The importance of safety on construction sites

Additionally, safety is a vital part of finishing your project on or under budget. Downtime is expensive, as is finding replacement workers when someone is unable to perform their job after an accident. Workers' compensation claims and lawsuits can increase your insurance costs. Focusing on security helps keep your costs low.

Safety on construction sites protects the public

Safety on construction sites not only protects your workers, but also keeps the public safe. Construction sites are often located in busy areas where the general public comes and goes. Inadequate safety protocols can allow objects to fall on innocent bystanders, putting people who are not even connected to the project at high risk.

Safety reduces work accidents

Construction site safety not only decreases the risk of injury to the public, but also reduces the risk of work-related injuries and accidents. OSHA estimates that nearly a quarter of all work-related deaths occur in the construction industry, and many more non-death injuries also occur. Falls, striking an object, electrocution or being trapped between equipment are the four most common causes of accidental deaths and other injuries. Having a safety culture reduces the risk of these types of accidents.

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Reduce time and money lost after an accident

When an accident occurs that causes injury or death, work stops. The serious nature of these accidents requires investigation and work cannot continue while the investigation is ongoing.

Accidents on construction sites also increase the overall cost of your project. Often, equipment or supplies get damaged and your overhead expenses increase. For injured workers, workers' compensation claims can increase total operating costs. If the injured party is not part of the construction company, it is likely that there will be legal action. Keeping the construction site safe helps limit this risk so your project can be completed on time and within budget.

Increase compliance with a dedication to security

Even if accidents don't occur, an unsafe workplace is a risk. OSHA and other regulatory agencies require specific safety standards at both the federal and state levels. If you fail to comply with these regulations, you are putting your company at risk, as an unsafe working environment can lead to fines and penalties if your failures are revealed. Following and exceeding current safety guidelines protects you from this genuine risk.

How to build a culture of safety on your construction site

With the benefits of focusing on safety being quite obvious, it's time to take a closer look at your construction site to see if you're doing everything you can to protect your business. To build a safety culture, make safety requirements a condition of employment. Host regular training to ensure everyone understands your safety recommendations and reward workers who regularly prioritize safety.

Construction site safety is vital to protect workers, protect the public and keep work running on schedule. By creating a culture of security within your company, you can protect yourself and your customers from these risks.

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