technological information such as device status or messages about device measurements and controls, which are stored in a database updated in real time.


Task similar to SCADA systems Implementation of HMI (Human-Machine Interface) panels. Unfortunately, some people incorrectly claim that SCADA and HMI are the same products that provide the same functionality. In addition to their world-famous industrial applications for operating production machines, HMI panels can also be found in everyday life. We can also use it to turn on a washing machine or a microwave. They allow us to regulate the air conditioning or the car radio. They are also used in the store by cashiers or by ourselves at self-service checkouts. But are they equivalent to SCADA systems? In the applications described above, the HMI panels take on the task of communicating with the process control system. From this data exchange, they visualize the status of the process, allow it to be controlled and alert in critical situations. And all this in the immediate vicinity of the machine, because the HMI panels are devices intended for installation. And this is where the similarities between SCADA and HMI end. As you can see, in the case of HMI, it is not possible for us to collect long-term process data or create production reports. In technological processes, these functionalities are necessary to analyze and document the activities carried out and their results. The differences also include the hardware layer of both solutions. HMI panels are usually prefabricated solutions from device manufacturers with precisely defined components, equipped with a specific case type, communication interfaces and a screen with a specific size and resolution. If you want to make changes, you must update the entire project and adapt it to the new device. SCADA systems are now IT systems that are generally independent of the hardware platform and usually run on PC computers equipped with a specific operating system. Therefore, hardware units like processor, RAM or hard drive capacity only determine the speed, smoothness of the running application and the ability to store a certain amount of archived data.

In total Instead, HMI solutions serve to locally view the status and control the operation of the machine or a process fragment with alert. However, the system is SCADA generally monitors the entire system and all the processes running on it and stores historical data about them and provides reports. They are generally connected to a control room and customer stations located there, in addition to several monitors displaying the system.

What are the advantages of using SCADA systems?

The main task of SCADA systems is constant monitoring and control of technological processes. The transparency of visualization, the good and correct representation of the real system and the speed of operation lead to the working conditions with the system, as well as the quality and precision of the decisions made by the operator. This quality is evident in terms of the goods produced, but also in guaranteeing adequate occupational safety. In the integration phase, engineers introduce appropriate operational restrictions and rules to avoid certain undesirable situations and thus increase operational safety.

A properly functioning SCADA system equipped with the necessary functionalities for a given process also leads to better financial results. The automation of processes and activities increases work efficiency, reducing the use of human resources. Analysis of archived data allows for adequate production planning and investigation of the causes of failures and downtime, which also affect finances.

The most famous and widely used SCADA systems on the Polish market include Wonderware Intouch, asix, Indusoft Web Studio, MAPS, iFIX, CITECT SCADA, MAPS and Control Maestro.


SCADA systems are systems that represent advanced and often complicated solutions in the integration phase, which increases the maintenance cost of such a system. However, if we take into account the advantages of using a well-developed SCADA system, they offset the costs and can bring significant financial profits, as well as increasing the comfort of working with the system and its safety.

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