7 dicas essenciais para instalar tipos comuns de rolamentos

7 Essential Tips for Installing Common Types of Bearings

The main types of bearings include: deep groove ball bearings, angular contact ball bearings, spherical roller bearings, spherical roller thrust bearings, cylindrical roller bearings and thrust ball bearings.

I. Deep groove ball bearing installation instructions:

  1. When installing bearings, ensure even distribution of force; do not hammer directly. If the fit is too tight, heat the bearing in an automatic air or oil furnace, keeping the temperature strictly below 120°C.
  2. Bearings with nylon cages can operate stably and continuously between -40°C and 120°C. Working above 150°C should not exceed 4 hours, with short-term temperature peaks not exceeding 180°C.
  3. Bearings must be stored in a clean, dry place, away from chemicals, with a relative humidity of less than 65%. Do not store bearings directly on the ground.
  4. Stock bearings must be cleaned and repackaged every year to prevent rust.

II. Angular contact ball bearing installation instructions:

  1. When installing bearings, ensure even distribution of force; do not hammer directly. If the fit is too tight, heat the bearing in an automatic air or oil furnace, keeping the temperature strictly below 100°C.
  2. Bearings with nylon cages can operate stably and continuously between -40°C and 120°C. Working above 150°C should not exceed 4 hours, with temporary temperature peaks reaching 180°C.
  3. Bearings must be stored in a clean, dry place, away from chemicals, with a relative humidity of less than 65%. Do not store bearings directly on the ground.

III. Spherical roller bearing installation instructions:

  1. Users should choose appropriate accessories and radial clearance of bearings according to usage requirements. Check bearing codes when unpacking.
  2. Before installing the bearing, if grease is required, it must be cleaned and applied sparingly.
  3. During installation, avoid directly hammering the inner and outer ring surfaces and rollers to avoid damage or cracking.
  4. Normally, bearings should be heated in mineral oil to 90°C-100°C and then immediately mounted on the spindle.
  5. Avoid using localized flame heating on the bearings. If “hot installation” is a challenge, use specialized mounting tools.
  6. During bearing operation, maintain adequate sealing and lubrication. Ensure continuous lubrication.
  7. Store bearings in a clean, dry place, free from environmental contamination. Bearings must not be stored directly on the ground. If they have been in stock for more than a year, clean and re-lubricate them.

4. Thrust spherical roller bearing installation instructions:

  1. When installing the bearing, clean the bearing seal and apply high-quality lubricant.
  2. When installing bearings, ensure even distribution of force; don't hammer. If the fit is tight, heat the bearing in mineral oil to 90°C-100°C before installation.
  3. Bearings must be stored in a clean, dry environment, with a relative humidity of less than 65%.
  4. Bearings in storage must be cleaned and lubricated every year, ensuring that the sealing packaging remains intact.
  5. When using bearings, maintain a robust sealing and dust protection mechanism and frequently check their operational status.

V. Cylindrical roller bearing installation instructions:

  1. This bearing is separable; users can adjust the clearance as needed during installation.
  2. Before use, clean the bearing with gasoline or kerosene and ensure adequate lubrication.
  3. When installing the bearing, press it against the component; don't hit him.
  4. Store bearings in a clean, well-ventilated place, avoiding humidity. For long-term storage, regularly prevent rust.

SAW. Axial ball bearing installation instructions:

  1. When installing the bearing, remove the bearing seal, clean and apply high-quality lubricant.
  2. When installing bearings, ensure even distribution of force; don't hammer. If the fit is tight, heat the bearing in mineral oil to 90°C-100°C before installation.
  3. Bearings must be stored in a clean, dry environment, with a relative humidity of less than 65%.
  4. Bearings in storage must be cleaned and lubricated every year, ensuring that the sealing packaging remains intact.
  5. When using bearings, maintain a robust sealing and dust protection mechanism and frequently check their operational status.

VII. Introduction to the basic installation requirements of four-row tapered roller bearings

Basic installation requirements:

Installation must be carried out by specially trained personnel. Inspect the shape and positional tolerance of the bearing contact surfaces. Make sure the installation location is clean. Only after all preparations have been completed, open the bearing packaging and do not remove the anti-rust oil from the bearing.

  1. Bearing Assembly Setup When opening the bearing package, avoid removing the anti-rust oil. Examine the bearing assembly to ensure its integrity, the year of manufacture is consistent, and that production serial numbers and installation sequences are indicated in alphabetical order. The bearing contact surfaces must have four load zones marked every 90° (from I to IV). Mark the load zones on the outer diameter of the outer ring beyond the axial engraving line.
  2. Bearing Mating Surface To prevent fretting corrosion between the journal and the bearing seat mating surface, apply a thin layer of assembly paste. Use screws to secure the roller end cover to the bearing seat, positioning the bearing seat with the opening facing up on a flat support.
  3. Open Bearings Initially, with the E end facing down, lift the outer ring DE and outer spacer D and place them inside the bearing seat. Then, in the indicated sequence, lift and place the other components on the bearing seat. Ensure alignment of loading zones. Subsequent components must come into full contact with the previous ones, without any inclination or misalignment.
  4. Installation of open bearings with stamped seals For bearings with stamped seals, place the E-Ce inner ring flat on a support (with the E end facing down). Then, following the correct sequence, position each component individually. Use a lifting device to install the complete bearing assembly into the bearing seat, ensuring that Load Zone I is correctly aligned. For bearings with pin seals, place the E-Ce inner ring (E end facing down), the inner spacer C (with the locating edge facing down), the double row outer ring BD and the outer spacer B in the bearing seat. For the pin retainer bearing, install the A-Ca inner ring and single-row AB outer ring into the bearing seat. Make sure Load Zone I is correctly aligned. The pin retainer bearing can be installed using a lifting device similar to that used for stamped retainer bearings.
  5. Installing Sealed Bearings Use a specialized lifting device to install the sealed tapered roller bearing. Mount the bearing components to the lifting device in the sequence shown. First install seal ring E. When installing grease-lubricated bearings, manually lubricate the rollers and seal combination. Make sure Load Zone I is properly aligned and install the assembled bearing into the bearing seat.
  6. Rotary Bearings Carefully install the second end cap onto the bearing seat using four screws in symmetrical positions around the circumference (do not over-tighten the screws). Rotate the bearing seat to a horizontal position. Use a rod to secure the accessory to the end face of the inner ring. Initially, apply light pressure; the accessory should only touch the end face of the inner ring. For sealed bearings, the lifting device also functions as a fixture. Gradually tighten the end cap rods and bolts, turning the inner ring slowly until it fully matches the inner spacer C. Measure the 'S' gap between the end cap and bearing seat using a feeler gauge to determine the thickness of seal 'B'. For rigid seals, B=S-(0.05 to 0.1)mm. For elastic seals, B=1.2Smm.
  7. Seal Installation Loosen the end cap screws, remove the end cap and insert the required thickness of the seal. Apply lubricant to the inner ring hole, completing the installation.
  8. Labyrinth Seal Ring Oil Bath Installation Heat the labyrinth seal ring in an oil bath, and then push the labyrinth seal ring and O-ring onto the journal. During the cooling process of the labyrinth seal ring, it must be pressed firmly against the end face of the roller.
  9. Maintenance and installation of the bearing seat Push the mounted bearing seat into the trunnion. Periodically inspect the effectiveness of the bearing seat seal and the bearing temperature. After 1000-1200 hours of bearing operation, change the bearing load zone. Record all bearing maintenance and inspection work on the bearing inspection card. To change the bearing's load zone, disassemble the bearing in the reverse order of its assembly, thoroughly clean the bearing components, apply oil immediately, visually inspect the races and rollers for damage, check the end play, repack the bearing with new grease, install according to instructions and move to the next loading zone. For the first load zone switch, rotate the outer ring 180° to Load Zone III; for the second, rotate 90° to Load Zone IV; and for the third, rotate 180° for II.

For sealed tapered roller bearings, perform additional inspections at 300h, 600h and 900h of bearing operation by following these steps:

Remove the bearing seat and end cover to inspect the amount and condition of grease inside the bearing and labyrinth seal. If the grease is discolored or contaminated, refill the bearing and labyrinth seal with new grease. Carefully inspect the bearing seal, replacing it even in case of minor damage. Record all bearing maintenance and inspection work on the bearing inspection card.”

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