Factors controlled by MEP Engineering

Building owners need to look to MEP engineering to add quality, sustainability and longevity to their buildings. A building may have the most attractive design from the outside, but does it have the necessary facilities to be sustainable? MEP engineering exists to add functionality to buildings and maintain their long-term value.

Electricity consumption and MEP engineering

Unsystematic installation of a building's electrical lines can lead to excessively high electrical bills. MEP engineers, through careful and thorough planning, are able to find ways to optimize the use of electrical energy and minimize costs.

Almost everything runs on electricity, such as lighting, computers, heating and cooling. In fact, these are the main energy consumers in most buildings. But the point is that they are also essential and it is almost impossible to do anything without them. MEP engineering can utilize energy sources, such as solar and wind, and coordinate between them. The net result will be savings in energy costs without compromising functionality.

HVAC and lighting are two specific areas that need attention. HVAC consumes about 32% of the energy used by a building, while lighting consumes 25%. Between the two, this represents more than 50% of a building's total energy consumption.

Perhaps the most effective way to save lighting is to maximize natural light. The impact of natural light is enormous during the summer. On the other hand, to control HVAC energy consumption, MEP engineers must find ways to minimize energy loss.

Water Conservation and MEP Engineering

Water conservation should be a top priority for any modern building owner. Whether your building is in an area where water is abundant or where droughts occur frequently, it is simply not acceptable to waste water. Saving water is beneficial for building owners when it comes to paying water bills.

One way MEP engineers can save water is to use low-flow faucets and toilets. A low-flow faucet can use 40% less water, while a low-flow toilet saves a few gallons of water per flush.

Gray water is also quite valuable. This is not drinking water, but water that has been used for other purposes, such as washing. It is still clean and can be used for other purposes that don't necessarily include drinking.

Co2 Emissions and MEP Engineering

Carbon dioxide emissions are terrible for the environment and accelerate global warming. Even if it is not part of state or municipal requirements, building owners need to be innovative and care about reducing their emissions.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning emit a lot of carbon dioxide waste. Using efficient systems with low carbon dioxide emissions will certainly help the atmosphere. Make sure systems are serviced regularly and are always in top condition to reduce emissions.

MEP engineering is not a sophisticated option that building owners can choose to accept or not. Building owners would suffer the implications of not consulting MEP engineers before beginning a construction project. MEP engineering keeps buildings sustainable and functional many decades after they are constructed.

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