Tendências do iOS a serem observadas em 2024

iOS Trends to Watch in 2024

Developers should pay attention to these factors and use them to think strategically and creatively about what end users might want and need.

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The year 2024 will be an exciting one for iOS App Development . Developers can expect new features in the operating system that will enable new levels of creativity. Apple is also updating features for development teams. Additionally, high-profile technology trends such as 5G, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) offer additional possibilities. In the following sections we'll explore all of these changes and what they could mean for developers.

High-Level Tech Trends

Before we delve into what's new in iOS development , let's talk about what's happening in development in general. The following technologies are important for all application developers to be aware of.

  • 5G. Fifth generation (5G) mobile connectivity offers faster data transfer speeds and lower latency. By 2024, 5G will be the mobile technology standard for Apple and other brands. The adoption of 5G will enable higher quality and more feature-rich applications.
  • AI and ML. Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technology machine learning (ML) enable things like prediction and personalization. They allow developers to create new applications more quickly and easily and also increase the performance of the applications themselves.
  • Headlights. These small wireless devices can collect important data in retail environments, providing connected applications with the opportunity to send useful information – such as relevant coupons – to customers who choose to receive it.
  • IoT. Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows common objects like smart thermostats to send information to applications, giving users the ability to control or operate more items in their environments.
  • Mobile commerce. More people are shopping through mobile apps rather than websites, a phenomenon known as mobile commerce . This trend is expected to continue, giving app developers new opportunities to improve shopping experiences and increase revenue.
  • VR and AR. VR and AR allow app users to immerse themselves in various experiences. They offer new guidance for all types of applications, including gaming, travel and retail.
  • Clothing. Watches, rings, and even clothing can use apps to activate a wide variety of functions. This technology is advancing rapidly, especially in sectors like finance, for things like fast payments, and healthcare for monitoring physical conditions.

New features for development teams

iOS app developers should note the following features to take advantage of the technologies listed above.

  • Enhancements in Xcode 14. Xcode 14 includes new enhancements to increase productivity. The app can be used on multiple devices, includes an app icon feature, and contains language and editing improvements.
  • Xcode Cloud. Integrated with Xcode, this cloud continuous integration and delivery service allows Apple developers to automatically build apps in the cloud, enabling them to build, test, and deliver apps more efficiently.
  • New game features. Metal 3 is the latest version of Apple's graphics framework. Its new features improve performance, including MetalFX Upscaling, a new fast resource loading API, and the ability to add activity views to the dashboard.
  • Improvements to Swift and SwiftUI. These platforms contain new features to speed up the development process. They include package plugins to run custom commands and custom layouts to create multiple application layout versions. The following video explains the importance of Swift.

  • Weather kit. This feature allows developers to integrate weather forecasts directly into applications. It is available through native Swift and REST APIs and includes API calls with Apple Developer Program membership.
  • SKAdNetwork API. This API includes features designed to help advertisers measure the performance of in-app ads while preserving user privacy. It also allows developers to gain more insights into conversions for smaller campaigns.
  • New APIs. New APIs available to Apple developers include lock screen widgets, live text, collaboration tools, passkeys, MapKit, focus filters, automatic shortcuts, watchOS 9, RoomPlan, and live activities.

What is iOS 16 Beta 4?

The iOS 16 Beta 4 operating system is the latest version of Apple's operating system for mobile devices. The iOS 16 beta 4 release date was July 2022. When creating new apps, developers should be aware of the features that end users will be able to access with iOS 16. They include the following.

  • App Clips . These programs allow iPhone or iPad users to perform specific functions – such as viewing apps and games or making payments – without having to download an entire app.
  • Apple Pay and Wallet. New abilities include breaking purchases into smaller payments, sharing keys in Wallet, sharing identification information, and managing all Apple Cash Card payment requests in Wallet.
  • Focus. Users will have the ability to connect the lock screen to focus. Other new features include lock screen suggestions, home screen page suggestions, focus filters, focus schedules, and a whitelist and mute list.
  • iCloud Shared Photo Library. This feature includes sharing a photo library with family members, smart setup rules and sharing suggestions, and the ability to collaborate on a collection.
  • Lockscreen. Improvements include the ability to customize the lock screen, the ability to easily switch lock screens, lock screen editing, photo shuffle, live activities, and widgets.
  • Messages. Users will be able to edit a message, undo sending a message, mark messages as unread, recover recently deleted messages, send collaboration invitations, and send collaboration updates.
  • Access keys. This function replaces passwords, making the device more secure against phishing and website leaks and allowing users to log in and synchronize information between devices.
  • Crab. Assistant updates include the ability to run no-setup shortcuts, ask about features, insert emojis when sending texts, and get expanded offline support.

New trends drive iOS development

The year 2024 will be exciting for iOS development companies given high-profile technology trends like IoT, beacons, and AI and ML. Other factors include Apple's new resources for development teams and the many new features in iOS 16. Developers should keep an eye on these updates and use them to think strategically and creatively about what end users might want and need .

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