Recomendações de segurança na construção para o inverno

Winter construction safety recommendations

The construction industry is characterized by many risks, such as working at heights and the presence of heavy equipment. Winter weather brings additional hazards to project sites, which include freezing temperatures and slippery surfaces. 2020 brings an additional challenge as construction companies must protect workers from COVID-19. Additionally, many viruses spread more easily during the winter, and many experts believe this is the case with SARS-CoV-2.

Walking on snow or ice is one of the main risks of winter and also a very underestimated risk. On construction sites, the presence of slippery surfaces increases the risk of falling from high places or excavations. To maintain balance on the ice, we must adapt the way we walk. In other words, if we walk normally without being aware of each step, there is a high chance of falling.

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Wind is already a risk factor in construction, especially when the project involves cranes and other lifting equipment. During winter, strong winds can be combined with low visibility due to snow. Furthermore, the combination of low temperature and fast wind has an icy effect that can be dangerous.

Preventing falls on construction sites during winter

Article 02 Figure 02

To reduce the risk of falls during the winter, the first step is to ensure that everyone at the project site is wearing appropriate footwear. In general, rubber and neoprene soles offer a more stable base than other materials. Attachable ice cleats can be used for additional stability, but workers should be aware that they can damage some surfaces and remove them when necessary.

Ideally, construction personnel should avoid walking on slippery surfaces as much as possible. However, if walking on snow or ice is unavoidable, the following recommendations may be very helpful:

  • Carry your body weight with your front foot, and move your back foot with short steps.
  • Alternatively, workers can move forward slowly, still ensuring that their body weight is carried by the front foot.
  • Moving your feet further apart increases the area available to balance your weight.

The way penguins walk on the ice may seem funny, but that's exactly how they avoid falling, and the US CDC recommends it. In the US, around a million people are injured every year walking on ice or snow – walking carefully may be slower, but it prevents serious injuries. Learning from nature is often a good idea in engineering and construction!

We expect an icy surface to be slippery, but snow can be deceiving because the surface below is hidden from view. For example, snow can hide a layer of ice and anyone who is not expecting it can easily slip. Cutting corners and taking shortcuts is not recommended on project sites, as ice patches can be hidden under grass or snow.

Importance of climate monitoring during winter

Article 02 Figure 03 (1)

A sudden gust of wind is very dangerous during lifting operations or working at height. During winter, the effect of wind chill also becomes a considerable risk: at a given temperature, a windy environment feels much colder than a calm environment. Workers must seek shelter when strong winds are combined with low temperatures or when they are exposed to hazards such as frostbite and hypothermia.

A weather monitoring system is valuable on a construction site because project managers can make decisions based on the exact weather conditions at the site. Otherwise, they will have to rely on less accurate weather forecasts that cover larger regions. Additionally, the weather forecast cannot predict the exact moment a gust will occur.

Weather monitoring not only protects workers, but also construction equipment and ongoing work. For example, project managers may suspend an elevator if weather conditions are unsafe. There are also cases where equipment manufacturers provide power reduction instructions for low temperatures.


Regardless of the sector, preventing accidents is better than facing their consequences. Human injuries and deaths cannot be described in monetary value, but even the measurable costs of accidents are typically greater than the costs of prevention.

The combination of winter and the COVID-19 pandemic brings additional challenges to construction, which is already considered a high-risk sector. Proper footwear and walking conditions can help prevent falls on icy surfaces. At the same time, meteorological monitoring can be used to detect hazards that justify the suspension of project activities.

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