Are you looking for concrete destructive testing? Destructive tests of concrete are carried out in cases where the results of non-destructive tests (NDT) cannot be obtained or to further clarify the results of non-destructive tests. If possible, it is common practice to perform non-destructive testing first. If NTD testing cannot be performed or NTD verification methods do not exist, destructive testing will be performed.
The most commonly performed destructive test is as follows.
- Concrete core cutting: When determining the strength of concrete or the results of an NDT test, e.g. B. the results of a ricochet hammer test need to be verified, a concrete core is removed for testing. Depending on the location of the element, the size of the core may be different. Generally core diameters are in the range of 50-150 mm. This sample is tested to determine the compressive strength of the concrete.
- Pull-out test: The test is carried out to measure the force required to pull out a metal embedded in concrete. The metal can be cast into the concrete or inserted into a hole in the concrete.