3 reasons why electric window openers are vital for commercial buildings

Owning a commercial building requires a lot of responsibility. It is your duty to protect the building's occupants, the contents within it, and the building itself. This may seem like an impossible task, but luckily there is a solution that can help.

We are talking, of course, about electric window openers. They can be a fantastic addition to any commercial building and offer a range of incredible benefits. We've listed three reasons why electric window openers are vital for commercial buildings. Read on to learn more.

Remote controls

Commercial buildings often have high ceilings and staircases with windows in hard-to-reach places. Accessing and opening these windows may involve the use of a ladder or window post, both of which can cause injury if not used correctly.

Additionally, older windows can become stiff and stuck. If too much force is applied in an attempt to open such a window, breakage may cause injury.

With electric window openers, windows can be opened and closed remotely through the use of an external controller or even an app. This means you can say goodbye to window posts and ladders and open inaccessible windows with ease.

Climate control

As a commercial space owner, it's essential to ensure your employees are happy and productive. Temperature can have a significant impact effect on productivity levels, if employees are too hot or too cold they will not work at their best.

Controlling the climate control with traditional windows involves having to manually open and close all the windows. This is a laborious and time-consuming process that does not lead to a modern, streamlined work environment.

Power windows can be programmed to open or close depending on the temperature. When it is very hot, the windows will open and allow ventilation and air circulation, while if it is very cold they will close to retain heat. This makes controlling the climate in the workplace a much easier process.

Security Benefits

Commercial spaces are a common target for thieves and criminals. There are a few reasons for this; Firstly, commercial buildings often contain valuables such as money or equipment, and secondly, commercial buildings are rarely occupied at night when employees have gone home for the day.

When trying to break into a commercial space, one of the first things criminals look for are open windows. This can give them an instant entry and exit point and is a leading cause of break-ins.

It can be very easy to forget to close a window when you're spending the day at home. However, with electric window openers, your windows can be set with timers, meaning they will close at a specific time to protect your building and the contents within it.


Whether it's their remote operation features, climate control capabilities, or security benefits, electric window openers are a vital addition to any commercial building, and we can expect to see more of them in the future.

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