Como os serviços de E-Comm no design MEP podem economizar o tempo do proprietário?

How can E-Comm services in MEP design save a homeowner time?

E-commerce was once a value-added service, but it has become essential for companies to remain competitive. This is especially true during the coronavirus outbreak, as e-commerce contributes to social distancing. Construction requires the presence of contractors and their employees at project sites. However, many of the required engineering services can be provided remotely, and this includes MEP design.

With modern design software and collaboration tools, architects and engineers can collaborate regardless of geographic distances and without the need to meet in person. This is a huge advantage during the current health emergency, as a virtual design environment eliminates the risk of infection.

Planning a new building? Get your MEP systems designed and approved remotely.

E-commerce also allows for the specification of MEP design services, based on specific tasks or quantities of work. MEP design companies can offer “detailed” services in online stores, adapting to the needs of different clients and project sizes. Customers can also know the exact cost of the design service in advance, even before contacting the engineering company.

MEP Design: Comparing E-Commerce and Conventional Payments

virtual deputy

MEP engineering services can be quoted more accurately with an e-commerce approach, as the list of required tasks is simply added to a “cart”. Additionally, traditional design services are often paid by check or bank transfer, while e-commerce offers more options such as credit cards and Paypal.

  • E-commerce allows for faster payments with lower fees: while an international bank transfer involves a high fee and several days, PayPal transactions have low fees and immediate processing.
  • With eCommerce, project owners also have more flexibility in managing their payment methods. For example, they may switch to a credit card that has just started its billing cycle, giving them more time to pay the bank interest-free.

E-commerce streamlines the MEP design process, shortening the initial conversations between the owner and engineering firm and offering an immediate quote. Building owners know exactly how much needed services will cost, and design engineers can get started within hours of initial contact. Payment terms are provided upfront and transactions are processed automatically – homeowners and design firms can focus on projects.

Virtual MEP design services also save a lot of time and fuel and in the current situation, reduce exposure to COVID-19. With modern engineering software and collaboration tools, a construction project can go from a concept to an approved design, even if the parties involved never meet in person. Of course, another advantage of e-commerce is the elimination of geographic distances – an engineering company in North America can offer MEP design services for construction projects in Southeast Asia or the Middle East.

Reducing MEP Design Costs with Ecommerce

virtual engineering

For project owners, e-commerce offers engineering expertise per task or per set amount of work. Real estate developers and contractors can outsource engineering services at a flexible cost rather than having their own team on the payroll. With the uncertainty brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, having flexible costs is beneficial for businesses of all types.

E-commerce in MEP design also reduces costs thanks to the efficiency and accumulated expertise of the engineering company that offers it. After working on many MEP projects and getting them approved by local authorities, engineers can complete the process in as few working hours as possible. Also consider the time saved on travel and meetings, which is subtracted from the total project hours.

Virtual MEP design services also bring indirect savings. For example, they avoid medical costs incurred if a staff member contracts COVID-19 while attending meetings. By speeding up the design and approval phase, e-commerce also allows for an earlier start to construction. This is beneficial for landlords who are currently paying rent while the building is completed or for landlords who will begin collecting rent from prospective tenants.


E-commerce brings several benefits to MEP design. Project owners can obtain the services of expert engineers without hiring them permanently, while still getting transparent and flexible pricing. During the COVID-19 emergency, e-commerce is also a social distancing measure that reduces the risk of infection for everyone involved in the project.

Engineering companies can use e-commerce to reach a larger market while protecting their employees from COVID-19. Design engineers also spend less time commuting, and meetings can become much more efficient online.

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