Dicas de iluminação LED para armazéns e centros de distribuição

LED lighting tips for warehouses and distribution centers

If you ask energy consultants to analyze a building, their list of recommended measures will typically include an LED upgrade. Although this technology brings a higher initial investment than other options, the long-term cost of ownership is much lower. Warehouses and distribution centers can take advantage of LED lighting to reduce their energy bills, especially if they operate 24 hours a day.

Get a professional electrical design for your urban fulfillment center.

Urban fulfillment centers can achieve excellent lighting quality with a combination of high-brightness LED lights and store lights.

  • If your facility currently uses HID and fluorescent lamps, retrofit LED lamps are available. They reduce project costs by using existing fixtures, only upgrading their bulbs.
  • Alternatively, you can replace the entire lighting system with integrated LED luminaires. This is an excellent option for adaptive reuse projects and major renovations, and also if you are planning new construction.

Below we will discuss the main types of LED luminaires that you can use in a warehouse or distribution center, achieving energy savings and lighting quality. You'll also save on bulb replacement and maintenance thanks to the longer lifespan of LEDs.

LED High Bay Lighting for Warehouses

High brightness LED

Conventional high-brightness luminaires use metal halide lamps or high-efficiency fluorescent tubes. However, LED is a much better option in terms of efficiency and durability. For example, the following three types of luminaires have the same application, but the LED option has notable advantages:

Type of luminaire

Energy consumption

Service life

Metal halides


10,000 hours

T5 high-yield fluorescent

324W (6x54W)

20,000 hours

LED high bay


50,000 hours

In this example, the LED luminaire would save 57% compared to the MH lamp and 38% compared to the T5HO luminaire.

High brightness LED luminaires can be classified into round and linear, based on their shape and lighting distribution:

  • Round LED luminaires emit light equally in all directions and are suitable for areas where uniform lighting is required. They are also called UFO lamps as they look like floating discs of light when turned on.
  • On the other hand, linear luminaires concentrate their lighting output on the sides, making them a great option for aisles between product shelves.

There are also LED retrofit bulbs for MH bulbs or T5HO tubes, which can be used to upgrade existing high-brightness fixtures. This is a great option if you want to reduce project costs without compromising quality and performance. However, integrated LED luminaires offer slightly better efficiency and lighting quality.

Integrated LED luminaires are the best option for new construction, as a complete lighting system must be installed anyway. Instead of buying older products and upgrading them later, you can simply choose the best option from the start.

LED Shop Lights for Warehouse Work Areas


Tall luminaires can be complemented with LED luminaires for work areas with lower ceilings. Store lights are typically suspended from chains and have their own power cord and power switch. These features give store lights more mobility than other fixtures and can be easily relocated if necessary.

Conventional store fixtures use T8 or T5 fluorescent tubes, and in older installations you may still find T12 tubes. However, LED store lights are more efficient than all fluorescent options. They are also more durable, whereas fluorescent tubes can become damaged or loose from their bases with frequent movement.

For example, you can use 40W LED fixtures instead of conventional 2x32W T8 fluorescent fixtures, reducing energy consumption by 38%. You'll also get a lifespan of 50,000 hours or more, while T8 tubes will need to be replaced at around 20,000 hours – or even sooner if they're changed frequently.

Outdoor LED lighting for warehouses

parking lights

Outdoor warehouse areas can use a combination of LED wall sets and pole-mounted area lights. These types of fixtures traditionally use HID bulbs, just like high lights, which means you can expect big savings with LED lighting. Electricity costs can drop by 60% or more and bulbs will last up to 10 times longer. In this case, as it is an external environment, you should look for LED luminaires with dust and water-proof housings.

LED lighting offers energy and maintenance savings in industrial buildings, and this also applies to urban warehouses and distribution centers. LEDs consume less energy than traditional HID lamps and fluorescent lamps and also have a much longer lifespan. A reliable lighting system is very important for a distribution center – without adequate lighting, work stops and accidents are likely.

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