Terceirizando seu projeto para a América do Sul

Outsourcing your project to South America

Outsource to South America without any problems! From vetting suppliers, understanding cultural nuances to taking advantage of time zones, our guide walks you through every step.

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Your company may have a dedicated in-house team of developers who are confident and capable of meeting most of your needs. But what happens when these needs expand? Say, for example, you decide to focus on Kubernetes and containerized applications. Do you have time for your team to get up to speed on this technology? Or do you want to get things up and running as quickly as possible?

Or maybe business has grown so much that you need to go beyond your current capabilities. When this happens, it may be time for your company to outsource to South America.

Terceirizar o desenvolvimento para a América do Sul

Why outsource?

The first question to answer is why should you consider outsourcing a project? A quick look at the best regions to outsource software development will show that the top reasons for outsourcing are:

  • Access to the best technology talent
  • Rapid implementation and scalability
  • Guaranteed performance and reliability
  • Reduced focus on IT management
  • Faster troubleshooting and minimal downtime
  • Saving money and time on labor costs

In other words, your company will be able to save time and money while ensuring performance, reliability and uptime. What company doesn't want that?

There are other benefits to outsourcing nearshore software development to Latin America, including greater software security, accelerated software development lifecycles, and long-term staffing flexibility.

Types of outsourcing

Even before analyzing whether your project is suitable for outsourcing, you may want to know what types of outsourcing exist.
So, you will see that there are three main types of outsourcing to consider: onshore, nearshore and offshore.

Land Software Development

This is one of the most popular ways of outsourcing development. Onshore software development means that the project is conducted in the same country as your business. So, if your company is located in Los Angeles, you can outsource the project to San Francisco. This is on land. This type of outsourcing is good for any project that requires location-specific knowledge and a lot of face-to-face interaction.

Nearshore Software Development

When your company outsources to another company that is geographically close, it is using nearshore outsourcing. For example, any company in the United States that outsources to Latin America is working with nearshore outsourcing.

This type of outsourcing is great when you don't need to be in the same country, but prefer to work with someone in the same time zone. When you outsource to a country with a different time zone, scheduling meetings can be a problem. Nearshore outsourcing is a good option for medium and large projects when a company needs immediate access to third-party developers who may be working with sensitive data.

Offshore software development

Finally, we have offshore development outsourcing, which involves a third party geographically distant from the project's country of origin. A very popular example of offshore outsourcing is the outsourcing of North American companies to India.

The biggest benefit of offshore outsourcing is a large pool of talent to draw from. And in many cases, cost efficiency also plays an important role. Therefore, if your company is on a tight budget and still needs an outsourced project, offshore may be your best option.

Outsourcing software development to Latin America

Now that you understand the differences between the types of outsourcing, it's time to decide if your project is suitable for outsourcing to Latin America. But why Latin America? Within all regions of the world, Latin America has the fastest projected IT industry growth (with a projected revenue growth rate of 5.3% for the 2020s). In fact, software development is leading the South American industry, thanks to countries like Argentina and Brazil. Latin America is basically a hotbed for software development.

Is your project a good match?

As for your project, the first thing you should ask yourself is “Do we have the in-house talent to complete the task?” If so, then outsourcing to Latin America will probably not be necessary. However, if the answer is “Unsafe” or “No”, then you should definitely consider outsourcing.

Of course, this question gets a little confusing when you stop to consider the following: if putting this project in the hands of your internal developers will prevent them from working on other projects (or from keeping your current software running smoothly), you might be in good shape. candidate for outsourcing in Latin America.

If this project consumes your internal resources, you will be doing your company a disservice, especially when you can easily expand that team with nearby or offshore outsourcing. And as Latin American talent is one of the best in the world, your project is in good hands.

To finally make this decision, you need to ask a few more questions:

  • What specific skills need to be outsourced?
  • How many developers will you need to complete the project?
  • Will distance be a factor in the success of the project?
  • How difficult is the project?
  • Which countries are on your list?

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