The myth surrounding ceramic bicycle bearings

bicycle bearings

Choosing the right bicycle bearings is an important decision for both competitive and leisure cyclists. While many cyclists associate the switch from steel bearings to hybrid ceramic bearings as a performance improvement, there is another party that simply believes that hybrid ceramic bearings are based on clever advertising and a waste of money.

As with all bearing applications, rather than focusing primarily on the mechanical component in question, the best place to start is to ask yourself, “What do you expect the bearing to actually do?” Ceramic bearings are often selected to provide marginal short-term running gain, so they would not satisfy a hobbyist looking for a low-maintenance part with years of service.

Interestingly, some claim that hybrid bearings make no difference to cycling performance. While there is no doubt that hybrid ceramic bearings operate with less friction, some feel that the cyclic rotation is too slow to achieve visible results.

However, a well-made hybrid ceramic bearing will roll faster, saving energy and enabling higher cruising speeds than an equivalent steel bearing. This is because the properties of ceramic allow for the creation of rounder, smoother bearings.

Bicycle bearings: are they all the same?

Of course, this competitive gain comes at a cost. Good quality hybrid bearings are not cheap. While top professionals are willing to pay for them, many amateur cyclists can't justify the price – instead, they sometimes turn to cheaper hybrid bearings, believing they will still get at least some benefit from the switch.

The main difference is that cheap hybrid ceramic bearings are not manufactured to the same quality standards. This means that the desired performance advantage is lost over traditional steel bearings. These lower quality hybrids simply aren't manufactured to the same high standard, which affects the rolling ability of the bearing.

Just because a ceramic bearing may be ultra-round doesn't mean it is. In reality, the person who bought the cheap hybrid bearings would have been better off spending the same amount on good quality steel bearings.

When considering whether to compromise quality for cost, it is important to recognize why some brands of bearings are more expensive. Here at Rolamentos e Componentes, for example, we always look for manufacturers who place a significant burden on quality control and consistency. This way, we can ensure that all the bearings we stock are of exactly the same quality and consistency that customers expect.

It's important for riders of all calibers to understand the crucial differences between the performance expectations and characteristics of good quality hybrid options and steel bearings. If a cyclist wants to maximize their performance, a cheap hybrid bearing is not the best option.

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