Master Java unit testing: Dive into tools, best practices, and techniques to ensure robust code. Increase software reliability and deliver seamlessly!
Looking to boost your Java development efforts? This guide explores the world of Java testing, covering basic concepts and advanced techniques. You will learn about the importance of Test Driven Development (TDD), configuration and use of JUnit 5, assertions for validating behavior, and best practices for writing high-quality tests. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics or an expert looking to improve your skills, you'll find valuable information about Java testing.
What is Java unit testing?
The purpose of unit testing is to isolate “units” of code and test them to ensure they are working as expected. A “unit” is the smallest testable part of an application, typically a single method or class. This way, when a test fails, it is easy to identify which part or “unit” is not working as expected.
But before we delve into the specific steps involved in unit testing, let's see why we should create unit tests.
Why write unit tests?
Java developers often have to test code manually to see if it works as expected. Writing unit tests helps automate this process and ensures that the same tests are run in the same environment under the same initial conditions.
Unit tests have a number of advantages, including:
- Easy troubleshooting: JUnit tests will reveal when your code isn't working as expected. This makes it easier to identify major bugs or issues before they escalate and infiltrate your production builds.
- Enable code refactoring: Unit tests provide a safety net when your code changes, so you can refactor and modify it with confidence that you won't introduce new bugs into your software.
- Improve code quality: Unit tests encourage developers to write more modular, testable, and maintainable code.
Although writing unit tests can be time-consuming initially, it can ultimately reduce overall development time by reducing the effort spent fixing bugs and reworking code later in the development process.
Test-driven development
Test Driven Development is a software development practice where developers write test methods before writing code. The idea is to first evaluate the intended behavior. This, in many cases, makes it easier to implement the actual behavior. It's also harder to introduce bugs. You can fix any bugs that have appeared by writing additional tests that expose the code's faulty behavior.
The TDD process typically involves three steps:
- Write failing tests: Describe the intended behavior of your application and write test cases based on that. The tests are expected to fail.
- Write code: The next step is to write some code to make the tests pass. The code is written just to meet the test requirements and nothing else.
- Restructuring: Look for ways to improve the code while maintaining its functionality. This may include simplifying the code, removing duplications, or improving its performance.
JUnit 5 installation
Now that we've covered the importance and process of Test-Driven Development, we can explore how to configure JUnit 5, one of the most popular Java testing frameworks.
To install JUnit 5 on Maven, add the following dependencies in the pom.xml file.
< dependencies > < dependency > < groupId >org.junit.jupiter</ groupId > < artifactId >junit-jupiter-api</ artifactId > < version >5.9.2</ version > < scope >test</ scope > </ dependency ><!-- For running parameterized tests --> < dependency > < groupId >org.junit.jupiter</ groupId > < artifactId >junit-jupiter-params</ artifactId > < version >5.9.2</ version > < scope >test</ scope > </ dependency > < dependencies >
To install and configure JUnit 5 on Gradle, add the following lines to your build.gradle file.
test { useJUnitPlatform } dependencies { testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.9.2' testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.9.2' }
JUnit packages
Both org.junit and org.junit.jupiter.api are Java unit testing packages that provide support for writing and running tests.
But org.junit is the older testing framework introduced with JUnit 4, while org.junit.jupiter.api is the newer Java software testing framework introduced with JUnit 5. The latter is based on JUnit 4 and adds new features and functionality. The JUnit 5 framework has support for parameterized tests, parallel tests and lambdas, among other features. For our purposes, we will use JUnit 5.
How to write unit tests
We can mark a method as a test by adding the @Test annotation. The method marked for testing must be public.
In JUnit 5, there are two ways to use assertion methods such as assertEquals, assertTrue and so on: static import and regular import.
A static import allows you to use only static members (such as methods) of a class without specifying the class name. In JUnit, static imports are commonly used for assertion methods. For example, instead of writing Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual), you can use assertEquals(expected, actual) directly after using a static import statement.
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assert.*; public class MainTest { @Test public void twoPlusTwoEqualsFalse { int result = 2 + 2; assertEquals(4, result); } }
JUnit 5 provides several built-in assertion methods that can be used to verify the behavior of the code under test. An assertion is simply a method that compares the output of a test unit to an expected result.
Throughout this article, we will look at several testing methods. Keeping the ideas of test-driven development in mind, we will not look at code implementation in any of these cases. Instead, we'll discuss the intended behavior and edge cases (if any) and write JUnit tests based on that.
Assert.assertEquals and Assert.assertNotEquals
The assertEquals method is used to check whether two values are equal or not. The test passes if the expected value is equal to the actual value.
In the example, we are testing an “add” method, which takes two integers and returns their sum.
@Test void threePlusFiveEqualsEight { Calculator calculator = new Calculator ;// syntax: assertEquals(expected value, actual value, message); assertEquals(8, calculator.add(3, 5)); }
When comparing objects, the assertEquals method uses the object's “equals” method to determine whether they are equal. If the “equals” method is not overridden, only then will it perform a reference comparison. For example, calling assertEquals on two strings will call the string.equals(string) method.
Keep this in mind because arrays do not replace the “equals” method. Calling array1.equals(array2) will only compare its references. Therefore, you should not use assertEquals to compare arrays or any object that does not override the equals method. If you want to compare arrays, use Arrays.equals(array1, array2), and if you want to test arrays for equality, use the assertArrayEquals method.
This method compares the references of two objects or values. The test passes when the two objects have the same references. Otherwise it will fail.
Assert.assertTrue and Assert.assertFalse
The assertTrue method checks whether a given condition is true or not. The test will only pass if the condition is true. Here we are testing the mod method, which returns the modulus of a number.
@Test void mustGetPositiveNumber { // syntax: assertTrue(condition) assertTrue(calculator.mod(-32) >= 0) }
Likewise, the assertFalse method passes the test only when the condition is false.
Assert.assertNull and Assert.assertNonNull
As you may have guessed, the assertNull method expects a null value. Similarly, the assertNonNull method expects any value that is not null.
Previously, we mentioned that using assertEquals on arrays does not produce the intended result. If you want to compare two arrays element by element, use assertArrayEquals.
Test games
JUnit test fixtures are a set of objects, data, or code used to prepare a test environment and provide a known starting point for testing. This includes the preparation and cleanup tasks required to test a specific unit of code.
Before each and after each
The @BeforeEach annotation in JUnit is used to mark a method that must be executed before every test in a test class. The @BeforeEach annotation is used to prepare the test environment or configure any required resources before executing each test case.
In the previous examples, instead of instantiating the Calculator object inside each test method, we can instantiate it in a separate method that will be called before the test runner runs a test.
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; class CalculatorTest { Calculator calculator; @BeforeEach void setUp { calculator = new Calculator; } @Test void twoPlusTwoEqualsFour { assertEquals(4, calculator.add(2, 2)); } }
The @AfterEach annotation in JUnit is used to mark a method that should be executed after every test in a test class. The @AfterEach annotation can be used to clean up any resources (such as databases or network connections) or reset states that were created during test case execution.
Before everything and after everything
The @BeforeAll and @AfterAll annotations in JUnit are used to mark methods that should be executed once before and after all executed test cases.
The main use case for the @BeforeAll method is to configure any global resources or initialize any shared state that needs to be available to all test cases in the class. For example, if a test class requires a database connection, the @BeforeAll method can be used to create a single database connection that can be shared by all test cases.
A few more affirmations
After covering annotations like @AfterEach, @BeforeAll, and @AfterAll, we can now dive into some advanced assertions in JUnit, starting with techniques for testing exceptions.
Testing exceptions
To check whether a piece of code will throw an exception or not, you can use assertThrows, which takes the class reference of the expected exception as the first argument and the piece of code you want to test as the second argument.
Now, let's say we want to test the “divide” method of our Calculator class, which takes two integers, divides the first number by the second number, and returns a double value. However, it throws an exception (ArithmeticException) if the second argument is zero. We can test this using the assertThrows method.
@Test void testDivision { assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, -> calculator.divide(32, 0)); }
If you run the above test, you will notice that the test passed. As mentioned previously, the divide method will return an ArithmeticException, but we are not checking for this. The code above works because assertThrows just checks whether an exception will be thrown, regardless of the type.
Use assertThrowsExactly to expect a fixed type error. In this case, it is better to use assertThrowsExactly.
@Test void testDivision { assertThrowsExactly(ArithmeticException.class, -> calculator.divide(32, 0)); }
The assertNotThrows method takes executable code as an argument and tests whether the code throws any exceptions. The test passes if no exceptions are thrown.
Testing timeouts
The assertTimeout method allows you to test whether a block of code completes within a specified time limit. Here is the syntax of assertTimeout:
assertTimeout (duration timeout, executable executable)
assertTimeout runs the code under test in a separate thread, and if the code completes within the specified time limit, the assertion passes. If the code takes longer than the specified time limit to complete, the assertion fails and the test is marked as a failure.
@Test void testSlowOperation { assertTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(1), -> { Thread.sleep(500); // simulate a slow operation }); }
The assertTimeoutPreemptively assertion is a method that allows you to test whether a block of code completes within a specified period of time, just like assertTimeout. The only difference is that assertTimeoutPreemptive stops execution when the time limit is exceeded.
Dynamic Tests
Dynamic tests in JUnit are tests generated at runtime rather than being predefined. They allow developers to programmatically generate tests based on input data. Dynamic tests are implemented using the @TestFactory annotation. The @TestFactory annotated method must return a Stream, Collection, or Iterator of the generic DynamicTest type.
Here we are testing a subtraction method that returns the difference between the first argument and the second.
@TestFactory Stream<DynamicTest> testSubtraction { List<Integer> numbers = List.of(3, 7, 14, 93); return .map((number) -> DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Test: " + number, -> assertEquals(number - 4, calculator.subtract(number, 4)); )); }
Parameterized tests
Parameterized tests allow you to write a single test method and run it multiple times with different arguments. This can be useful when you want to test a method with different input values or combinations of values.
To create a parameterized test in JUnit 5, you can use the @ParameterizedTest annotation and provide arguments using annotations like @ValueSource, @CsvSource, @MethodSource, @ArgumentsSources, and so on.
Passing an argument
The @ValueSource annotation takes an array of unique values of any type. In the example below, we are testing a function that checks whether a given number is odd or not. Here we are using @ValueSource annotations to get a list of arguments. The test runner runs the test for each given value.
@ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(ints = {3, 9, 77, 191}) void testIfNumbersAreOdd ( int number) { assertTrue(calculator.isOdd(number), "Check: " + number); }
Passing multiple arguments
The @CsvSource annotation takes a comma-separated list of arguments as input, where each line represents a set of inputs to the test method. Here, in the example below, we are testing a multiplication method that returns the product of two integers.
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"3,4", "4,14", "15,-2"}) void testMultiplication ( int value1, int value2) { assertEquals(value1 * value2, calculator.multiply(value1, value2)); }
Passing null and empty values
The @NullSource annotation provides a single null argument. The test method is executed once with a null argument.
The @EmptySource annotation provides an empty argument. For strings, this annotation will provide an empty string as an argument.
Also, if you want to use null and empty arguments, use the @NullAndEmptySource annotation.
Passing Enums
When the @EnumSource annotation is used with a parameterized test method, the method is executed once for each specified enum constant.
In the example below, the test runner runs the testWithEnum method for each enum value.
enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE } @ParameterizedTest @EnumSource(Color.class) void testWithEnum (Color color) { assertNotNull(color); }
By default, @EnumSource includes all constants defined in the specified enum type. You can also customize the list of constants by specifying one or more of the following attributes.
The name attribute is used to specify the names of constants to be included or excluded, and the mode attribute is used to specify whether the names are to be included or excluded.
enum ColorEnum { RED, GREEN, BLUE } @ParameterizedTest @EnumSource(value = ColorEnum.class, names = {"RED", "GREEN"}, mode = EnumSource.Mode.EXCLUDE) void testingEnums (ColorEnum colorEnum) { assertNotNull(colorEnum); }
In the above example, the test case will be executed only once (for ColorEnum.BLUE).
Passing file arguments
In the example below, @CsvFileSource is used to specify a CSV file (test-data.csv) as the source argument for the testWithCsvFileSource method. The CSV file contains three columns, which correspond to the three method parameters.
// Contents of the .csv file // src/test/resources/test-data.csv // 10, 2, 12 // 14, 3, 17 // 5, 3, 8 @ParameterizedTest @CsvFileSource(resources = "/test-data.csv") void testWithCsvFileSource (String input1, String input2, String expected) { int iInput1 = Integer.parseInt(input1); int iInput2 = Integer.parseInt(input2); int iExpected = Integer.parseInt(expected); assertEquals(iExpected, calculator.add(iInput1, iInput2)); }
The resources attribute specifies the path to the CSV file relative to the src/test/resources directory in your project. You can also use an absolute path if necessary.
Note that values in the CSV file are always treated as strings. You may need to cast them to the appropriate types in your test method.
Passing values from a method
The @MethodSource annotation is used to specify a method as the argument source for a parameterized test method. This can be useful when you want to generate test cases based on a custom algorithm or data structure.
In the example below, we are testing the isPalindrome method which takes an integer as input and checks whether the integer is a palindrome or not.
static Stream<Arguments> generateTestCases { return Stream.of( Arguments.of(101, true ), Arguments.of(27, false ), Arguments.of(34143, true ), Arguments.of(40, false ) ); } @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("generateTestCases") void testWithMethodSource ( int input, boolean expected) { // the isPalindrome(int number) method checks if the given // input is palindrome or not assertEquals(expected, calculator.isPalindrome(input)); }
Custom Arguments
The @ArgumentsSource (not to be confused with ArgumentsSources) is an annotation that can be used to specify a custom argument provider for a parameterized test method. The custom annotation provider is a class that provides arguments to the test method. The class must implement the ArgumentsProvider interface and override its provideArguments method.
Consider the following example:
static class StringArgumentsProvider implements ArgumentsProvider { String fruits = {"apple", "mango", "orange"}; @Override public Stream<? extends Arguments> provideArguments(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception { return Stream.of(fruits).map(Arguments::of); } } @ParameterizedTest @ArgumentsSource(StringArgumentsProvider.class) void testWithCustomArgumentsProvider (String fruit) { assertNotNull(fruit); }
In this example, StringArgumentsProvider is a custom argument provider that provides strings as test arguments. The provider implements the ArgumentsProvider interface and overrides its provideArguments method to return a stream of arguments.
You can use the @ArgumentsSources annotation to specify multiple argument sources for a single parameterized test method.
Nested Tests
In JUnit 5, nested test classes are a way to group related tests and organize them in a hierarchical structure. Each nested test class can contain its own setup, teardown, and tests.
To define a nested test class, use the @Nested annotation before an inner class. The interior should not be static.
class ExampleTest { @BeforeEach void setup1 {} @Test void test1 {} @Nested class NestedTest { @BeforeEach void setup2 {} @Test void test2 {} @Test void test3 {} } }
The code will be executed in the following order.
setup1 -> test1 -> setup1 -> setup2 -> test2 -> setup1 -> setup2 -> test3
Just as a test class can contain nested test classes, a nested test class can also contain its own nested test classes. This allows you to create a hierarchical structure for your tests, making it easier to organize and maintain your test code.
Test Suite
JUnit Test Suites are a way to organize your tests. Although nested tests are a great way to organize tests, as the complexity of a project increases, they become increasingly difficult to maintain. Additionally, before running any nested test methods, all test fixtures are run first, which may be unnecessary. Therefore, we use test suites to organize our tests regularly.
To use JUnit test suites, first create a new class (say ExampleTestSuite). Then add the @RunWith(Suite.class) annotation to tell the Junit test runner to use Suite.class to run the tests. The Suite.class runner in JUnit allows you to run multiple test classes as an entire test suite. Then specify the classes you want to run using the @SuiteClasses annotation.
import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Suite; import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses; @RunWith(Suite.class) @SuiteClasses({ CalculatorTest.class, CalculatorUtilsTest.class }) public class CalculatorTestSuite {}
Best practices for writing better tests
Now that we've explored specific claims, we should address best practices that can maximize testing effectiveness. A key guideline is to keep testing simple and focused, but there are additional considerations. Let's dive into some key principles to follow when writing robust and efficient unit tests.
- Write simple, focused tests: Unit tests should be simple and focused on testing one aspect of the code at a time. It must be easy to understand and maintain and provide clear feedback on what is being tested.
- Use descriptive test names: Test names should be descriptive and provide clear information about what is being tested. This helps to make the test suite more readable and understandable. To name a test, use the @DisplayName annotation.
@Test @DisplayName("Checking nine plus seven equals sixteen") void twoPlusTwoEqualsFour { assertEquals(16, calculator.add(9,7)); }
- Using random values at runtime: Generating random values at runtime is not recommended for unit testing. Using random values can help ensure that the code you test is robust and can handle a wide range of inputs. Random values can help reveal edge cases and other scenarios that might not be apparent in a static test case. However, using random values can also make tests less reliable and repeatable. If the same test is run multiple times, it may produce different results each time, which can make it difficult to diagnose and correct problems. If random values are used, it is important to document the seed used to generate them so that the tests can be reproduced.
- Never test implementation details: Unit tests should focus on testing the behavior of a unit or component, not how it is implemented. Testing implementation details can make tests brittle and difficult to maintain.
- Edge cases: Edge cases are cases where your code may fail. For example, if you are dealing with objects, a common edge case is when the object is null. Make sure you cover all edge cases when writing tests.
- Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) Pattern: The AAA pattern is a useful pattern for structuring tests. In this pattern, the Arrange phase configures the test data and context, the Act phase performs the operation being tested, and the Assert phase verifies that the expected results were obtained.
Mockito is an open-source Java mocking framework that allows you to create and use mock objects in unit tests. Mock objects are used to simulate real objects in the system that are difficult to test in isolation.
To add mockito to your project, add the following dependency in pom.xml.
<!-- --> < dependency > < groupId >org.mockito</ groupId > < artifactId >mockito-core</ artifactId > < version >5.3.0</ version > < scope >test</ scope > </ dependency >
If you are using Gradle, add the following to your build.gradle.
repositories { mavenCentral } dependencies { testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-core:3.+" }
Using mock objects
In unit testing, we want to test the behavior of a unit of code independently of the rest of the system. However, sometimes a code module depends on other modules or some external dependencies that are difficult or impossible to test in isolation. In this case, we use mock objects to simulate the behavior of these dependencies and isolate the module under test.
In the example below, we have a User class that we want to test. The User class depends on a UserService class responsible for fetching data from a database. The UserService class has a method called getUserById that searches for information about a user in a database and returns it.
public class User { private final int id; private final UserService userService; public User ( int id, UserService userService) { this .userService = userService; this .id = id; } public String getName { UserInfo info = userService.getUserById(id); return info.getName; } } public class UserService { public UserInfo getUserById ( int id) { // retrieve user information from a database } }
To unit test the getName method of the User class, we need to test it in isolation from the UserService class and the database.
One way to do this is to use a mock object to simulate the behavior of the UserService class. Here's an example of how to do this using Mockito:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.mockito.Mockito; @Test public void testGetName { UserService userService = Mockito.mock(UserService.class); UserInfo info = new UserInfo(123, "John"); Mockito.when(userService.getUserById(123)).thenReturn(entity); User user = new User(123, userService); String name = user.getName ; assertEquals("John", name); Mockito.verify(userService).getUserById(123); }
In the above example, we are creating a mock object for the UserService class using the Mockito.mock method. We are then defining the behavior of the mock object using the Mockito.when method, which specifies that when the getUserById method is called with argument 123, the mock object should return a UserEntity object with the name “John. ”
Then we create a User object with the simulated UserService and test the getName method. Finally, we check that the mock object was used correctly using the Mockito.verify method, which checks that the getUserById method was called with argument 123.
Using a mock object in this way allows us to test the behavior of the getName method in isolation from the UserService class and the database, ensuring that any errors or bugs are only related to the behavior of the User class itself.
Java Test Frameworks
JUnit is by far the most popular choice when it comes to testing frameworks. However, there are many other options. Here are some of them:
- TestNG: TestNG is another popular Java testing framework that supports a wide variety of testing scenarios, including unit testing, functional testing, and integration testing. It provides advanced features like parallel testing, testing dependencies, and data-driven testing.
- AssertJ: AssertJ is a Java assertion library that provides a fluent API for defining assertions. It provides a wide variety of assertions for testing different types of objects and supports custom assertions.
- Hamcrest: Hamcrest is a Java assertion library that provides a wide variety of matchers for testing different types of objects. It allows developers to write more expressive and readable tests using natural language assertions.
- Selenium: Selenium is a Java testing framework for testing web applications. It allows developers to write automated tests for web applications using a variety of programming languages, including Java.
- Cucumber: Cucumber is a Java testing framework that allows developers to write automated tests in a behavior-driven development (BDD) style. It provides a simple, natural language syntax for defining tests, making it easy to write tests that are easy to read and understand.
In this article, we cover everything you need to know to start unit testing using JUnit and Mockito. We also discuss the principles of test-driven development and why you should follow it.
By adopting a test-driven development approach, you can ensure that your code behaves as intended. But like any software development practice, TDD has its pros and cons, and its effectiveness will depend on the specific project and team. For larger projects, engaging Java development services can provide testing expertise to properly implement TDD based on your needs.
Ultimately, the decision to use TDD must take into consideration the project goals, the team's skills, and whether external Java testing resources might be beneficial. With the right understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of TDD, even inexperienced teams can reap the quality benefits of a test-first methodology.
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Common questions
How do you handle dependencies when setting up unit tests in Java?
Dependencies are automatically managed by build tools like Maven and Gradle. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use them.
Can you use JUnit to test non-Java code like JavaScript or Python?
No, you cannot use JUnit to test non-Java code. However, languages like Javascript and Python have their own frameworks for unit testing. For example, Javascript (ReacT) has Jest and Python has PyTest for unit testing.
What are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing unit tests and how can you mitigate them?
When writing unit tests, make sure your tests are simple and focused on testing one aspect of the code at a time. Use descriptive names and group similar tests together. Try to cover all edge cases.
Source: BairesDev