Terceirização Nearshore e o processo de desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis (FAQ)

Nearshore Outsourcing and the Mobile App Development Process (FAQ)

Businesses can use mobile apps for a variety of purposes, to serve customers and employees. For example, a shopping app can allow retail customers to easily find what they need and purchase it no matter where they are. A loyalty app can track purchases, visits, referrals, or other desirable actions and deliver rewards. For employees, (…)

Aplicativos móveis próximos à costa

Businesses can use mobile apps for a variety of purposes, to serve customers and employees. For example, a shopping app can allow retail customers to easily find what they need and purchase it no matter where they are. A loyalty app can track purchases, visits, referrals, or other desirable actions and deliver rewards.

For employees, a news app can provide beneficial updates, links to additional content, and other resources. A data analytics application can allow employees to access information that improves efficiency, reduces costs or achieves other business goals.

Q: What is Nearshoring?

A: Nearshoring is hiring a supplier outside your country, but close by. Typically, the nearshoring agency shares your language, culture, and time zone. For example, companies in the US often hire agencies in South America. Nearshoring is a form of offshoring, which also includes hiring a supplier in a more distant location. All of these approaches fall into the outsourcing category, as the following video explains.

Q: What benefits does Nearshoring offer?

A: There are numerous benefits to nearshoring. It offers advantages over using in-house staff to develop mobile apps and using outsourcing to do so. With nearshoring, you essentially offload the entire mobile app development process, including finding professionals to work on your project, managing the project, and providing training, benefits, and office space for new employees. The nearshoring agency takes care of all these matters for you.

Unlike offshoring, where you can work with people in different time zones, languages ​​and cultures, in nearshoring all of these elements are the same. Therefore, you can be more productive knowing that your team members are available when you are working, being able to communicate effectively, and avoiding potential “lost in translation” pitfalls.

Nearshore mobile app developers perform this type of work exclusively, so there is no need for a ramp-up period or training. In fact, when you work with them, you'll likely learn a lot of best practices from them. These professionals stay up to date with the latest news, trends and procedures, which means they can deliver the best possible results for your project.

Finally, nearshore providers are affordable. Because you don't have to pay for benefits the same way you would for new employees – and because their employment ends when the project ends – you end up paying less than you would pay professionals who work directly for your company.

Q: How much does Nearshoring cost?

A: The total amount you will spend will vary depending on your project. However, a typical range of costs ranges from a few thousand dollars for a simple application to hundreds of thousands for a more complex one. Keep in mind that the cost will likely be much less than the total cost if you attempt to complete the project in-house, considering the following factors:

  • You don't need to hire new employees.
  • You don't need to dedicate time or money to onboarding or training.
  • The project will be done right the first time, meaning no additional costs.
  • The cost of a professionally produced app will result in a high ROI.

You can reduce the overall cost associated with the mobile app development process by clearly defining your goals for the app and considering upfront which platforms you want it to operate on and what features you want it to include.

Q: What is the outsourcing process?

A: Each agency will have its own way of doing things. But there are some steps they will likely follow when working on your project:

  1. Gather information. The developer will ask you questions about what you want the app to do, how you want it to work, and what you want it to look like.
  2. Initial design. The developer will create mockups, that is, images of how the application will work and how it will look on different screens.
  3. Graphic design. The developer will create a “look and feel” for your app that is consistent with your brand and requirements.
  4. Codification. The developer will create the code that will serve as the basis for the application to function.
  5. Testing. The developer will run several tests to ensure the application works correctly. This phase may also include user testing to ensure it is easy for people to operate.
  6. Updates. After the application is launched, the software developer should still be available to fix any issues or add functionality based on user feedback.

The entire process can take anywhere from four months for a simple application to a year for a more complex one.

Service to meet your needs

A mobile app may seem like a frivolous extra, but for some businesses, it's a necessity. For example, if you're a retailer and all of your competitors have shopping apps, the fact that you don't may be a deal-breaker for many customers. An app not only helps them shop, it can also help them discover new items and access immediate service. This kind of user experience is no longer just a nice extra. It is expected by many consumers.

Likewise, an employee app, like one that collects critical data from field workers, can make or break your business depending on the type of work you do. If your competitors are analyzing large amounts of data and gaining productivity because of it, they could easily leave you behind.

This is why you need the mobile app development process to be done quickly and well executed. Hiring a nearshore development agency will deliver these results with a service that fits around your work schedule and helps you achieve your business goals.

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