Administração de Informações Energéticas dos EUA: 47% das residências usam iluminação LED

US Energy Information Administration: 47% of homes use LED lighting

LED lighting is no longer an emerging technology: business owners and managers are aware of its superior efficiency and durability. The Energy Information Administration's latest Residential Energy Consumption Survey reveals that 47% of U.S. homes now use LED products for most or all of their lighting needs. LED residential lighting now has a larger market share than halogen, incandescent and fluorescent lighting.

The Residential Energy Consumption Survey is a periodic study conducted by EIA that provides a detailed picture of how U.S. households are using energy. The last two surveys were carried out in 2015 and 2020, with the last survey considering 18,496 households. The EIA began publishing 2020 results in March 2022, as analyzing the large volume of data takes time. Between 2015 and 2020, the percentage of U.S. households using LED bulbs for most or all of their lighting needs increased from 4% to 47%.

Get a professional LED lighting design for your next construction or renovation project.

The two main benefits of LED lighting are energy efficiency and durability. On average, LEDs can achieve electricity savings of 30-50% when replacing fluorescent lamps and savings of over 80% when replacing halogen or incandescent lamps. The typical LED bulb lasts about 15,000 to 25,000 hours, depending on the model and manufacturer, while most compact fluorescent bulbs last about 8,000 to 12,000 hours. Halogen and incandescent bulbs typically need to be replaced every 1,000 to 2,000 hours.

LED lighting also offers design flexibility that cannot be achieved with other types of lamps. Thanks to their small size, LEDs can be used in lamp formats that are not possible with halogen and fluorescent lamps. LEDs can also be designed to produce any color of light needed for an interior design, and some products have adjustable color output.

What types of light bulbs are used in US homes?

When comparing results from the 2015 and 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Surveys, the US EIA noted the widespread adoption of LED Lighting , while the market share of older technologies has declined. The following table compares the results of the last two surveys:

Lamp type

2015 survey results

2020 survey results


4% of houses

47% of houses

Incandescent or Halogen

31% of houses

15% of houses

Compact fluorescent

32% of houses

12% of houses

No predominant lamp type

33% of houses

26% of houses

Incandescent, halogen and fluorescent light bulbs dominated the residential market in 2015, as you can see in the table above. LED was still an emerging technology, with only 4% of homes using it as their main lighting option. This has changed drastically in just five years, and LED has become the most used type of bulb in 47% of homes. The percentage of homes using incandescent, halogen and compact fluorescent light bulbs fell by more than half during the same period.

The US EIA also noted that the adoption of LED lighting is also influenced by household characteristics, and below are some of its key findings:

  • LED is the dominant lighting technology in 52% of homes without children and 45% of homes with at least one child.
  • 54% of households earning more than $100,000 use LED as their primary option, but only 39% of households earning less than $20,000.
  • 50% of owner-occupied homes primarily use LED lighting, but only 40% of renter-occupied homes.

Lighting usage habits in US homes

home lighting

The EIA didn't just look at the types of light bulbs in U.S. homes, but also how they are used. As part of the Residential Energy Consumption Survey, they estimated the percentage of homes with three or more light bulbs that are used at least four hours a day:

  • 59% of households without children, 68% of households with at least one child
  • 71% of families earning more than $100,000, 52% of families earning less than $20,000
  • 65% of homes occupied by owners, 52% of homes occupied rented

LED lighting can achieve synergy with automatic controls, and home automation is on the rise, according to EIA data. They estimated that 39 million American homes have smart speakers and 10 million homes use them to control lighting. The latest Residential Energy Consumption Survey was completed between 2020 and 2021, and the sample of 18,496 homes is the largest since EIA began the program. The survey provides an accurate picture of how homes are using energy, and this is valuable information for homeowners and developers alike.

Upgrading to LED Lighting

lamp replacement

Home and business owners who are considering an LED upgrade have three main options: replace their light fixtures, retrofit them, or replace them completely.

Flashing is the quickest and least expensive option. Existing lamps are replaced with equivalent LEDs designed for the same sockets and voltages. However, this means that the reactors are connected and you will not achieve the highest efficiency possible because they consume energy. Additionally, some replacement LED bulbs will not achieve optimal lighting distribution in older fixtures.

The retrofit also uses existing equipment, but it is rewired internally for optimal performance with LEDs. For example, the ballasts used by older lamp types are ignored or replaced with more efficient electronic drivers or ballasts.

Finally, a complete appliance replacement is the most expensive option, but you achieve the highest efficiency and performance possible. Upgrading to integrated LED fixtures is a great option if you're planning a major renovation.

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