Terceirização de desenvolvimento de software para startups

Software development outsourcing for startups

Expand your initial budget even further! Discover outsourced software development for startups, leveraging global talent for cost-effective, fast, and quality solutions.

Terceirização de desenvolvimento de software para startups

Although they are all household names today, Alibaba, Google, Upwork, Slack, Groove, SeatGeek, Skype, GitHub, WhatsApp and Basecamp were once startups. They have something else in common besides rising to the top of their niches: they also outsourced software development to get their businesses off the ground and turn them into the brands we know today. Many continue to use external suppliers.

All organizations start somewhere. And it is extremely rare that one person or even a small group of people can do this alone. Outsourcing startup development presents a viable solution to turn your idea into reality.

The fact is that internal development is expensive and time-consuming, especially when you are still establishing yourself as a company. And with so much at stake, it's natural to want to take the approach that's most likely to be successful. For many, this means outsourcing software development.

Terceirização de desenvolvimento de software para startups 1

Why do startups outsource software development?

Outsourcing software development for startups can take many forms. There are also several different motivations for doing this – and the model you choose will be based on the reasoning behind your decision.

Many startups are struggling with often self-imposed deadlines – and they may not be realistic with their current constraints. An external development team can alleviate some of the burden by handling the technical side while you work to enhance and solidify your business model and focus on your business goals. Plus, they will handle these responsibilities for a much lower price than the cost of hiring full-time developers.

Third-party developers can also establish a suitable infrastructure and model to follow in the future, whether you consider this a long-term or short-term arrangement. This will help you enormously in the future by giving you an outline to follow as you grow.

Another benefit that the model offers is the possibility of establishing and solidifying a relationship with an outsourced team. Outsourcing companies work with companies at different stages of maturity, so developing this relationship from the beginning will give you a solid foundation for what could be a fruitful partnership in the years to come.

Plus, you can take advantage of best-in-class product development experience, specialized skill sets, and the elimination of recruiting and onboarding time.

Is outsourcing good for a startup?

In many cases, outsourcing is extremely useful for startups of different sizes and types. This has been the basis for countless well-known companies and continues to serve a number of organizations well.

If you hope to become competitive in a market that has grown and, in many ways, become a saturated space, you will need to utilize a number of innovative strategies to stay ahead of the curve and distinguish yourself as a brand. Tapping the talent of top suppliers who are more experienced and often have years of experience will give you an edge.

Another advantage of outsourcing startup development is that you will be able to stay up to date with trends in the field. These teams are aware of new developments and changes in the software and can offer valuable insights and recommendations on how you should proceed.

Developing for Startups: Our Methodology

We will work with you to understand your needs, choose the best languages ​​and technologies for software development, create a plan, and keep you informed about all of our efforts. Even after the product launch, we will continue to offer maintenance and support.

You can choose team augmentation or a dedicated team model to help you achieve your goals as a startup. Through the first approach, we will find talented Developers to join your current team who will bring specialized skill sets and help you become more productive and efficient.

A dedicated team, in turn, will build and implement your project autonomously. We will work independently, bringing in our own professionals, such as Project Manager, UX Designer, Quality Assurance (QA) Testers and, of course, Developers. You'll even be informed of progress along the way.

Startup Outsourcing Ideas

When you are a startup outsourcing development , there are many different niches and areas that your partner can take off your hands. Some examples include:

Some of our most requested enterprise software applications include:

  • Comprehensive software development
  • Custom development
  • Minimum viable product (MVP) development
  • Quality Control Testing and Analysis
  • Ongoing support and maintenance
  • User Experience Design

But startups outsource much more than software development. Additionally, consider reaching out to a freelancer or external team to:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Consulting
  • Essay
  • Customer support
  • Graphic design
  • Human Resources
  • Market research
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Payroll Processing
  • Recruitment
  • To look for
  • Sales support
  • Social media
  • User experience design (UX)
  • Website development and design

Develop your startup project today!

Are you the leader of a startup that outsources development or plan to use this approach? To find the best partner for your needs, you'll need to ensure the team has experience, a high level of skills, a honed approach, and a portfolio and reviews to back up their work.

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