Codeless Automated Testing 101: What You Need to Know

While not yet widespread practice, codeless automated testing is certainly starting to look attractive to more and more QA engineers and testers. Let's review why.

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By now, you've certainly heard about low-code and no-code development (if you haven't, then you haven't read The Daily Bundle!). Tools and platforms focused on low-code and no-code are revolutionizing the world of app development, providing people with little or no coding experience the ability to create software very easily.

This is exactly what codeless automation tools are trying to do for software QA. As the name suggests, codeless automated testing is a solution for people with virtually no knowledge of test script programming. Additionally, it can be a valuable tool for experienced teams who want to speed up test development.

While not yet widespread practice, codeless automated testing is certainly starting to look attractive to more and more QA engineers and testers. That's why we thought it would be great to take a deeper look at what codeless automated testing is, how it works, its benefits and limitations, and how you can start using it in your organization. Let's dive!

What is codeless automated testing?

Codeless automated testing (also known as codeless test automation) is the process of building automated tests without writing code . So, users of no-code automated testing tools just need to choose predefined tests and adjust them according to their needs through easy-to-use interfaces and no code involved.

These platforms leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to make adjustments and tailor tests to user needs. In fact, some of these tools use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to allow the user to give orders and instructions to the program in plain English.

Codeless automated testing is not just about creating tests but also maintaining them. Both time-consuming tasks, these platforms are a simple, straightforward way to boost testing in any development project in a way that virtually any team member can help. In this sense, these tools support the idea of ​​modern development that aims to make quality the responsibility of the entire team.

It's important to mention that while users don't need to know how to code test scripts, they do need to know how software testing works, as well as its goals and its overall position in the development cycle. After all, no-code automated testing platforms are tools, so they don't do the work for users, but they make the work easier through features like AI-assisted autohealing and record and playback.

What are the benefits of codeless automated testing?

The fact that users with a general idea of ​​what testing is can create and maintain tests should be enough to convince anyone to at least try codeless automated testing. However, that's not the only reason why these platforms are heating up by the minute. Other benefits of codeless automated testing include:

  • Greater efficiency. Creating automated tests with codeless testing tools is quick, easy, and virtually anyone can do it. This means you can have accurate scripts up and running quickly, improving your testing practices and allowing you to focus on other urgent tasks.
  • Resource savings. As you don't need experts to create tests, you won't have to hire extra help. Plus, your testers won't need to learn new languages ​​or tools. This results in cost savings as well as better resource management.
  • Simple use. The learning curve of codeless automated testing tools is so gentle that anyone with a basic understanding of testing can take them for a spin. These platforms are intuitive, well documented and have several wizards to make the most of them.
  • Easily reviewable tests. Since you will be creating test cases without code, anyone on your team will be able to read and understand them. This means that anyone can review the tests you implement to verify that they are testing the correct aspects of your projects.

All these benefits add to the inherent advantages of automated testing, a far superior alternative to manual testing in many situations. No-code automated testing tools can be your gateway to automation, which will further enhance the benefits mentioned above.

What are the disadvantages of codeless automated testing?

While it can be quite advantageous to have no-code testing tools by your side, you should know that they will not be a one-size-fits-all solution. There will be some occasions when you will have to write more sophisticated or custom-made tests , which will require a testing specialist. Furthermore, codeless test automation cannot replace scripted automation, only complement it. This is because codeless test automation platforms have difficulty handling complexity.

As with automated testing in general, codeless automated testing is not a good option for scenarios where manual testing works better. Of course, I'm talking about testing factors that require a more subjective approach, like testing user experiences or experimenting with specific aspects of the user interface.

Finally, no-code automated testing often works best in the cloud, which means you'll rely on a third-party vendor to use these tools. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can be a hindrance in certain environments that tend to be more closed for strategic reasons.

Which tests should you automate with codeless automated testing?

If one of the disadvantages of using codeless automated testing is that not all tests are suitable for it, then you might be wondering what they are. Keeping in mind that these tools will not replace manual testing anytime soon (best for testing that needs subjectivity, has third-party dependencies, or has complex prerequisites), you should know that codeless automated testing is quite flexible.

For example test cases that have proven inconsistent or that offer fluctuating results are great candidates for these tools. This is because these tests can be run several times faster, learning as they go to ultimately detect patterns.

There are also tests that are simple enough that having a senior QA engineer perform them is a waste of time. Functional tests come to mind, especially those tests that aim to cover simple things (like the correct performance of buttons and menus, or events that should trigger certain actions).

Finally, testing with no-code platforms is always best viewed as supplements to other testing practices and tools. You can create a complex test to test the functionality of complicated software, where codeless tests feed the results of more sophisticated manual and automated tests, thus becoming a cog in a larger testing machine.

What are some of the most common myths about codeless automated testing?

As is often the case with an emerging practice or technology, there is a lot of misinformation and confusion arising from faulty assumptions and shady marketing practices that promise users the world. To dispel some of the confusion, here are the three most common myths surrounding codeless automated testing.

  • Codeless testing is just recording and playing back with a fancy new name. Recording and playback tools were very popular some time ago, but they required users to enter code to work properly. Codeless testing does not need users who know how to code, as they do everything automatically. (Yes, some no-code testing platforms have recording and playback capabilities, but as part of a broader suite).
  • The “no code” in the name is just a marketing ploy. Some test engineers resist codeless automated tests because they think they are not truly codeless, as some tests end up needing their knowledge and experience. While this may be true for some platforms, there are many no-code automated testing tools that live up to their names and can be completely codeless thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Testing on no-code platforms is difficult to maintain. This is closely related to the first myth and is only true due to an outdated understanding of what these tools can actually do. With AI, ML, and even NLP helping with test case creation and maintenance, editing tests is easier than ever.

Are codeless automated testing solutions right for you?

This is the key question, isn't it? Although no-code testing tools may seem attractive to you, you shouldn't implement them just because. You need to fully understand your testing needs to determine whether the no-code approach is an approach you will benefit from. For example, if you have a solid testing team with a manageable amount of tests, codeless may be useless.

However, if your testing team is overworked or you have gaps in your QA testing talent, codeless test automation is worth taking a look at. This is especially true if you still struggle with various manual tasks, which can significantly slow down your development progress.

If you find yourself in one of these situations, no-code automated testing tools can be a great asset to you. Of course, you'll need to do your research, understand your needs, and contemplate hiring outside help to make the most of these platforms. The best thing about all of this is that codeless automation is a trend that's starting to explode, so you're not late to the party yet. So, start considering whether it's something you need and get on board to reap the benefits of a practice that could revolutionize your testing.

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