Teste de usabilidade: eleve a experiência do usuário

Usability Testing: Elevate the User Experience

Dive into usability testing techniques to create intuitive, easy-to-use software.

Testando usabilidade

Fresh eyes bring new perspectives. This goes for all fields, especially when it comes to designing user experiences. For software and web design, a UX designer's biased viewpoints can significantly distort the software development process and negatively impact the user experience.

Usability testing allows designers to learn directly from the people who use the software. Design and technology professionals often conduct usability testing to solicit honest feedback from users about their products or websites, which helps add significant dimensions to the development process.

Here, we will delve into the ins and outs of usability testing. You will learn the benefits of usability testing, how to conduct effective testing, how to determine the number of participants, the tools needed, and the challenges involved in usability testing in software testing in general.

Historical Perspective of Usability Testing

The importance of usability first emerged from Vitruvius in the 1st century BC. He presented three systematic and elaborate design principles: 1) Firmitas (strength), 2) Utilitas (utility), and 3) Venustas (beauty).

From Vitruvius came the Vitruvian Man, a design created by Leonardo da Vinci sizing the human body by implementing one of the principles, “Utilitas.”

However, rigorous testing of products to achieve optimal usability began in the early 1980s. In 1981, American designer Alphonse Chapanis, a pioneer in product design, and his team realized the importance of observing around five to six users to discover a product's flaws through usability testing.

It was in the late 1990s – the dot-com boom – that usability testing became popular. However, the debate over the ideal sample size for usability testing has never ceased.

Even today we are unable to identify objective and reliable metrics to measure usability, even though usability testing methods have become increasingly complex.

Why usability testing is essential in software testing

Usability testing is essential in software testing because it encourages developers to validate their prototypes, bringing potential users into the early stages of the product development process. This also allows them to plan features they want to add in the future.

Additionally, usability testing ensures that the complex product development process meets expectations – meaning everything works as intended. This is possible because users go through different scenarios when using the applications, confirming that the processes are intuitive and straightforward.

Most importantly, usability testing gives developers the opportunity to empathize with the user, allowing them to develop the most user-friendly software possible.

What is the difference between user testing and usability testing?

User testing or user experience/UX testing involves an in-depth assessment of the broader customer experience and customer satisfaction with a product. All the focus in user testing is on the end user’s needs, preferences, and challenges.

Usability testing , on the other hand, pays attention to a product's ease of use, efficiency, and overall effectiveness in getting the job done. With usability testing systems in place, product developers can narrow down and fix issues related to navigation, layouts, and processes within the app.


  • User testing takes on the task of understanding users' preferences, areas for improvement, and the overall holistic relationship with the product. Here, developers use a customer-centric approach to product development.
  • Usability testing assumes the goal of facilitating ease of use. To achieve this, developers focus on the interface and use the requested feedback to resolve design flaws or obstacles in the user experience.


  • User testing helps gain insights to increase product development effectiveness. Developers collect feedback based on perception, emotion, and behavior from potential users to strategically pursue product development.
  • Usability testing is conducted with the help of potential users who perform specific actions. This generates actionable insights to help developers overcome usability challenges. With usability testing, developers can collect recommendations to make effective design adjustments.

Usability Testing Methods

Now that we are quite familiar with the idea of ​​what usability testing means and its objectives, we can dive into the various testing methods. Let's discuss some of the most common usability testing techniques.

Think Aloud Protocol

The Think-Aloud Protocol method works exactly as it sounds: participants verbalize their thoughts while interacting with the product. This usability testing method helps developers capture reactions, thoughts, and decision-making processes in real-time.


Real-time verbal insight gives developers direct insight into what the average user might think when using a certain functionality or running through a scenario, which helps in immediately identifying problem areas in the application.


One of the key challenges of conducting effective Think-Aloud Protocol usability testing is ensuring participants' ability to comfortably turn their thoughts into words. Furthermore, the testing method requires qualified moderators who can guide the process without influencing the results.

Remote usability testing

One of the most popular usability testing methods, remote usability testing, allows participants to access the product remotely from their locations via screen sharing tools. Remote usability testing can be synchronous (in real time with a moderator) or asynchronous (users complete tasks at their own pace) and works perfectly if developers are targeting geographically dispersed user bases.


As mentioned previously, remote usability testing allows for a larger, more diverse group of participants. The method is less intimidating to participants and increases the likelihood of a more natural interaction.


However, developers will have less control over the testing environment. The effectiveness of remote usability testing can be hampered by potential technical difficulties with software or connectivity.

In-person usability testing

  • Description : Participants interact with the product in a controlled environment, often observed directly by a moderator or research team.
    • Facilitates immediate feedback and deeper exploration of user challenges.
    • Ideal for complex or sensitive tasks where user context is crucial.
  • Benefits :
    • Direct observation of nonverbal cues and body language.
    • Easier to clarify instructions or tasks.
  • Challenges :
    • More resource intensive (requires adequate space and equipment).
    • Potentially intimidating for participants.

In-person usability testing places participants in a controlled environment as they interact with the product. In-person usability testing is performed by a moderator or research team who closely monitors participants' actions.


The in-person usability testing method requests immediate feedback and is ideal for complex or sensitive tasks where user context is crucial. Additionally, it allows for deeper exploration of potential user challenges. The method makes it easier for moderators to clarify instructions and ensure direct observation of nonverbal cues and body language.


This close monitoring by moderators can be quite intimidating for participants. In-person usability testing requires adequate equipment, space, and environment – ​​making the method more resource-intensive.

Guerrilla Usability Testing

Guerrilla usability testing involves conducting quick, informal tests in public places, such as restaurants, supermarkets, and beauty salons, to quickly capture user feedback.


The main advantage of using guerrilla usability testing is that it produces immediate reactions and feedback on specific elements, without prior planning or recruiting participants. It is cost-effective and fast and offers access to a broad spectrum of spontaneous participants.


Guerrilla usability testing offers no control over constraints such as environmental or demographics and can even produce skewed feedback due to its improvised nature.

Formative vs. Formative Test Summative

Formative test

Formative testing is often conducted during product development to inform design decisions and make iterative improvements. It focuses on understanding user needs, behaviors, patterns, and potential challenges while producing continuous feedback loops for developers.


Enables early identification of usability issues and ensures the product is user-centric from the start.


Formative testing is known to require frequent iterations and even cause potential project delays if developers encounter major issues with the product.

Summative Test

Summative testing is used for product validation or benchmarking and is ideally conducted once product development is complete. It allows developers to evaluate overall usability and user satisfaction while comparing results against defined usability objectives or competitors.


Developers can easily define criteria or industry standards and map product performance against them. Allows a comprehensive evaluation of the final product.


Since summative testing involves a comprehensive assessment, it is less flexible for making changes and can even create potential challenges in addressing identified post-launch issues.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a very simple and effective usability test that involves rigorously testing two versions of the same feature or interface. Users will interact with both versions and provide feedback.


This quantitative testing involves KPIs, allowing developers to validate design choices while directly tying usability changes to business metrics. Collecting this objective project performance data ensures continuous and effective user interface optimization.


A/B testing requires significant user traffic to reach a definitive conclusion. Additionally, the test validates one variable at a time. Thus, it potentially misses the impact of holistic UX challenges on product development.

Eye tracking studies

Eye tracking usability studies make the most of specialized equipment designed to monitor participants' vision as they navigate set tasks. Usability testing classifies areas of the interface based on their ability to attract attention.


This usability testing method helps read patterns (F-patterns, Z-patterns, and more) while providing developers with objective visual attention data. The method plays a fundamental role in optimizing the layout, establishing hierarchy and designing visual elements.


The specialized equipment involved in testing is expensive and requires great care. A huge challenge in conducting effective eye-tracking studies is ensuring an optimized interaction setup. Extraneous factors, such as bright colors, can also skew test results.

Task Analysis

Task analysis is an effective usability testing method that identifies bottlenecks and unnecessary steps in a process by breaking the process down into individual steps, making it easier and more efficient to evaluate performance.


This usability testing aims to streamline user workflows by providing developers with a detailed understanding of user paths and behavior. It also facilitates process optimizations for greater efficiency.


It can be challenging to conduct task analysis since testing is time-consuming and requires domain knowledge to ensure participants understand complex tasks.

Steps in carrying out usability testing

What are the steps involved in a usability test? Effective testing consists of four crucial steps: 1) Preparation, 2) Execution, 3) Analysis, and 4) Iteration. Here we will discuss all four steps in detail.

#1 Preparation

It is crucial to establish a solid foundation for usability testing. Effective preparation involves the following tasks.

Set objectives

Developers will first need to specify the purpose of testing, which will make them consider various aspects of the UX that require evaluation. The initiative requires developers to formulate clear and actionable research questions to guide the testing process.

Selecting Test Methods

Of the usability testing methods mentioned above, which one is best for your purposes? Make a decision based on the qualitative and quantitative nature of the tests and the desired results. You can even consider the product stage, target audience, and specific goals to choose a suitable usability testing method.

Participant Recruitment

Make sure you are clear about your target user personas to get relevant and effective feedback. Testing should be conducted on a diverse set of participants to solicit a wide range of user experience feedback. Participants must be compensated for their time.

Designing the Tasks/Scenarios

Communicate the tasks and objectives to participants behind the test. Most importantly, make sure the tasks are realistic, clear and unbiased.

#2 Execution

Once the preparation is complete, prepare for execution. Here are the steps and factors you should consider when running usability tests.

To set up

The team will need to prepare an environment conducive to testing. This can be achieved by installing all necessary tools and technologies and double-checking their functionality by carrying out simulations or pilot tests.

Conducting the test

For effective testing, make sure participants are informed about the tests and the context behind them. Participants should feel relaxed so they can focus on the instructions.

Developers can even ask participants to think aloud during the test to generate more insights into their thought processes. Regardless of its nature, continue to monitor and record participants' interactions with the interface throughout the test.

Feedback collection

Post-test interviews help supplement actual test results. Follow up with participants using questionnaires or surveys to solicit their experiences, insights, and suggestions.

#3: Analytics and Reporting

It's time to analyze the results and gather crucial insights. See how you can make the most of usability testing analysis and deliver a quality usability testing report.

Data Synthesis

Start by reviewing recordings, notes, and participant feedback to identify common patterns and outliers. Collected data should be analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods, such as coding user comments or calculating task success rates.

Drawing conclusions

After fully analyzing the data, use the insights to understand the implications of your test results in the context of your defined software objectives. We suggest that you prioritize usability issues based on frequency, severity, and business impact.

Recommendations and Action Plans

Use the insights to recommend specific design or functionality changes that address identified usability issues in the product. Plan a strategic implementation ensuring effective collaboration with designers, developers and stakeholders.

Feedback loop

Close the feedback loop by communicating test results and recommendations to participants. This helps instill confidence in them and keeps them motivated for future participation.

#4 Iteration

Finally, the insights and conclusions will be implemented and developers will adjust the product design accordingly. Here's what this step involves.

Implementation of Changes

Successful implementation of suggested changes is critical for results-oriented usability testing. Ensure successful implementation by working closely with development and design teams.

Testing again

The “set it and forget it” approach to product development doesn’t work in such a fiercely competitive market. Continue striving for excellence by conducting a follow-up test to evaluate the effectiveness of the modifications. Periodically perform more tests, collect feedback, and refine the product to improve its usability.

How many participants and researchers do you need for the test?

Participants and researchers make up a significant part of the usability testing team. How can you ensure you have the right number of people on your team? See how:


Rule of thumb

When it comes to determining the number of participants for usability testing, we often cite the “magic number five”. The term was coined in research by Jakob Nielsen, who suggested that around 85% of usability problems can be identified with just five participants. We can add more participants to the test. But this will only make the test more expensive and time-consuming and will not provide additional information.


Developers must consider complexity and budget/time when determining the number of test participants required. For multifaceted products or products with multiple user personas, you might consider segmenting participants and ensuring there are five participants per segment. While the “magic number five” is ideal, developers can even test with 1-3 participants to receive valuable feedback.


Single moderator approach

The single-moderator approach to usability testing involves a researcher who will manage the testing session, guide the participant, and take notes. The approach allows for faster decision-making and simplified communication.

Team-based approach

The team-based approach to usability testing includes a main moderator who will manage the testing session and one or more observers who will take notes. The benefits of a team-based approach are striking because the method embraces diverse perspectives and ensures richer data collection. A team environment allows for shared responsibilities, which improves productivity and efficiency.

Usability testing challenges

Usability testing can be very effective in improving the product development process and ensuring an improved user experience. But sometimes it can be complex and chaotic. Usability testing comes with a long list of challenges that you need to consider and overcome. Here are some of the common challenges and solutions:

#1 Recruiting Ideal Participants

How do you get the right user sample for testing? The effectiveness of any usability testing strategy depends on the quality of the participants. Usability testing performed even on a random group of users will provide insights.

But how impactful will the insights be? Recruiting ideal participants is a major challenge that can be overcome by providing clarity on the type of users needed in the testing session. Before doing this, you must also define the correct user sample.

#2 Organizational buy-in

Product developers can have difficulty ensuring that all key stakeholders and decision makers are on the same page. It is essential to get buy-in from the entire organization – otherwise the results of your usability testing efforts may fall on deaf ears.

It's an uphill battle for developers working in a company where usability testing is considered a luxury.

The best way to overcome this challenge is to include stakeholders in communication from the beginning. Set clear research objectives and include some stakeholders on your usability testing team.

#3 Set clear goals

Setting goals can also be a challenge. You need to set clear goals and milestones to get the most value from testing sessions.

An objective that has not been well thought out can put the entire testing team on the wrong path. This can start with posing the wrong questions to the wrong group of participants and asking for meaningless feedback.

To overcome this challenge, you will need to know exactly what you are trying to achieve through usability testing. You must have a list of problems to solve. Then prioritize them by considering how they complement your broader organizational goals. Most importantly, choose goals that you can realistically achieve and implement.

#4 Realistic testing environment

Creating a realistic test environment can be time-consuming and requires a lot of attention to detail. Ideally, usability testing should be performed in a dedicated testing environment.

External factors like noise, temperature, interruptions, and more can affect testing. The only solution to overcome this challenge is rigorous preparation. Developers should perform a test setup well in advance to confirm that it is an ideal test environment.

Usability testing tools and technologies

Of course, a usability testing environment needs to have the right tools and technologies to ensure perfect test execution. Let's explore the best tools to use.

Screen recording and session replay

Screen recording and session playback apps help you capture real-time user interactions that are easily accessible for review later in the usability testing process. Some examples of these types of applications are Lookback and Hotjar.

Advantages: These apps provide insights into user behavior and browsing patterns to help identify points that lead to confusion or app abandonment. Tools like Hotjar even offer heatmaps to help users draw more informed conclusions.


Heatmap applications are designed to track user activity on a web page or software. With heatmaps, developers can easily visualize how users interact with the software. They can monitor where they click, move or scroll. Some examples of heatmap apps are Crazy Egg and Mouseflow.

Advantages : These apps make it convenient for developers to quickly identify popular or ignored areas and strategically optimize page layouts and call-to-action placements.

Remote Testing Platforms

Remote testing is one of the most common forms of usability testing. It involves testing carried out with users from different geographic locations. Some excellent examples of remote testing platforms are UserZoom and UserTesting. They are comprehensive platforms that connect businesses with target consumers through remote sessions.

Advantages : These remote testing platforms provide access to a diverse and broad pool of participants. They also offer flexibility in scheduling and conducting tests.

Survey and feedback tools

Asking for feedback is a key part of the usability testing process. With survey and feedback tools like SurveyMonkey and Qualtrics, developers can collect quantitative and qualitative feedback directly from users. These advanced survey tools help you create customizable surveys and come packed with analytical features.

Advantages : When these tools are used strategically, the benefits of survey and feedback tools include the ability to collect structured feedback to facilitate analysis and engage users at scale.

A/B testing platforms

A/B testing platforms facilitate qualitative and quantitative comparisons of two versions of a page or resource, helping developers determine the best option. Apps like Optimizely and VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) allow A/B and multivariate testing to optimize the user experience.

Advantages: With adequate user traffic to work with, A/B testing platforms can contribute to making data-driven design decisions and validating hypotheses about user preferences.

Eye tracking technology

Previously, we discussed how eye tracking studies can function as a reliable usability testing method. Eye tracking devices and solutions for UX and marketing research from companies like Tobii and EyeTech help monitor participants' visual movements and track attention patterns during usability testing.

Advantages : Eye tracking tools make it easier for developers to discover subconscious user behaviors and adjust visual hierarchies and content placement.

Accessibility Testing Tools

The American Disabilities Act (ADA) encourages software companies to ensure that users with disabilities have equal access to the same programs as those without disabilities. Accessibility testing tools like WAVE and ax (browser extension) help developers evaluate product accessibility.

Advantages : Accessibility testing tools promote inclusivity in design and make it easier for companies to maintain compliance.

Future of usability testing

Usability testing is essential for companies. This allows them to remain relevant in a competitive landscape. It is also essential to keep up with changing usability trends. The field has evolved significantly with the implementation of emerging trends and technologies, ensuring that products resonate deeply with potential users.

Mobile usability

Companies are increasingly investing in mobile usability testing to ensure they thrive in the digital landscape. They conduct mobile platform-specific usability tests that involve capturing real-time interactions, mobile user behaviors, and other factors like screen sizes, device performance, gestures, and more.

Biometric data and emotional analysis

In addition to eye-tracking usability testing, software companies have adopted biometric data and emotional testing and analysis using techniques such as heart rate monitoring, galvanic skin response, facial expression analysis, and more to measure users' level of satisfaction with the product.

VR and AR Tests

As virtual and augmented reality technologies transform industries, web development companies are finding ways to simulate realistic, immersive UX to identify potential usability issues.

Automated usability testing

With automation, developers will be able to test usability using tools that automatically generate test scenarios. These technologically advanced tools, combined with human insights, can help catalyze the testing process, reduce errors, and ensure data-driven product improvements.

AI-Powered Testing

Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms make it easier for developers to process large amounts of usability testing data. AI-based testing solutions are powerful enough to speed up data collection, identify patterns, and suggest insights. This allows for faster iterations and efficient product improvements.


Usability testing is an investment that allows companies to make data-driven adjustments that eventually help them stand out from the competition. It is an extensive, user-centered testing process that provides a higher level of understanding of how a typical user interacts with software products.

Usability testing is by far one of the most effective approaches to improving a product's usability, consistency, performance, accessibility, and other crucial characteristics. Developers must double down on usability testing from the beginning to deliver an exceptional user experience.

Common questions

How does usability testing benefit software developers?

A usability test provides developers with insights into user behavior and patterns as an ideal focus group – typically with five participants – interacts with an application. It enables early problem detection and consistent, data-driven product quality improvements. In other words, usability testing takes the guesswork out of the equation and helps developers take concrete actions throughout the software development cycle.

How often should a usability test be performed?

Usability testing is not unique. Iterative testing is a crucial part of the software lifecycle, as user behavior and preferences change over time. Iterative testing allows developers to improve their products and gain a competitive advantage.

Can usability testing be done remotely?

Yes, usability testing can be performed remotely using remote testing platforms. Since the recent pandemic, companies have been more inclined towards remote usability testing. While it doesn't provide control over the testing environment, remote testing can help bring in a larger, more diverse group of participants.

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