Engineering products for the commercial construction industry

We have come a long way as a species since the making of the Stone Age. Gone are the days when people had to use less durable materials and spend long days, even months, to complete a single infrastructure. Now, if you are looking for engineering products for the commercial construction industry, look no further as we have the list of items you need below.

Robotic Welding

Robotic welding was developed in 1962 and began to gain popularity in the 1980s. The benefits became widely recognized and began to make its way into other industries. Recent technological advances, such as 3D laser vision, have made this technology even more efficient.

Robots can make precise, quality welds. This can be done repeatedly, with each weld having the same quality. This leads to stable and consistent welding.

They also improve productivity as they can perform complex welds simultaneously. They have the ability to work quickly and tirelessly without compromising on quality.

Furthermore, they also keep humans safe. Before its invention, humans performed all welding processes. This meant they were exposed to dangerous, toxic environments and fumes . Using robotic welding eliminates any potential health and safety issues.


For commercial construction, it is important to choose materials and products that guarantee structural stability and longevity.

Spreader beams and lifting beams are two different types of below-hook lifting devices. Both beams hold the lifting slings at a specific angle to prevent damage to the load, lashing hardware, and to prevent the slings from slipping during lifting.

Spreader beams are beams where the lifted load is placing compressive stress on the beam. For this reason, the engineering experts at RUD recommend spreader beams due to their light weight. This makes it easier to handle and transport.

A lifting beam is a beam where the lifted load places bending stress on the beam. These types of beams are heavier, although they are good for situations where hearing a room is an issue.

These are the two main types of beams, but there is some confusion surrounding the exact difference. The information above mainly highlights the difference in the type of force applied to the beam.


Fabrication is the process of making steel components that form a complete structure when assembled. This process creates a final result from raw or semi-finished materials, rather than creating a final result made from ready-made materials.

There are several different manufacturing methods, the method used depends on the starting metal and the desired end item.

There are several technical aspects to consider when it comes to cost-effective manufacturing design. This may be related to the complications of a project or the type of project.

Accurate information is vital for work to be evaluated correctly. If the metal structure is pre-engineered, all member sizes must be shown and connection ways must be shown or available.

Most custom-made items are made from base metals and their alloys. The most popular types used are brass, copper, aluminum, gold, nickel, iron, tin, magnesium, titanium and various types of steel.

One form of manufacturing is casting. This is when molten metal is poured into a mold and cooled until it hardens into the desired shape. This method is great for mass production of parts because the mold can be reused to create identical items. There are different types of casting, pressure casting is where liquid metal is forced into a mold cavity, then pressure is applied to hold it in place until it hardens.

Transport Structures and Lifting Platforms

Effective material handling is important to prevent damage and facilitate movement. Using lifts or transport structures, your team can move loads, increase productivity and establish a safe work environment.

These are some of the engineering products commonly used in the commercial construction industry. While most of them are common, many are highly specialized and customized to fit the job they are needed for.

Product Review:

  • Energy monitoring systems for your multi-unit building
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