Terceirização de software: as 15 principais dúvidas de nossos clientes

Software outsourcing: the top 15 questions from our customers

We know that choosing the right software development company can be complicated. Therefore, we selected the 15 main questions we receive from our customers so that you can get to know us better.

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To make an informed decision when selecting the ideal software development company, it is essential to gather essential information about the available options. That's why we selected the top 15 questions we receive from our customers when they meet our sales representatives for the first time, so you can learn more about our services.

Of course, you can look at the 500+ clients who have worked with us over the years, but you need a detailed history of what got us here.

1. What services and solutions do you offer?

We have successfully completed more than 1,600 projects, spanning software outsourcing, dedicated teams and staff augmentation services .

We specialize in solid and complete delivery of highly personalized technological solutions . They are divided into four categories, which are:

  • Software development and design
  • Quality control, testing, maintenance and modernization
  • Cloud and advanced technologies
  • Business and digital solutions

2. What is a dedicated software development team and how does it differ from staff augmentation?

A dedicated software development team is autonomous and adds value as a team , as opposed to individual contributors. It is self-managed and includes support from a dedicated project manager and/or Scrum Master. The team composition seeks to provide the customer with an end-to-end product, with roles ranging from software engineers to test engineers and UX designers. This is beneficial if your goal is to minimize overhead for your management team.

3. What are the advantages of having a dedicated software development team compared to expanding the existing team with headcount growth?

The main advantage is that the team collectively takes responsibility for delivering the project , which reduces technical and management overhead. As the team grows, the client is responsible for daily task assignments and progress reporting, and this requires more management and oversight.

With a dedicated software development team, the project manager and/or Scrum Master works directly with the client to remove obstacles from the team and ensure the team is running efficiently. The team also acquires knowledge and experience by collaborating in ways that add increasing value over time. Ultimately, they enable a customer to scale capacity much more quickly, eliminating management bottlenecks and achieving an optimal span of control for teams.

software outsourcing

4. Is a dedicated software development team a Scrum team?

Yes, that's a great way to think about a dedicated software development team. Team management is based on Agile/Scrum . Although it can be adapted to other methodologies, the central philosophy is based on an autonomous team that provides constant value with continuous validation of results.

5. What functions do you offer?

6. How quickly can I see a candidate? When will you be able to assemble a team of 5 people? 10? 20?

Depending on requirements, candidates will be provided in approximately 72 to 96 hours . Once approved, you can expect an average of approximately 2 weeks to get the first engineers on the project . After that, you can expect a rate of 3 to 5 new team members weekly if you need to add more. Of course, in an emergency we could speed up the process, but this is a standard estimate for most projects.

7. How many years of experience do your engineers have?

Interested in scaling your software development efforts? Learn more about our software development services. We are ready to help.

8. Is BairesDev a recruitment agency?

No, we are not. While our recruiting capabilities are one of our strongest competitive advantages, and while we are the leading company in Latin America in terms of annual applications received, we specialize in creating software and building IT teams for our clients . Our engineers are all full-time professionals.

9. Where are you geographically located?

10. Is it possible to have the team working together in one office and not spread across Latin America?

Yes of course. This is a common preference among our customers. They can choose between co-located teams and distributed teams. In essence, a co-located team benefits from in-person interaction but would limit talent to a specific city. Sometimes a combination of a core team in our offices and a few celebrity engineers in other locations is the best approach.

While a co-located team can simplify coordination, a distributed team benefits from a vast talent pool, creating a team of high-performing individuals where talent is not limited by geography. Limited face-to-face interaction is overcome with daily video conferences. Our project management methodology helps reduce communication gaps to zero. Either way, we can adapt to whatever you prefer.

project management methodology

11. Do you offer project-based engagements?

Yes, we work with project-based tenders when requirements are clearly defined . If the requirements are not clearly defined, it is better to work with an Agile approach in the dedicated teams model, where our project manager works side by side with the product owner. They will define and prioritize the backlog and define milestones and deliverables. This would allow you to interact with the team and modify or add features or requirements without the hassle of a change request document.

12. Who supervises the work carried out by your engineers?

When working with a dedicated software development team our project manager will be fully dedicated to the project and the team , minimizing management overhead on your part. They will assign tasks, ensure all deadlines are met, and report details and progress to you and your team on a daily or weekly basis, depending on your preference.

13. What kind of attrition/turnover rates do you have?

turnover of technology professionals

14. Are your professionals already part of your staff? What is the size of your bench?

However, not only are our recruitment and hiring processes very standardized, which guarantees the same results for new hires, but they are also fast, which means you won't have to wait even if we bring someone in from the market. We evaluate all of our hundreds of thousands of applicants annually regardless of whether we have an immediate opening for them. The reason we do this is to have the fastest onboarding process in the industry when recruiting a professional.

15. What is your benefit compared to a cheaper resource in India or Asia?

There are other factors such as location. Having most of our engineers located in Latin America is a great advantage . Not only because it makes us more efficient because we can ask the right question at the right time and interact in real time, but it also makes you more efficient. You probably know the challenge of coordinating time zones, making video calls at 4am or midnight just to answer a simple question. It may seem trivial, but being able to solve problems and interact in real time can be the difference between the success or failure of a project. All of our engineers are fluent in English which means you can perform Scrum ceremonies and video calls seamlessly throughout the day.

Leverage more than 4,000 software engineers to build your digital products on any technology stack you need. Schedule a call

Source: BairesDev

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