Técnicas de resolução de problemas: uma abordagem holística por um engenheiro de controle de qualidade

Problem Solving Techniques: A Holistic Approach by a QA Engineer

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In our day to day work we carry out normal tasks with a very simple and natural process, either because they are easy or because they are a common part of our work. When new challenges arise, we improve our knowledge and skills to find a solution. In the search for these new solutions, different people have different ways of implementing problem-solving processes. In this article, I will discuss my personal methods as a quality control engineer, hoping that these recommendations are helpful.

Problem solving involves different techniques for identifying, analyzing and solving problems, such as critical and creative thinking, using trial and error methods, working collaboratively, performing root cause analysis and logical reasoning. Different types of problems will require different approaches, and using a combination of these methods can lead you to more effective results.

The relationship between problem solving and quality control

Problem solving is a very important skill in virtually every field, from science and engineering to everyday situations, and of course the Quality Assurance process is no exception. In this context, problem solving plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of products and services. Quality control teams are responsible for identifying and resolving problems, defects and requirements not fully met in the development of software, systems or processes. Generally speaking, these are the most important aspects of how problem solving and quality control interact:

  • Identification of defects . A defect is an unintended behavior in a software product, and this identification is done using various testing techniques, such as functional testing, performance testing, and usability testing, to find problems. These skills will help the quality control engineer identify and categorize defects, determining their root causes.
  • Root cause analysis . This is essential to implementing appropriate corrective actions. This will allow the quality control professional to investigate the root cause of defects or failures. Furthermore, the knowledge gained will help prevent similar problems from arising and improve the overall quality of the product.
  • Test case design . This is especially important because product quality will depend on correct test case design, which can consider different user scenarios and edge cases to fully validate system functionality, performance, and reliability.
  • Problem-solving skills also help quality control professionals troubleshoot and isolate problems, investigate the source of the problem, and propose appropriate corrections or workarounds.

Problem solving is an integral part of the quality control process and is the basis for identifying, analyzing and resolving problems and ensuring overall product quality. In addition to these definitions and problem-solving techniques, I will share with you my own approach, addressing key concerns.

First, let's dive into problem solving as a creative process for finding solutions. When we try to come up with innovative ideas to create new processes or new products, I recommend that you take these considerations into account:

Clear goals ahead

Should all steps be analyzed before starting to work on solving a particular problem? Maybe not. The first thing I do as a QA engineer is determine if the overall objective is achievable . I determine this is based on my experience with similar issues. This is the most important step, as it is the starting point where I will have to decide whether I can move forward or not. We don't need to be 100% confident that we can find the solution, but we do have to be able to estimate that there are good chances of obtaining satisfactory results.

As long as we know that the main objective is achievable, problems that may arise will not be significant blockers. This will motivate you, as you will see that you are getting closer to the solution, taking small steps in the right direction. The solution may turn out as expected or turn into an iterative process where sometimes it is necessary to pause and evaluate, from a different point of view, whether adjustments need to be made or not.

Preparing alternative paths

You don't need to have a workaround planned out in detail, but you need to consider some options based on your own experience and be aware of the relevant obstacles that may arise and how to deal with them. If your original idea doesn't work, it doesn't mean you have to give up. This is always a possibility, so I always consider a plan B, even if it is high-level. As a quality control engineer, I apply this to my daily activities. This is an intuitive way of solving problems based on insights from previous events where critical thinking, in combination with creative thinking, played a significant role.

A combination of techniques

Troubleshooting at work in my daily activities as a quality control engineer will involve identifying, isolating, and analyzing problems that cause malfunctions in a system that is running in a production environment. Due to the nature of the processes affected by system errors, finding a quick solution can be stressful. However, it is always important to follow and take advantage of all the QA team's techniques to identify and resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Solving the problem: step by step

Let's consider a scenario where a software application exhibits obvious erratic behavior and does not function as it should. Users are reporting stability issues and submitting proof of incorrect calculations in the system. It could be, for example, a payroll processing system that is paying more than 20% of the normal calculations in a regular payroll period and is taking a long time to finish.

The quality control team is responsible for identifying and resolving the issue. They need to investigate the problem, find the root cause, and provide recommendations to the technical team for a solution.

The first thing to do is describe the problem accurately. It is important that, before reaching a solution, everyone knows and understands very well what the problem is and avoids incorrect versions of it. It is very common for different people reporting the same problem to describe it in very different words and, apparently, in very different circumstances. It is also common for the QA team and the development team to understand different versions of the problem.

Steps to resolve the issue include the following:

  • Have a clear definition of the problem : the nature, scope, number of users affected and any other relevant aspects.
  • Reproduce the issue . It is important to gather all information about the problem, reproducing the reported behavior. This will require recreating the user environment, using the same accounts, same data, checking system logs, etc.
  • Perform exhaustive testing to identify the specific conditions or actions that produce the errors. This means running automated and manual test cases from smoke and regression suites designed to quickly test system health. This will also require manually performing the same operations that users are reporting with the same data.
  • Analyze and diagnose . Once the issue has been reproduced and identified, the QA team must analyze all available data to determine the root cause of the errors. This may involve investigating business processes and requirements, as well as documents or new definitions or regulations that may have affected system functionality.
  • Collaborate with the development team . It's important to share QA findings and work together to resolve the issue, helping developers understand the issue better and from a different perspective.
  • Propose and validate solutions. The QA team can suggest potential solutions once they have done the analysis and discussed the issues with the development team. The QA team can recommend changes or new features to eliminate errors. All implemented changes must be thoroughly tested to ensure that bugs have been addressed and resolved.
  • Retest the entire system by running all available automated and manual regression and smoke test suites. Sometimes a solution may work well for the specific problem it was designed for, but it's always important to check that it hasn't impacted other functionality.
  • Monitor and track . The QA team must monitor that none of the reported errors occur after implementing the fixes. It will also be necessary to be aware of any new errors after the corrections, whether in the affected part of the product or in any of its features.

By following these steps, QA engineers can address and resolve errors reported in the system, ensuring correct functionality and maintaining software quality.

It is important, during the process, not to become stressed with pessimistic ideas about something that is irremediably wrong. These steps will guide you towards a well-structured path and, as long as they are carried out carefully and systematically, you and your team will be closer to the solution.

Whenever you need to learn and try something new, focus on the outcome and trust the proven success of these techniques. Even if you fail, you will gain experience and insights. This will stimulate your creativity and prepare you with better problem-solving methods for future events. When you feel like your time is running out, try not to rush. The solution will be easier if you think of it as a first approach or as a workaround – that's the main basis. From there, you will feel more comfortable refining it, improving it, and making it more efficient when you are satisfied with the core problem solved as an overall approach. Don't hesitate to propose temporary solutions to solve a problem.

A holistic approach to problem solving

Not everything is always solved with technical skills or years of professional experience. An important part of the process has to do with maintaining a good state of mind and using some techniques that help us pass with a positive attitude. In this sense, you could say that, regardless of hard skills or practical experience, there will always be additional practices that some team members may want to try or adopt.


The trick is to keep breathing. Practicing a good breathing technique will always help keep you calm, not only in matters at work, but also in everyday life. I can never stop talking about how important it is to breathe and to do it with good technique . Breathing will benefit not only your health and your mind, but also your creative process and your ability to make the right decisions in stressful moments.

Give a break

Taking a 5 or 10 minute break is a great way to step away from processes that aren't taking us anywhere. Sometimes it is even necessary to distance ourselves from the problem for the rest of the day and return to it the next day. When you work long hours trying to solve a problem, you feel tired and frustrated. This will usually improve if you rest and continue later with a clear head. You may be surprised to discover that the solution was right in front of you or that you were close but a break was needed. This happens much more often than one might imagine.

Share the burden

Discussing the problem with someone else can also give you a completely different view of what should be done. Moving forward with a teamwork mindset will change the way we solve problems. If you or someone else is in trouble, asking for and offering help will help the situation move more smoothly. The team will be in charge of dividing the problem into smaller parts so that everyone covers its different aspects. Someone will review the database health and others will check network traffic, running services, backend responses, frontend functionality, broken pages, performance issues, and so on.

Additionally, look for techniques that help sharpen your mind:

  • Relax and reduce stress.
  • Find ways to learn and be creative.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Connect with others.
  • Take care of your physical health.
  • Try to get enough sleep.

Space to improve your skills

When it comes to dealing with a personal problem, not all work-related methods can meet the requirements, but it is important to have a creative mindset and focus at all times. For example, if it has to do with creating out-of-the-box solutions, you can follow the path I described, but if the circumstances are very particular, ask for help, look for articles, or search online tutorials that describe how others have managed to solve this type of problem. problem. It is very important not to waste valuable time looking for solutions to specific technical problems that may have already been solved by a large number of people.

Nowadays, there are many resources on the Internet and you can also take advantage of many newly created AI-based tools to get help with many specific topics you may face. You can use AI-based applications to gain new insights that you haven't explored before and that will stop you from wasting time investigating something that is already available to you. Acquiring new knowledge and using new tools is a big key to success. With so many technologies on the market, it is natural that a QA professional needs to constantly investigate the use of many of these tools, and it is crucial to create and maintain updated documentation.

I will end by saying that there are challenges around the corner and that they can be exciting. So if my daughter tells me she needs to build a friendly robot for a school project and asks me for help, here I go again. I don't know how, but of course we will build it, one way or another.

There will always be a set of techniques available to follow a structured path. You will use your experience, critical thinking, and state of mind to tackle a problem with all the tools you need to help you succeed. The problem in front of you may seem big and scary, but don't hesitate to explore it; instead, focus and get ready to work on it. The features I have proposed in this article will always work in your favor.

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