Technology and Development

O que os robôs podem fazer pelo seu negócio

What robots can do for your business

While the world of robotics may still seem distant and foreign, business leaders would do well to explore how they can contribute to the organization's success.

What robots can do for your business

While the world of robotics may still seem distant and foreign, business leaders would do well to explore how they can contribute to the organization's success.

O futuro da IA: principais insights da Compraco

The future of AI: key insights from Compraco

Como fazer com que todos em sua empresa participem da IA

How to get everyone in your company on board wi...

Employees tend to view AI as a threat. This feeling forms a strong resistance that you will need to overcome to successfully integrate AI into your business.

How to get everyone in your company on board wi...

Employees tend to view AI as a threat. This feeling forms a strong resistance that you will need to overcome to successfully integrate AI into your business.

5 maneiras de usar IA para melhorar sua transformação digital

5 ways to use AI to improve your digital transf...

It doesn't matter what type of company you own or what type of sector you operate in – it's very likely that you've already heard about the need to embark...

5 ways to use AI to improve your digital transf...

It doesn't matter what type of company you own or what type of sector you operate in – it's very likely that you've already heard about the need to embark...

Como GenAI pode ajudar a modernizar sistemas legados

How GenAI can help modernize legacy systems

The need to modernize legacy systems has not been greater. As a generation of Cobol programmers retires, GenAI emerges as a great support for modernizing systems, inter...

How GenAI can help modernize legacy systems

The need to modernize legacy systems has not been greater. As a generation of Cobol programmers retires, GenAI emerges as a great support for modernizing systems, inter...

AI Deepfakes: uma ameaça à autenticação biométrica facial

AI Deepfakes: a threat to facial biometric auth...

Increasingly sophisticated and fake live videos are fooling facial biometric authentication methods. We put software vulnerabilities under the microscope to explore whether the days...

AI Deepfakes: a threat to facial biometric auth...

Increasingly sophisticated and fake live videos are fooling facial biometric authentication methods. We put software vulnerabilities under the microscope to explore whether the days...