Structure class is a type of classification of structures.
The classification of structures according to Eurocode is based on their expected useful life.
Furthermore, the classification is also based on the type of structure or in other words, the importance of the structure. Very important structures like monumental buildings, bridges, etc. are designed to last longer than other structures.
The structural class is listed in the “Fundamentals of Structural Design” (EC0) standard.
The classification is based solely on the durability of the structure. Indicates the expected useful life of structures depending on their type and expected useful life.
The following table indicates the classification of structures depending on their type and durability.
Design work life category | Shaping professional life | Example structure |
1 | <10 | Temporary buildings |
two | 10 to 25 | Interchangeable construction parts, portal supports, bearings |
3 | 15-30 | Agricultural and similar structures |
4 | 50 | Building structures and other similar structures |
5 | 100 | Monumental buildings, bridges and other engineering structures |
6 | > 100 | Special constructions |
After selecting the structural class, durability requirements can be determined.
For example, if a structure is built near the sea, the covering for the reinforcement must be selected.
If the structural class is known based on the type of structures in the table above, the reinforcement cover can be made depending on the exposure class according to Eurocode 2.